Our Afterschool Program is a critical part of our educational program. In addition to supporting parent schedules, this program offers enrichment and extra social activities.
am Highlights:
Homework time and support
50-60 minute activities including: Capoeira, Coding and Robotics, Self-defense, Gardening, Music, Skateboarding, Cooking, Ivrit and more!
Details / Logistics:
Days: Monday Through Thursday
Time: 3:30 - 5:30
Who: EC - 8th Grade Students
Session Dates:
Quarter 1: September 5th - November 3rd
Quarter 2: November 6th - January 26th
Quarter 3: January 29th - March 29th
Quarter 4: April 1st - June 17th
On Noon-Dismissal In-Service Days, we will also offer an Afterschool Program.
Quarters are 9 weeks in duration
Parents can register for any combination of days per quarter
Cost is $25 per child per day
There is a 15% discount for the second child, 25% for the third and 50% off for the fourth
An as-needed option is offered at $30 a day.
Options offered by specialized vendors may require an additional cost
here or contact Tbenmeir@sha613.org.