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Join Rivy & Adrienne for their weekly podcast; “The Poem.The ParSHA.The Podcast, exploring ParSHA themes together with a carefully curated poem.
Podcasts are usually between 15 & 20 minutes and feature animated, entertaining and enlightening conversation.

Click HERE to listen to the 
latest episode of the podcast!
 Join Us for 
SHA Beit Midrash Classes!

Tefilah Class: Rabbi Weiss 
Tuesday Evening @ 8pm "The Amidah"
E-mail Rabbi Weiss 
rweiss@sha613.org for the Zoom link
Talmud Class: Rabbi Weiss
Thursday Evening @ 8pm 
Tractate Berachot - The Tefilah Mindset
E-mail Rabbi Weiss 
rweiss@sha613.org for the Zoom link
Beit Midrash Program!
פרקי אבות - Pirkei Avot 
A Learning Opportunity for Middle School Students
3:00PM-Boys 4:00PM-Girls

We will be meeting outdoors only, under cover rain or shine. Social distancing and masking will be strictly enforced. 
All snacks will be individually wrapped.

"I liked the snacks!" - 6th Grader
"There were chips and popcorn!" - 7th Grader
"We were all in masks. I wasn't sure whether we were going to rob a bank or learn Pirkei Avot. It turned out to be Pirkei Avot." -8th Grader

We'll be there every week!
Rashi, Rambam, and Rabbeinu Yonah We'll come sometimes!
 Meiri, Sforno, Rav Hirsch

Hosted in the backyard at the home 
of Rabbi and Ruthie Aaronson 
Contact baaronson@sha613.org for more information
Reopening Plan

Click HERE for an updated copy 
of SHA's Reopening Plan.

Click HERE to view and download our 2021 - 2022 school calendar.
Did you know that many companies will double - even triple - employee gifts with their matching programs?
Thanks to our generous donors, SHA has received substantial matching gifts from Microsoft, Boeing, Real Networks, MMC, Starbucks, Costco, and Bank of America, among others.
Ask about your company's matching gift program through your Human Resources or corporate giving office today! 
You Shop. AmazonSmile Gives!
Shop at AmazonSmile and the 
AmazonSmile Foundation will donate .5% of all 
 eligible purchases to SHA! 
Click HERE to get started! 
ALL parents / visitors entering the building MUST wear an ID badge, or stop and get a Visitors Pass at the front desk.

 Thank You!