Golfers went "head over heels" at the sold out 2021 St. Francis Xavier Golf Outing! Enjoy the highlight video from this great event! See you next year!
1st Graders were focused and eager to participate in iReady testing last week!
Thank you FSA for the great start to our week!
DirectorySpot has been updated for 2021-2022!
New families, CLICK HERE for instructions on how to get DirectorySpot on your devices.
IMPORTANT: ALL families please check your information for accuracy. Please send any changes or questions to Mary Hoffman
Picture Day Retakes will be held on October 14th.
Many thanks to Mrs. Peggy Evans for the many hours that she puts into coordinating fall pictures, retakes, yearbook groups and graduation pictures!
As we prepare for in-classroom volunteer opportunities, FSA is seeking volunteers to help coordinate and serve as administrative liaisons for each classroom. We will be opening a sign-up on Thursday, September 23 at 7:30pm for these positions. If you are interested in helping out in this capacity, please be sure to check your email for the link to sign up!
Please note that, while these positions are mostly administrative, they are critical to get these programs up and running again. The sign-up for specific volunteer opportunities like parties, Art Smart and Service Program Visits will be sent the following week. Stay tuned!
ROOM PARENT (PK3-7): The Room Parent serves as an administrative liaison and coordinates parent volunteers as needed per the teacher’s request. They send reminders to those parents who have signed up for a party, find substitutions if volunteers are no longer available and are responsible for providing a small treat on Holy Thursday. New this year, the room parent is no longer responsible for soliciting in-person volunteers for classroom events. They will receive the list of those that have signed up from FSA.
ART SMART GRADE LEVEL LEAD (K-6): Each class should have an Art Smart Lead. Grade level leads coordinate the dates for the classroom lessons with the teachers, work together to assign and coordinate Art Smart Volunteers for each of classroom lessons, send reminders about the visits to the Art Smart volunteers, and manage the grade-level supplies for the lessons.
SERVICE PROGRAM GRADE LEVEL LEAD (PK4-8): Each class should have a Service Program Lead, responsible for coordinating the class's service program visits in consultation with the classroom teachers as well as the Service Program Chairs. Grade level leads work together to assign and coordinate service program volunteers for classroom lessons, distributing the lesson content and any related materials. Grade level leads also coordinate the All-School Service Day project.
Thank you to all who attended, sponsored and supported!
CHAIRS: Katie & Scott Lutzow
CO-CHAIRS: Lindsey & JB Mackenzie for a great event!
Deirdre Bolen
Angie McMurray
Erin Thunander
Sandy Toczylowski
Attention SFX parents!
Buy your 2021-2022 yearbook before the end of September for a 10% discount. Go to, and use your same login and password from past years to do so!
Parents new to SFX, use this activation link and code to set up your Treering account:
Our SFX passcode is 1015047106533739
Help us make the best possible yearbook by uploading photos to shared folders you will be able to access throughout the year once you LOG IN to Treering; no more shareable links needed!
All sports, extracurriculars and special events have a shared folder, so upload the photos to the folder labeled with that name, once you are logged on; you may do so from your phone with the Treering app as well.
At this time we are looking for the following pictures: First Day of School, Football, Cross Country, 5/6 Girls Volleyball, 7/8 Girls Volleyball, 5/6 Girls Basketball, 7/8 Girls Basketball, Boy Scouts.
Thanks Falcon Parents!
Your SFX 2021-2022 Yearbook Chairs,
Katy Newcomb, Kim Leader and Carla Strama
Attention all PS3 – 3rd grade families! Please use the link below to register for the annual Ice Cream Social! Hope to see you there!
DATE: Thursday September 23th
TIME: 8:20am
PLACE: SFX Mary Garden
(Church if inclement weather)
Each week, we pray for the SFX students, families, faculty and staff.
As always, bring your special intentions! And remember, if….
✔ You’ve never prayed a Rosary. (We’ll have a quick overview before we start the prayer.)
✔ It’s been a while, and you may have forgotten how. (We pray in a group… no one will know if, “under pressure,” you forget the Our Father! It happens…..every week.)
✔ You lost your rosary beads. (There are plenty of extra Rosary beads on-hand.)
✔ You don’t have enough time. (Start slow. Pray a decade or two with us. It’s typically 15-20 minutes.)
✔ Your little one(s) won’t sit still. (They are most welcome. There is room to wiggle. And kid-friendly activities are available.)
✔ You just want to start praying. (At first glance, the Rosary is simply a prayer asking for Mary’s prayers. But, when we meditate on each mystery of Christ’s life, we learn that Mary is asking us to draw closer to her Son.)
The Jewel offer has ended and been replaced with a TARGET offer!
