Dear SHA Community,
It has been another great week of school at SHA!
I was so pleased to spend time with many of our new parents at Wednesday’s New Parent Coffee and last night our faculty and I had the opportunity last night to discuss the nuts and bolts of our curriculum at our annual Back to School Night.
Now, at the end of our second week, we are all getting settled into learning routines in and out of the classroom. I want to recognize our administrators and teachers for their diligence and for their highly effective work with our students.
This Sunday is September 11 and we are now 21 years distant from the tragedy which is remembered on that day. Of the many messages which are appropriate to think about on this day, this year, I am reflecting this year on how precious human life is and on the opportunity that is afforded to us to grow and contribute to the world while we are alive. Especially now in the month of Elul, let us consider our growth opportunities and the urgency of now.
Wishing you and your family a Shabbat Shalom and Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Owen