Temple Israel Reform Congregation
of Staten Island
315 Forest Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10301
Rabbi Michael D. Howald
Bryn Biren, Linda Brill, Sandy Mazzucco, Felicia Otto
E-Shalom - JULY 2022
Temple Israel’s Electronic Bulletin
“Shalom, Welcome to Temple Israel....” is a phrase taught to us by Carole Lachman, a beloved, long-time congregant and bulletin editor who died in 2002. We named our bulletin in her honor and worked to realize her vision of Temple Israel as a community that welcomes the stranger and lets no one stand alone. As we move to a new version of this tradition of communicating with our Temple Israel family, we continue to forward Carole’s vision, love and devotion for our synagogue.
During the month of June,
Shabbat Installation Services were held to recognize the dedication of the
outgoing leaders of our Temple Board and Affiliate Organizations and
welcome those who have accepted the responsibilities of leadership for the coming year.
We are grateful to all of them.
The current Covid policy regarding participation in on-site activities within our building as adopted by your Board is:
Adults and children 16 and up must show proof of vaccination or present a negative Covid test result taken within the previous 5 days
All children must remain with their parents or guardian except during school classes or organized children’s activities.
Masks must be worn at all times on the Temple grounds.
Proof of vaccination is to be shown upon entry (copy of certificate or phone app).
Copies of proof may be submitted to the Temple office in advance of your arrival.
We thank you for your cooperation in maximizing the safety of our Congregants and our Temple.
We are aware of the changing guidelines from the state and CDC. We will monitor them carefully, adapting them as needed to maximize protection for our temple's unique population.
Erev Shabbat Services take place IN PERSON. Live-stream links, for those unable to join us, will be e-mailed to all congregants, along with the Friday night Progam, every Friday. The Zoom link for Saturday morning Torah Study and Services can be found below. (Please check weekly News and Notes and the Friday Night Program for any updates or changes.)
July and August Shabbat Morning
Torah Study at 10:00 a.m. followed by Services at 11:00 a.m.
Meeting ID: 816 9177 5909
Passcode: 812020
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Meeting ID: 816 9177 5909
Passcode: 812020
Through the generosity of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, there is a free online flip-book version of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah for Shabbat, available
Through the generosity of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, there is a free online flip-book version of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah for Youth, available
A Message from
Rabbi Michael D. Howald
In her recent book, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times, Katherine May speaks of winter and the narrowing of the light as a time of rest and renewal. Since I became a rabbi, however, the days of summer, rather than the nights of winter, have become my period of reimagination and respite. In part, this stems from the Jewish calendar which blessedly contains very few observances between Shavuot and Rosh Hashanah. More importantly, summer is traditionally a time in our congregation when we take a step back from bar and bat mitzvahs, from monthly meetings and from weekly religious instruction for our students. For that reason, when summer arrives, we have more time to devote to planning and thinking about what the New Year will bring with the coming of fall.
In Hebrew, the word for “summer” is “kayitz.” Kayitz comes from a linguistic root that refers to the picking of fruit that ripens during the summer months. To our ancestors, summer was a season in which the saplings they planted finally bore fruit. Those saplings needed nurturing and care to deliver their yield but, if tended properly, they helped sustain the community until the next harvest. As a metaphor, accordingly, summer is a time to pick, savor and store the fruit that will carry us to the next New Year.
In her book, Katherine May sees winter both as a time of retreat and rest as the days grow colder and darker and as a metaphor for all those times, in whatever season, when we when we feel frozen out or unable to take the next step. During these periods, which occur in every human life, she sees “wintering” as a time for reflection and recuperation, for slow replenishment, for putting your house in order. Wintering, she believes, is not the retreat or death of life but is crucible.
As a rabbi, “summering” has become my “wintering.” Relatively free from the demands of our rich ritual and community life at Temple Israel, summer allows time to think anew about our services, our instruction, and the direction of our congregation. This summer as COVID seem less deadly and we have greater opportunities to spend time outside holds the promise of a respite from some of the anxiety that has kept us cooped up in our homes for so long. After so long a period inside, I think and feel better on those days when I spend time out in the world away from my tablet, my computer, and my WiFi. “Summering” allows me both the time and the landscape to do what May’s book allocates to winter as a season and a metaphor.