Purchase 5 General Mills products from TARGET in one trip before September 30th, and you will earn 55 Box Tops (5 Box Tops + 50 Bonus Box Tops) for SFX! Each family who participates, will earn $5.50 cash for SFX. (This is the equivalent of what you would earn from buying 55 boxes of cereal!)
Purchase 1 General Mills product from COSTCO before September 30th, and you will earn 11 Box Tops (1 Box Top + 10 Bonus Box Tops) for SFX! Each family who participates will earn $1.10 cash for SFX. Every little bit adds up!
It's so easy! All you have to do is:
- Purchase the required amount of products from from TARGET or COSTCO
- Download the Box Tops app and set up your profile with SFX as your school
- Open the app, and snap a picture of your receipt
- Repeat as many times as you can!
All of these General Mills products and many more (cereals, Fruit by the Foot, Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups, Bugles) are eligible for the bonus. Check the package, to make sure you see the Box Tops label.
* offer excludes Yoplait, Nestle, Lysol, and Papermate brands
Shop for SFX (a Scrip Program)
We all shop! With Shop for SFX, your normal purchases could be helping SFX earn tuition credit for your family or another family! The vendors offer the cards at a discount, and SFX gets the difference as profit. Your family has the option of getting 40% of the profit back as a tuition credit, or you can choose to send your credit to another family or return it to the school.
Shop for SFX is a Scrip program which allows you to buy gift cards, either plastic or electronic, for hundreds of vendors for all types of goods and services. Making money for SFX/Tuition Credit is as simple as 1-2-3.
1) Buy a gift card for whatever you need
2) Use the gift card to buy "stuff"
3) Reap the rewards!
It is that simple!
If it seems too complicated, we’re here to walk you through the process. Most families really find it easy once they get started! Email us with any questions:
A single family who committed to buying most of their groceries with gift cards earned over $500 for SFX in a year; that’s $200 in tuition credit and $300 for SFX!
1) Email our coordinator at to receive our enrollment code.
2) Go to and click on Join a Program.
3) Enter a user name, password, and your account information. Fill in the validation, click Register, and you can start earning money for SFX!
Support SFX on Amazon Smile!
Bookmark the link! Your purchases can make a difference! Here's a suggestion to help SFX TWICE as much!
(EASY AS 1-2-3)...
Whenever the mood strikes you to shop, you'll be ready!
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to SFX!
Wednesday 9/22
Chipotle Restaurant
School Fundraiser
Thursday 9/23
6:00 pm
Toys for Tyler Drive & Outdoor Movie Night
SFX Playground Lot
Friday 9/24
No Classes
Faculty Professional Development Day
Sunday 10/3
Homecoming Parade & Football Games at Nazareth
JV 11:00 am
V 1:00 pm
Friday 10/1
Outdoor Ice Cream Social for PS3-3rd Grades
SFX Playground Lot
Thursday 10/7
Buona Beef Fundraiser
Plainfield Rd. Countryside
Monday 10/11
No Classes
Columbus Day
Thursday 10/14
Picture Day RETAKES
Tuesday 10/19
Taco Tuesday Fundraiser
pick-up 4:30-5:30
SFX Playground Lot
Come to the Games!
We LOVE to see young Falcons at the games!
See home & away sports through this link. UP NEXT on 8to18... SFX Girls Volleyball and Girls Basketball!
You can also download the 8to18 app for your phone from the AppStore!
Saturday, September 25th - Lombard Commons Park, 433 E St Charles, Lombard - Race begins at 9am
Saturday, October 2nd - CHAMPIONSHIP - Lewis University, One University Parkway, Romeoville - Race begins at 9am
*Guide to Meets: 5th grade boys followed by 5th grade girls (1 mile), followed by 6th grade boys then girls (1.5 miles), followed by 7th grade boys then girls followed by 8th grade boys then girls (2 miles)
"SPFL" (Suburban Parochial Football League) online SFX Athletic Calendars:
The following is shared community news. Content shared is informational and does not serve as a recommendation or endorsement by SFX School or Parish.
Adults, Seniors, College & High School Students, the Park District of LaGrange is URGENTLY hiring Before & After School positions for multiple school locations. CLICK HERE for info Contact Leanna Hartung, Superintendent of Before and After School Programming, Park District of La Grange 708-588-2233
Thank you for the many parents who have used Click & Clap again this year to let an individual Teacher, Staff Member or Administrative Team Member know that they are appreciated! Your words of encouragement mean so much!
Click & Clap is our year-round positive recognition program allowing families to acknowledge special moments, and thank a SFX Faculty or Staff member for something they have done that has left a positive impression on your child or on your family in a special way. Click & Claps are shared with the named faculty or staff member by Mrs. Garcia.