Your weekly update from St. Francis Xavier School...

O Come Let Us Adore Him!
In This Issue

Don't forget...

Friday, Dec 23rd 
is a half-day for everyone
Dismissal is at 11:30am
Extended care will be offered but no hot lunch will be available.

Next week's LUNCH MENU at-a-glance:
Dec 19
Spaghetti and meat sauce
Dec 20
Chicken Patty
Dec 21
Pizza Wedge
Dec 22
Baked Ham
Dec 23
Half-day, 11:30 dismissal

Mark your calendars...
School Events Committee
happenings include 
Middle School Game Night on Friday, January 13th 
and a 
Family Spaghetti Dinner 
on Saturday, January 21st!  
Stay tuned for more details!  

With only 132 days until our major fundraiser, much help is needed! 
Teams are  being formed right now in the areas of sponsorship, and  donations... Please contact 
l or to place your name one of our team lists!  
Lots happening in extended!
*Baystate Gymnastics 
Click here  for Session 3 
Sign Up Sheet!

*Dessert Decorating
*Upper Grade Chorus
and now the addition of:

basketball-basket.jpg *Instructional Basketball for Grades 1-3!

Something for everyone!
Watch your email for details of club activities, and THANK YOU to all of our parent volunteers who have offered to assist with extended offerings! 
St. Francis Xavier SPIRIT WEAR
can make 
great Christmas gifts... 

These shirts are awesome! 
Adult sizes now available 
for purchase as well !  
  Simply send $15  in an envelope with name and size to the attention of the front office, and we will do our 
best to fill your order.

This week's adventures...
As week four of Advent closes in on us, we realize our days are fewer until the coming of Our Lord and Savior. All of us have many preparations yet to accomplish this coming week, but above all of those menial, yet meaningful preparations, we must hold steadfast to the truth of our faith!  The arrival of Our Lord is the true reason for the season, and we must work hard to ensure that this fact remains at the forefront of all that we do to prepare for Christmas.

Thank you all so much, for the outpouring of love and generosity to our Advent families.  These families will certainly enjoy their Christmas because of your donations!  There is such a wonderful lesson to be learned by our students, as we "give from the heart" to those who are not as fortunate as ourselves.  

We will all feel the Christmas spirit tonight, as we Celebrate the First Christmas!  Our Kindergarten through Grade 5 students will sing the songs of the season in tonight's annual Christmas Concert and Nativity Pageant. Welcoming music will be provided by our wind and string students, beginning at 6pm.  Please be certain that your child(ren) arrive by then to check into their classrooms.  Early arrival will allow you enjoy the welcoming music as you take your seat for the show.  

   Have a  wonderful weekend and 
God bless.
     ~Mrs. Russo
Faith in Practice

the First Christmas with us!

Let us enter into this FINAL week of Advent prayerfully

O Antiphons
                              Dec 17-24

Please join us if you are able to for our next school Mass: 

December 23rd @ 9am
PS3-Grade 8
(weather permitting)

1st Reading: Catherine M. (7)
Psalm: Brooke M. (7)
Prayers of the Faithful: Gabrielle O. (7)

Click here if you or a loved one have thought about receiving the sacraments  and learn about t he Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) starting in January at our parish.

A message to our 8th grade parents from...

Some of our St. Francis families may have been connected in some way to 
Mrs. Theresa Dougall, former President/Principal of BishopStang who passed away this week.  
Mrs. Dougall gave a "Lifetime of Service" to the high school she loved so much and was so dedicated to.  
May she rest in peace.   
Click here to be directly linked to the Bishop Stang website for all current events and happenings, as well as to view a beautiful  video of Terry Dougall's lifetime of service created for her retirement in 2012.

Fly on the Wall
heard from the hall...

While a few of our Baystate gymnasts were changing in the first floor bathroom after school on Monday, here is a snippet of a conversation that unfolded as the girls were randomly speaking about nationalities.  
Anonymous kindergartner
"I am NOT 
Port-o-Cheese, I am Spanish!

This photo is one of the VERY few submitted for the Smile Funny Foto Contest!   

Please forward any and all contest worthy photos to and we will see that you are in the running for $100 gift card!  

Thanks for your participation and involvement! 

which ends December 31st!