None of this, of course, detracts from May’s book which I recommend to you, as well as her interview with Krista Tippett on the NPR program “On Being” (https://onbeing.org/programs/katherine-may-how-wintering-replenishes/). As a metaphor for rest and renewal, she prefers winter and I favor summer, but we get to the same place eventually. We all need times to take a step back and reflect on where we have been and what lies ahead in our journey. Ideally, we would do this as a matter of course every day or week. Life is rarely ideal, however, and the increasingly pace of modern life often denies us extended time for real reflection. As this summer begins, however, I look forward to the opportunity for planning and contemplation that the months between one school year and the next, between the end of 5782 and the beginning of 5783, provide. Whether winter or summer is that time for you, I wish you all a little time to retreat from the hectic world, and all we have been through since March of 2020. In closing, let me paraphrase God’s words to Noah after the flood: So long as the earth endures, may cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, never cease!
A Message from the Co-Presidents
Can you believe that we have gotten to July? The month of June was so incredibly overflowing with activities that is hard to even remember them all.
What we definitely can say is that our Sisterhood and Brotherhood have lost three very valuable contributors. Shariann Ganz and Jodi Siegel have completed their incredibly long and successful term as co- Presidents of Sisterhood. Jeff wore dual hats, serving as the Temple’s Brotherhood President as well as Treasurer. A huge debit of gratitude goes to each of them. Our synagogue has benefitted from their leadership.
Our calendar year also ended with goodbyes to our student cantor Shirel Richman and her husband, Lincoln. It will be a long time before we find such a talented musical duo. You can definitely be certain that, in the future, we will hear about Shirel’s success in the cantorial world.
It would be remiss if we didn’t thank Rabbi Howald for all that he did for us during a year that was difficult, requiring a lot of flexibility and creativity.
Now it is time to move forward. To say that the coming year is one of female leadership would be an understatement. We welcome Cantor Suzanne Bernstein to a part time cantorial position at Temple Israel. Many of us know Suzanne well from the days when she taught our own children. For those of you who don’t, you will soon discover her heart, her knowledge of the Jewish music liturgy and her ability to engage our children and adults. We will also be welcoming three new co-Presidents of Sisterhood- Judy Lee, Pamela Rogozin and Anita Zuckerberg.
Linda Brill, Felicia Otto, Sandy Mazzucco and I are already meeting, talking and planning for the 2022-2023 year. We are evaluating and re-evaluating protocols that are already in place. We also have some new ideas to put in place in the Fall. In the coming weeks we will be contacting the current chairs of our committees, appointing new chairs to committees that need leadership, and will be working closely with Rabbi Howald.
In a short time you will receive information concerning which of the four of us to contact if you have a particular concern or suggestion. This will maximize the efficiency of our joint Presidency. first and foremost we will be working together to continue to make Temple Israel a Beit T’Filah, Beit Midrash, Beit K’Nesset--A House of Prayer, A House of Study & A House of Community Gathering.
Enjoy a relaxing and joyful July!
Bryn Biren
As you know, the new fiscal year for Temple Israel begins in July.
As a courtesy to you, we will be sending a Membership Renewal form indicating your annual commitment for the coming year. You will have a few options for honoring this commitment. You may choose to submit your amount in full via check, by means of a credit card payment or by submitting post-dated checks according to the provided template. Regardless of your chosen method of honoring your commitment to Temple Israel, please be reminded that the retention of our Clergy and support staff, as well as the maintenance and upkeep of our spiritual home, depend on your support.
Please feel free to contact me via the Temple office should you wish to discuss any matter regarding your annual commitment.
I look forward to having you continue as a member of Temple Israel and availing yourself of all that we have to offer you and your family.
Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation.
Alan Siegel
Financial Secretary
Please consider becoming a member of our
It helps to make membership available to all our families. Speak to our Financial Secretary to upgrade your membership.
