February 2022
    "Promoting German culture, language, customs, traditions and interests
for the benefit of all Saskatchewan people." 
Your monthly news & updates
Welcome to SGC's electronic update! This e-newsletter includes information on activities, events, services, programs and projects from the German community in Saskatchewan. Readers will also find information and events from SGC member groups.
Heritage Festival of Saskatoon,
Western Development Museum
From February 26th to March 6th, the Heritage Festival of Saskatoon will celebrate Saskatoon's rich heritage. This year it will be a combination of virtual events and, if allowed under provincial health regulations, there is a possibility of a few smaller in-person events.

SGC will participate with an online cultural calendar about the Black Forest – Schwarzwald. Keep checking our social media closer to the start of the festival to view it!

International Mother Language Day
Every year International Mother Language Day is celebrated on February 21st "to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism". Did you know that there are over 40 language schools in Saskatchewan, offering 30 different languages and that 4 of those schools offer German?

SGC offers a variety of language related services:
Immigration Stories
Saskatchewan is shaped by many stories that make up the cultural diversity and history of this province. If you enjoy reading life stories and adventures of German-Canadian families, who ultimately made Saskatchewan their home, have a look at out collection of immigration stories. Read the collection here.

Advent Calendar
Congratulations to our winners from our 2021 Advent Calendar: Robert L. from Newfoundland and Labrador, Barbara R. from Saskatoon, SK and Heike M. from Saskatoon, SK!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 online Advent Calendar! We're already collecting ideas for our 2022 version!
Scissor Cuts/Scherenschnitte, a Co-Exhibition.
Jessica Richter & Waltraude Stehwien
In special partnership between the Organization of Saskatchewan Art Councils (OSAC) & the Saskatchewan German Council (SGC), the Scissor Cuts/Scherenschnitt exhibition will be at the Allie Griffin Art Gallery in Weyburn from February 1st, 2022 to March 23rd, 2022.

Scherenschnitte (scissor cuts) is an art form where silhouettes are cut from one piece of special black paper with scissors or knives with no ‘hangers’- unattached pieces. Scissor cutting has a long history in German folk art; immigrants brought Scherenschnitte to North America in the 17th Century. Reflecting the Canadian artists in Scissor Cuts/ Scherenschnitte, this collection of works ranges from traditional German Scherenschnitte represented by Waltraude Stehwien, a German immigrant, to papercut evolved into sculpture by Jess Richter- second generation born in Canada.
Mahlzeit at the Regina German Club
February 4, 2022 from 4pm to 7pm. More information on the menu here.

Kochlöffel and Nudelholz: German-Canadian Koch- und Backstudio

SAIL's International Language Day
February 26, 2022. Visit SAIL's website for information on the celebration.

Kochlöffel and Nudelholz: German-Canadian Koch- und Backstudio
February, recipe videos will be posted throughout the entire month! Check it out!

Mount Olive Lutheran Church - German Service
Mount Olive Lutheran Church is happy to announce that their German Worship Services are resuming on the last Saturday of the month!

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - Deutscher Gottesdient
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is resuming their German service on Sundays from 12pm to 1pm.

CFCR 90.5 Saskatoon Community Radio
Join hosts for the German program "Deutsche Klangfabrik" - contemporary German music on a Sunday afternoon.

Regina German Club
The Regina German Club continues to provide a menu from Tuesday through Friday between 11:30am and 6:00pm. Meals will be available only as curb side pick up. Watch their social media for menu items and contact the club to place your orders.


Das Schulhaus – Regina German Language School Inc.
Das Schulhaus has signed up for a “Drop & Go” account at Sarcan. You can drop off your recycling at any one of the Sarcan locations across the province and the proceeds will go directly to Das Schulhaus. Click here for more information.

German Language School Saskatoon
The German Language School has also signed up for a “Drop & Go” account at Sarcan! Find more information on their website.

Hansel and Gretel Preschool
The Hansel and Gretel Preschool has started their fundraiser with Sarcan as well. More information can be found here.

Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie
Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie has their ongoing fundraiser at Sarcan. To donate your cans and bottles, please mark your label with KGH when you drop off your items.
2022/2023 Member Funding

The deadline for SGC Member Funding is February 25, 2022. The funding period we are currently accepting application forms is from April 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022.
Spring Postillion Article

The deadline for the Spring Postillion is March 7, 2022. Articles can contain up to 350 words and up to three (3) photos.
Feel free to contact Gerald Freyer at postillion@saskgermancouncil.org if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
American Historical Society of Germans
from Russia, Regina
Austrian Canadian Edelweiss Club, Regina
Austrian Edelweiss Dance Association, Regina
CFCR Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc.
Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler Verein
Concordia Brass Band
Concordia Junior Alpenrose Dancers
Das Schulhaus - Regina German
Language School Inc.
Department of International Language, U of R
Estevan & District German Freundschaft Society
German Canadian Society Harmonie, Regina
German Junior Folk Dancers, Saskatoon
German Language School Saskatoon Inc.
Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc.
Imhoff Heritage Society, St. Walburg
Jagd- und Fischverein “Waidmann’s Lust”, Regina
Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie, Regina
Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German-Canadian
Koch- und Backstudio
Kulturgarten Saskatoon
Lloydminster German Heritage Society Inc.
Melville & District German Heritage Club
Mennonite Heritage Village, Swift Current
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Regina German Film Club
Saskatchewan Association of Teachers
of German, Saskatoon
Saskatchewan German Culture Assistance
Fund Inc.
Skat Club Saskatoon
Spiritwood German Canadian Club
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Regina
Village of Edenwold
Volksliederchor Harmonie Inc., Regina
Zichydorf Village Association

To learn about each member organization, click here:
Saskatchewan German Council Inc. | Phone 306.975.0845 |
Email: office@saskgermancouncil.org| www.saskgermancouncil.org