Your weekly update from St. Francis Xavier School...

In This Issue
Next week's LUNCH MENU at-a-glance:
Jan 16
Jan 17
Mozzarella Sticks
Jan 18
Creamed Turkey
Jan 19
Taco Salad
Jan 20
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Don't forget...

Mark your calendars...
School Events Committee

JANUARY happenings including:
MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW for the... silverware_pink.jpg


Family Spaghetti Supper 
Saturday, January 21st!  
All reservations must be made by Monday, January 16th!

Catholic School's Week 
excitement is building!

We're "Opening Doors for God's Love to Walk Through!"
January 29th-February 4th
so you are able to plan for your child(ren)'s involvement!  It will also be linked on our website.

Also, please email us a "family selfie" by a door (home, church, etc.) to add to a school display for Open House! 
Send your selfie to
as soon as possible!
Thank you!

This year's annual fundraiser...

With only 104 days until our major fundraiser, much help is needed! 
Teams are  being formed right now in the areas of sponsorship, and donations... 
Please contact 
l or to place your name one of our team lists!  
* Baystate Gymnastics* 
Openings still available for Session 3!
Click here   for  Sign Up Sheet  
Art Club for Grades 5-8 begins this Tuesday the 17th... 
Click here f or flyer and details!
Still collecting paper towel rolls for a Catholic Schools Week project...
Thanks to those who have already sent some in...we're trying to get to 100 rolls!

Are these yours??
Adventures from this week...
This particular day, which arrives annually, is one of the many  that I dub a "proud principal moment".  Today marks our annual Middle school  Science Fair, and I cannot express how impressed  I am every year by the amount of passion, hard work, and creativity  that goes into the successful completion of so many projects.  Our middle school students are so bright!  Many of the visitors and judges who visited  today certainly concurred,  Our Grades 6 thorough 8 students demonstrated their knowledge on their particular topic and presented their accomplishments to various judges and parents.  Thank you, Mrs. Plante, for your hard work and dedication.  Our middle school students certainly shone today!

Happenings on the horizon for the school, include a Spaghetti Dinner next Saturday night.   This  "old tradition made new"  is sure to be a wonderful opportunity for us to gather as a school family!  A few raffle items,  as well as the ever popular 50/50 raffle, will add to the excitement and fun for the evening. Please consider joining us for an evening of fun, food and family!

Catholic Schools Week will be our next major series of events and is a week that we dedicate to celebrating our wonderful and unique school!  Please see the attached schedule of events for the week to begin planning for your family!  Our annual Open House is set to take place on Sunday. January 29th from noon to 2pm.  Please make certain that your re-registration forms are in prior to that date, as we are expecting inquiries at many grade levels.  Finally, if you live in a high visibility area and would be willing to place a yard sign on your property to advertise our school's Open House, please let the main office know!

Thanks so much for your continued support and 
have a wonderful long weekend!

     ~Mrs. Russo
Faith in Practice
Sunday, January 15th 
at 6pm
Bring your family for fellowship, prayer, fun and sweet treats.

Re-registration forms went home last week..thank you to those who have already sent them in.

Please review, fill out, sign and return with your registration fee(s) as soon as possible to secure your child(ren)'s spots for the 2017-2018 school year!
Awesome facts about our school's participation in the Box Tops program:

 This school year, SFX is 50th highest in the state out of 1,990 schools!  

SFX is 14th in the local area. 

The average per MA school is 

2,500 Boxtops.

SFX collected 12,000 Boxtops

 and received a check for $1,200!
Stay tuned for more details and dates for our next collection.
Great job, St. Francis!

Fly on the Wall H eard from the Hall...
Two students were fooling in the foyer one day this week at dismissal time.  One student was hitting another somewhat playfully with a winter hat.  The exchange became less playful, as the pom pom of the hat hit the student in the eye. 
The following exchange ensued:
"(Insert name of student), please stop.  
You don't want to hurt anybody, do you?"
Anonymous kindergartner: 
(displaying some remorse, yet with a small smile) 

Don't forget the 
Funny Foto Contest
has been extended to 
Catholic Schools Week! 
Thank you to those who submitted photos last week... 
keep them coming!  

Please forward any and all contest worthy photos to and we will see that you are in the running for a $100 gift card to be awarded on the 100th day of school! 
CONTEST now ends 
January 30th! 
Click here for info on 2017 Fairhaven/Acushnet
Youth Baseball