Please join us for our summer services with music led by Jim Rohan and other special guests.
We look forward to welcoming back Cantor
Suzanne Bernstein
to Temple Israel on a part-time basis beginning in September.
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, August 11- 7:00 pm
Thursday, August 18- 7:00 pm
Becoming Sisterhood Co-presidents is quite an exciting experience, and one that fills us with energy and enthusiasm. While we look back on the women who came before us, we cannot help but feel invigorated in proceeding with the activities in the future.
During the lovely installation service in June, adeptly conducted by Libby Gershansky, it occurred to us how important it is to carry on the generations of the incredible work of our predecessors. Our Sisterhood has done so much so capably for as long as Temple Israel has been in existence, and we want to add to that tradition. With all the successful fundraising, stimulating programing, and membership efforts, as well as special events and committees, the Sisterhood has accomplished a great deal. As a Sisterhood, our members should endeavor to repair the world, and our community, utilizing their talents and unique abilities to enrich Sisterhood’s events.
Thank you to all of our Sisterhood members who help in so many ways and are always there when we need them!! Our past Sisterhood presidents, board members, directors, committee chairs, and volunteers have offered their continued support as we move forward, and that is very much appreciated as we will need it.
Congratulations also to our new board members and directors. Together we will continue to perform the good work of Sisterhood as in the past. We look forward to high holiday services, the sale of honey bags, paid up membership luncheon, purim baskets, sample sale, New Year’s cards, Shabbaton, holiday food drives, to mention a few, and many, many happy and successful events at Temple Israel.
With our first executive board and directors meeting on Wednesday, July 20 and our general membership meeting in early September, we will be able to interact and plan meaningful and significant events for the coming months. You have all heard the expression, “it takes a village.” Let us all contribute to the Temple Israel Sisterhood village in our own special and different ways to promote social, spiritual and educational well being. Sisters, you are the ones that make it happen!
Judy Lee, Pamela Rogozin, Anita Zuckerberg
In 2017, Jodi Siegel and Shariann Ganz, immediate Past Presidents of Sisterhood, established “The Presidents’ Awards” to be presented to those Sisterhood members who consistently go above and beyond, and selflessly serve Sisterhood for the benefit of our congregation or our community.
In the inaugural year, we recognized 6 wonderful women, Deanna Feder, Blanche Ricci, Claire Bleiman, Libby Gershansky, Debbie Chernoff, and Linda Hanibal. In 2018, Fern Barris, Terry Baver, Karen Gross, Larry Hanibal, Sue Freedman, Nina Rohan, Judy Lee and Claire Guttsman were honored. In 2019, we showed our gratitude to Silvia Gornstein, Felicia Otto, Cheryl Levine, Sandy Feuerstein, Beverly Mazer, Linda Brill and Jennifer Straniere. 2020 was the year that wasn’t. And 2021 found us celebrating outside and recognizing the efforts of Pam Carlton, Ellen Birch, Shari Ballow and Judy Pessah.
But we were thrilled to be able to formally celebrate together once again, to continue this tradition and to acknowledge the contributions of those Sisterhood Members who have made significant contributions to Sisterhood over the course of the past year. At the end of year Sisterhood Dinner on June 14th, we add 6 more names to this illustrious list.
Each of this year’s honorees was presented with a framed print from the Proudly Jewish Series from Voices & Visions. Each print contained a powerful quote and beautiful image, which symbolizes the contributions and special values that each of our recipients represents. Below is the text of the presentations with images of the actual prints received.
Martin Buber was an Austrian-born Jewish philosopher who was raised as a traditional Jew but left that world for a more secular academic world. When the Nazis came to power, he was forbidden from teaching and in 1938 he moved to Jerusalem where is lived until his death in 1965.
Probably because of his own life’s journeys, he believed that “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware”.
When God commands Abraham to leave his birthplace and the land of his forefathers and embark on a journey, it sends the message to all Jews that life itself is a journey…we are always on the move, leaving something and heading to something else.
