On Tuesday December 21st, please join in the fun! Students may wear ugly Christmas sweaters, Christmas socks, Santa hats, reindeer antlers to school with their uniform bottoms!
Whatever you have on hand at home so that we spread some Christmas cheer!!
The Positive School Committee
If your child is ill for less than 24 hours, the student may return to school the following day.
If symptoms persist 24 hours or longer, the student may return to school if symptoms are mostly resolved and they have one of the following:
> a negative Covid 19 PCR test
> an alternative diagnosis from their doctor
> quarantine for 10 days from symptom onset
Unvaccinated siblings
of a positive Covid 19 case must also quarantine. There are two quarantine options:
> Quarantine for 10 days from the last date of exposure to positive case, at which point they can return to school so long as they remain asymptomatic.
> Obtain a negative Covid19 test (PCR only) no earlier than 6 days after the last date of exposure to the positive case and within 48 hours of returning to school. If the sibling receives a negative PCR Covid 19 test and is symptom free, they can return to school no earlier than the 7th day.
Fully Vaccinated siblings with no symptoms do not have to quarantine after exposure. This is the CDC & IDPH protocol. The Archdiocese is following this protocol. Therefore, siblings and that have been fully vaccinated and do not have symptoms do not need to quarantine for exposure to a positive case. However, siblings should follow mitigating protocols while at home to limit possible exposure while at home with the positive case.
A reminder that SFX and the Archdiocese of Chicago follow the City of Chicago travel guidance.
We continue to follow the City of Chicago's classification of "orange" states, maintaining our travel quarantine requirements for non-vaccinated individuals.
Non-vaccinated individuals must quarantine for 10 days or obtain negative COVID test to avoid the need to quarantine. Vaccinated individuals are not required to quarantine after travel.
CLICK HERE for the City of Chicago's Covid 19 Travel Advisory.
Parents, please remind your child(ren) have the following with them every day:
- a clean, unbroken mask with them, and that it is readily available to wear as they enter the school building
- a second mask in their backpack as a spare.
Thank you!
Last Call for Lost & Found!
Our Lost & Found "runneth over"! Items not claimed by noon on Wednesday 12/22 will be donated. Please have your children look to see if anything is theirs. There are scarves, hats, sweatshirts and more!
Ivy League Before and After School Extended Care
To register for the extended care program, follow this link to the registration packet. Each child will need a separate registration packet.
Wednesday 12/22 is a HALF DAY with NOON DISMISSAL
Have a safe, healthy, and very Merry Christmas!
Please CLICK HERE for information about tuition assistance from St. Francis Xavier Parish. Families applying for tuition assistance must complete an online application and submit the necessary supporting documentation to FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment from February 1 to June 1, or later if circumstances change and warrant a need for financial assistance. We are pleased to offer you this convenient, online method to apply for financial aid through FACTS for St Francis Xavier School. FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment conducts the tuition assistance analysis for St. Francis Xavier each school year.
All families applying for tuition assistance through FACTS are encouraged to also submit an application for tuition assistance through Empower Illinois at Empowerillinois.org.
Mark your calendars: Empower Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Applications for the 2022/23 School Year. Empower Illinois’ reservation night has been set for 7 p.m., on Wed., Jan. 12, 2022.
We are so proud of our students, families and alumni, who by example in our community are ambassadors of SFX School. We speak to many prospective new families who compliment our polite, kind and welcoming SFX students.
How can you help keep SFX school enrollment strong?
> Show your Falcon Pride... LIKE & SHARE our SFX social media posts on your pages!
> Direct interested prospective families to visit our website SFXLG.ORG/SCHOOL and contact Advancement Director, Mary Tassi at 708-352-2175 or mtassi@sfxlg.org to receive information and registration forms. The infographic shown may also be forwarded by clicking here. Prospective families are often referred to our school by current SFX school families and parishioners.
Parents, we THANK YOU for spreading the word about SFX, and we encourage these kind endorsements and referrals to our school!
In art class with Mrs. McGhee, Mrs. Mattucci and Mrs. McCormick, 4th grade students learned that the major faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam are examples of monotheism or belief in one supreme God with similarities in notions of sacrifice, good works, hospitality, peace, justice, pilgrimage, an afterlife & loving God with all one's heart and soul. Traditional symbols of the Star of David, Crescent moon and Star, as well as the Christmas Star or Star of Bethlehem were also discussed. Students painted and decorated Christmas Stars.
The SFX 2nd grade Brownies went door to door bringing Christmas cheer by caroling. At the last house they asked to sing “Away in the Manger”. It was a song the troop did not go over, but they assured the surprised troop leader they had learned it in Music Class. The girls knew every word and were so very proud. The receivers of the song had tears in their eyes.