The journey of our next Presidents’ Awardee brought her to Temple Israel and to Sisterhood a relatively (compared to some of us) short time ago, but she has managed to forge her own path within our organization. We are sure that she was unaware that her journey would lead her to becoming an officer in Sisterhood so quickly, but we were fortunate that she accepted the role. In her quiet but oh so competent manner, she has done a fabulous job of documenting all the details of every one of our Sisterhood meetings over the past year as our recording secretary. This award goes to MARNIE BLIT. And we wish her much nachas as her son Ethan becomes a Bar Mitzvah this weekend.
We have all heard the story about the man who watched as an old man planted a carob tree. He asked the man how long it would take until the carob tree bore fruit. The man answered, “70 years.”
The first man asked if he thought it would live 70 more years.
And it is to this challenge that the old man answered with words that apply to every generation ….”My ancestors planted for me. Likewise, I am planting for my children.”
In other words, does it really make sense to work at a task that cannot possibly benefit you in any way? Why bother paying attention to things that really don’t directly affect or apply to you.
Even before our next awardee became a member of Temple Israel, she cared about us. Her generosity and kindness have touched so many of us, helping us celebrate life cycle events and holiday, not just in recent years, but even over the course of decades. Her spirit and her energy are both exuberant and contagious. When she made the decision to join our congregation, she brought 2 other generations with her. This print with the quote from the Talmud, “I found a fruitful world, because my ancestors planted it for me. Likewise, I am planting for my children” goes to STACIE MAGNUS.
“Most of the things worth doing in the world were declared impossible before they were done.” When he wrote this, Louis Brandeis was speaking from a place of intimate knowledge. Obstacles did not frighten him. He knew that only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible.
Our next award goes to someone who never ceases to amaze me. Even before she chose to become a member of Sisterhood, she was an active participant. Some may say that she had no choice. But she did and she does. Over the course of the pandemic, when technology became our lifeline, she was there to figure out how to make so many of our events, which we thought were impossible to do virtually, actually work and be successful. For choosing to be committed to Sisterhood among all the other responsibilities and obligations in her life, and for making herself available to assist in any way, we present this award to JESSE SIEGEL.
The Ball Shem Tov tells us “From every human being there rises a light”.
He is considered by many to be the founder of the Chasidic movement and was associated with many good works, miracles and influential teachings. His name literally means the “owner of a good name”. His mystical observations on the power of light invite each of us to discover the light within and to grow and share it. We are light when we exert our goodness. And we bring more light into the world when we are ethical people who are concerned with Tikkun Olam. For making sure that Sisterhood is taking care of those in need and for stepping up to help take care of Sisterhood, this award goes to ANITA ZUCKERBERG.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel provided the quote for this beautiful piece of art. It says, “A Jew is asked to take a leap of action, rather than a leap of faith.” He teaches us to take a leap into ethical and spiritual action that compels transformation, and not to act by faith alone. He also taught: “To be is to stand for”. In these times, when a overabundance of choices can paralyze, people often tend toward conformity, apathy and disengagement. If we merely follow social trends, our most meaningful and authentic community activities would disappear. Midrash teaches us about Nachshon Ben Aminadav. When the newly-freed Israelites approached the Red Sea with the Egyptians in pursuit, God had not yet parted the waters to save them. The Israelites were frightened of what lay ahead and they wanted to return to Egypt. Nachshon Ben Aminadav responded to his pessimistic brethren by jumping into the howling sea. The waters parted. The miracle happened. For her willingness to create new fundraising initiatives, to accept responsibility for their success and for her overwhelming generosity, this award goes to SANDY MAZZUCCO.
We are told that the world stands upon three things: on the Torah, on worship, and upon acts of human kindness. Lynn Schusterman, the founder of the Schusterman Family Foundation, echoes this teaching in her emphasis on the third pillar, service to others. Service to others is a privilege and a responsibility. Our next award recipient is a thoughtful and willing sisterhood member who is devoted to Torah, worship and acts of kindness which she exemplifies while running food drives and by making certain that our congregants and gather to celebrate every Shabbat with sweet desserts. This print, “Serving others is one of the pillars upon which Judaism rests”, goes to MAXINE COHEN.
Brotherhood at Temple Israel continues….
Despite reports to the contrary, Brotherhood will survive and thrive!!
As we look back on the many events that our Temple’s men have engaged in, we realize that these events benefit our Temple, and specifically, our youngest members. Stream cleaning for the High Holidays, building the Sukkah, Simchat Torah’s annual ice cream Oneg, Purim activities, Yom Hashoah Candles and Chanukah celebrations are but a few of the events that make our Temple special.
As Jeff Ganz ‘retires’ to join our Florida constituents, I have agreed to work with those of our congregants who have volunteered to offer their talents to support the future of Brotherhood. As the immediate past co-president of Temple Israel, I know how very important it is to maintain Brotherhood as a strong and viable auxiliary organization. The importance of Brotherhood cannot be over-estimated in the life and traditions of our Congregation.
I look forward to assisting the many current and future Brotherhood members in fulfilling these responsibilities.
Alan Siegel
JULY 2022
GAYLE & JEFFREY CHASON & family on their son,
JACOB, being called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah;
MARNI BLIT & SCOTT SCHWARTZ & family on their son, ETHAN being called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
Michelle Persiak and family on the loss of her mother, and long time Temple Israel member, CLAIRE BLEIMAN;
The Mehrberg family on the loss of long time member,
Former Temple President JOHN GREENBAUM & family on the loss of his mother, SONIA GREENBAUM;
BRYN BIREN on the loss of her dear friend
CHARLES NADEL recovering from minor surgery;
CHERYL LEVINE recovering from COVID
Happy Summer to all!!
On Saturday June 18th we said our final farewell to our Student Cantor Shirel Richman and her husband Lincoln as they continue on their journey.
The Ritual Committee thanks congregant Jim Rohan who started providing musical leadership for our in-person Erev Shabbat Services on Friday June 24th and will continue to do so through July and August. And we thank in advance Libby Gershansky and Jerrold Gross who will be our prayer leaders for the in-person Erev Shabbat Services of July 8th and July 15th respectively as Rabbi Howald will be away on vacation on those dates. We also thank all the lay leaders who will be covering Saturday morning Torah Study and Shabbat Services on Zoom over the summer. Our gratitude also to Jaimie Blackman and Dr. Ken Pickover for providing musical leadership and accompaniment on Saturday morning Zoom Services when they are available this past year and beyond. And of course, we look forward to welcoming back Cantor Suzanne Bernstein as our part-time Cantor in September.
As the summer continues, the Ritual Committee, along with Rabbi Howald and Cantor Bernstein, will be planning for the High Holy Days. In fact, on July 5th a sub-committee will be meeting to start working on the information mailing for our annual Memory Book that is distributed during the Yizkor Service on Yom Kippur afternoon. So please watch your E-mail and snail mail for information about the Memory Book, High Holy Days and the subsequent Festival Days.
Finally, please note that during the summer our in-person Erev Shabbat Services remain at their usual times, Friday night at 7:30PM except for the first Friday of the month when the Family Service begins at 7:00 PM. And our Saturday morning zoom Torah Study starts at 10:00AM followed by the Service at 11:00AM.
We look forward to seeing you all in person at Temple.