Alumni Corner: Given that last year's Church League basketball season was cancelled due to the pandemic, SFX Parish invited the Class of '17 boys to return for an open gym during Thanksgiving break and we called it the Turkey Dribble!!
It is time to GET EXCITED about the 2022 SFX Talent Show - Saturday 2/26 at 2pm and 7pm!
1st through 8th grade students, start brainstorming acts! Keep in mind the following as you do:
- We are looking for ALL SORTS of talent - singing, magic tricks, karate, ventriloquist, instrument-playing, dancing, comedy, anything you can think of!!
- Each act should be no longer than 2 minutes
- We cannot have repeat songs throughout the show (submit your form early to claim a popular song!)
- No lip-syncing will be allowed
- One act per student
As in the past, we will begin rehearsals after the holidays on Tues / Thurs starting the week of 1/10 (with a dress rehearsal the afternoon of 2/21). All acts should be "rehearsal ready" including music by that week. Students participating in the show will be expected to attend ONE of these rehearsals each week. Plans are subject to change due to Covid restrictions/ changes between now and then. Students will be required to wear masks. When children are performing they maintain distance. There will be no snacks allowed this year during practices. Students are allowed to bring water bottles.
Each act AND any 6th, 7th and 8th grade student who wishes to work as part of the crew for Talent Show 2022 should complete THIS google form no later than 12/22!
Heidi and I are thrilled to co-direct our final Talent Show together, and we can't wait to see Falcons share their talents!
Katy Newcomb and Heidi Quinn
Back to the 90’s SFX Auction - April 30, 2022
Let’s hit rewind to a totally rad time! We’re heading back to the ‘90s for the St. Francis Xavier School Auction. Save the date and help make this auction the most awesome auction yet!
When: Saturday, April 30, 2022
Where: St. Francis Xavier Parking Lot
Please consider donating to the silent auction. We're looking for:
Sporting tickets, concert experiences, music lessons, airline miles, a long stay at your summer house, a grill, gaming systems, a round of golf, a gift certificate to your favorite restaurant, babysitting hours, spa experiences, book of the month basket, beer of the month club, the possibilities are endless.
(Church if inclement weather)
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2021 8:20am
This week, we will be specifically praying for the PreSchool 3 class.
Each week, we pray for the SFX students, families, faculty and staff.
At this time we are looking for the following pictures:
Ice Cream Social
7th & 8th Grade Social
5th through 8th Boys Basketball
5th/6th Girls Basketball
7th/8th Girls Volleyball
Academic/Math Team
Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts
Classroom Photos - all grades needed
8th Graders only: Baby pictures
8th Graders only: "Retro" SFX pictures
Thanks Falcon Parents! Your SFX 2021-2022 Yearbook Chairs, Katy Newcomb, Kim Leader and Carla Strama
1) Email our coordinator at ShopforSFX@sfxlg.org to receive our enrollment code.
2) Go to www.ShopwithScrip.com and click on Join a Program.
3) Enter a user name, password, and your account information. Fill in the validation, click Register, and you can start earning money for SFX!
Bookmark the link! Your purchases can make a difference!
Here's a suggestion to help SFX TWICE as much!
(EASY AS 1-2-3)...
Whenever the mood strikes you to shop, you'll be ready!
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to SFX!
Tuesday 12/21
Pizza Day Lunch
Wednesday 12/22
12-23 - 1/5/22
Thursday 1/6/22
Class Resumes
Wednesday 1/12/22
7:00 pm
Empower Illinois’ Reservation Night
Thursday 1/13/22
4-8 pm
Panera Restaurant Fundraiser
Wednesday 1/26/22
11 am - 8 pm
Q-BBQ & Hot Dog Co. Restaurant Fundraiser
Sunday 1/30/22
SFX School
Open House
More Details to Come
Thank you for the many parents who have used Click & Clap again this year to let an individual Teacher, Staff Member or Administrative Team Member know that they are appreciated! Your words of encouragement mean so much!
Click & Clap is our year-round positive recognition program allowing families to acknowledge special moments, and thank a SFX Faculty or Staff member for something they have done that has left a positive impression on your child or on your family in a special way. Click & Claps are shared with the named faculty or staff member by Mrs. Garcia.
Come to the Games!
We LOVE to see young Falcons at the games!
See home & away sports through this link.
You can also download the 8to18 app for your phone from the AppStore!
The following is shared community news. Content shared is informational and does not serve as a recommendation or endorsement by SFX School or Parish.