Linda Brill and Jeffrey Ganz
Thank you to the following congregants for their assistance with ushering during services as well as for honoring the Congregation with their presence on the Bimah in June:
Bryn Biren, Linda Brill, Pamela Carlton, Jacob Chason, Deanna Feder, Barbara Fried, Jeff Ganz, Susie Goldstein, Maurice Goldstein, Larry Hanibal, Sandy Mazzucco,
Felicia Otto, Ethan Schwartz, Alan Siegel, Jodi Siegel and Inez Singer
Nina Rohan
Ushering Chair
July 1, 2022
Oscar Liebowitz *
Brian Robert Motelson *
Jack J. Freedland
Eli Grossman
Bernard Samith
Max Feuerstein
Joseph Heiferman
Howard Levine
Jean Pollack *
Susan Scherker
Herbert Flaum
Adele Mushnick *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Lotte Suesskind
Jan Har
Jerzy Mikulin
Gina Diamant
Meir Silberbusch
July 8, 2022
George Curatola
Louis Katzman *
Samuel Greene *
Julius Holtz *
Bernard Jablon *
Peter Prosaw *
Samuel Rubenstein *
Joseph Wolff
Herman Brouse *
Morris Gross
Gary Fried *
Charles Weissglass *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Josef Ofenbach
Heinrich Meissner
Rivka Altkopf
Edith Isaacsohn
Samulene Fleiszig
July 15, 2022
Leon Berkowicz
Sylvia Schwartz *
Max Davidson *
Herman Sigmund
Sonia Dumont
Jerome Krant *
Leroy Tepper *
Jerome Berg *
Lillian Feldman
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Armin Eckstein
Loniu Jurgrau
Arthur Bischoff
Jakabne Pulitzer
Hans Hillebrand
July 22, 2022
Muriel Schwartz
Miriam Blackman
Bill Greenfield
Hyman Snyder
Carl Orland *
Louis Blumenthal *
Lucille Chazanoff
Alice Rosen *
Harry Selznick *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Jozsef Leipnik
Nute Suessman
Jacques Moniez
Ester Engler
Hans Eisner
July 29, 2022
Jacob Drescher
Steven Martin Cohen
Michael Selig
John Vogelman
Joseph Schulter
William Silverberg *
Estelle Ballow
Bernard Freedman
Bessie Topel
Isidore Drucker
Joseph Markowitz
Sidney Morse *
Jean Goodman
Roslyn Mendelsohn
Victor G. Bloom
John Garand Rowan *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Hinda Borzykowski
Josef Szlata
Moritz Loff
Ruth Würzburger
Gitl Liberman
* These names are on our Memorial Wall.
We are sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted. Please contact John at the Temple Office to update your membership information.
The Sisterhood of Temple Israel would like to help you celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for you and your family.
You can share the joy of Shabbat and your birthday and/or anniversary by helping to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat on the Friday evening when we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for that month.
In addition to sponsoring the Oneg, the names of those celebrating appear in the Friday night program and celebrants are invited to the Bimah.
A contribution of $10 for birthdays and $18 for anniversaries is suggested to honor your special occasion and help the Temple at the same time.
Letters are sent out early in the month prior and payment would be appreciated before the first Friday of the month of the celebration.
Erev Shabbat Services
Friday, July 1
Celebration of July
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Service at 7:00 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, July 8
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, July 15
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, July 22
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, July 29
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Torah Study and Shabbat Services
Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.
School’s out for summer but our committee is hard at work. Tuesday, July 19th the committee will meet offsite to begin to plan all of our Holiday Assemblies and special events.
We met with Cantor Suzanne Bernstein last month and solidified our Junior Choir rehearsal dates. We are thrilled to announce that Sunday, September 18th immediately following school will be the first Junior Choir Rehearsal. The Choir is geared toward our Kindergarten-5th grade students. Friday, October 7th the Junior Choir will make their debut at the Family Shabbat Service at 7:00pm.
In collaboration with the AVIS Foundation, we have two family fun Sundays this month to look forward to. Sunday, July 10th is a Temple Israel day at the JCC. Come enjoy a directed painting activity at 11:00am and then swim in the pool all day long. Sunday, July 17th at 4:00pm come out and enjoy a production of Peter and the Wolf at the JCC. Both events are free to school families but rsvp is necessary so please let me know if you are attending.
Finally, on Sunday, August 14th come out and watch the Staten Island Ferry Hawks while supporting our school. The game is at 4:00pm and the flyer is attached here. A portion of your ticket will be donated back to school and we will have some raffles as well!
Enjoy the summer and reach out if you need anything or have any questions!
Felicia Otto
Parents' Committee Chair
Click anywhere on the above flyer to print or download.
Click anywhere on the above flyer to print or download.
Become a part of the Temple Israel Community
The first membership committee for the new year took place on June 23 via zoom. We have an exciting group of members who are eager to spread the word on membership. We hope to find new ways to retain and obtain new members.
We are in the midst of planning for the new year. We will be arranging dates for events at the Calendar meeting.
We are looking to schedule a welcome to Cantor Bernstein by having a wine and cheese oneg.
The Membership committee is interested in recruiting and retaining new members. We were able to brainstorm ideas for the next year.
We will have another meeting on June 30 via zoom to finalize plans for our welcome oneg and date.
Our community offers everything from worship to family involvement to adult learning opportunities to engagement in social activities. We are the representatives of Temple Israel and we hope to reach many new people groups including: singles, mature adult singles, interfaith families and much more.
If you know anyone interested in joining our Temple, please have them contact the Membership Committee through the Temple Office 718 717-2231.
Sandy Mazzucco and Claire Guttsman
2.Select "Change Your Charity"
3.Type in “Temple Israel Reform 4.Congregation of Staten Island"
5.Click Search
6.Click Select
7.Order as usual.
Temple Israel benefits!
Every Voice, Every Vote.
The Reform Movement's 2022 Civic Engagement Campaign
The Reform Jewish Movement’s 2022 Civic Engagement Campaign is again under way. This is a non-partisan campaign based on our Jewish values of racial and social justice. Now more than ever, it is critical to protect our democracy by getting out the vote and ensuring equal access to the ballot box.
More information can be found here-
In 2020 our congregation had a committee who reached out to our own congregants with voting information. In addition, we wrote postcards to disenfranchised voters in other states.
If you are interested in participating in this important initiative, please e-mail Libby Gershansky – eng2ndlang@aol.com.
Temple Israel Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Just what you need and just what they want!
The only place on Staten Island for all your Jewish gifts.
Special Orders available.
Some featured Judaica Shop items this month:
Contact Blanche Ricci at branchtr.ricci@gmail.com
if you are interested in any Judaica Shop items.
The Library is ready to reopen. New acquisitions have been shelved.
There are a lot of new books for young children.
We are accepting book donations but please limit it to Jewish content only. Please contact me through the Temple Office if you would like to make a donation.
If you wish to sign out a book, simply make note of it on the sign up sheet on the desk.
Thank you.
Steve Scher
Bryn Biren
Terry Baver
Avis Foundation Trustees
The mission of the Dr. Ronald Avis Foundation for Temple Israel Reform Congregation is:
…. to provide financial support for young families seeking membership in Temple Israel, and to attract new young families by providing learning opportunities, family programming, and social justice initiatives.
It’s time to slow down our schedules and relax. During the summer we hope that you will all spend time outdoors, enjoying Nature and one another. In the Fall we will resume our busy schedule with activities generously provided by the Avis Foundation for all young families at Temple Israel.
Please do note two activities that are on the calendar in the month of July. On Sunday, July 10th Temple Israel children, ages 5-10, are invited to join HAILEY, at the JCC ( 1466 Manor Road) at 11:00 AM for an ART project. Following this program families are invited to spend the rest of the day outdoors at the JCC Swim Club. If it is raining on that day families may use the indoor pool from 1:00 PM - on.
On Sunday, July 17th please join us at 4:00 PM for “ Peter and the Wolf” a one hour musical event at the JCC ( 1466 Manor Road). Children of all ages and their parents are welcome to attend.
Both of these programs are provided FREE of charge but YOU MUST BE REGISTERED IN ADVANCE. Contact Terry Baver at Terryqbaver@gmail.com or Bryn Biren at MsBunny7@aol.com by July 6th to register. There will be no admission to the JCC without prior registration.
This is the time of year that we ask you to reach out to young families who would like to become a part of Temple Israel Reform Congregation in the coming year. We want to expand the number of young families at our synagogue and you are our best spokespeople. Contact Terry or Bryn and we will reach out to anyone.
Enjoy the month of July - it goes quickly!
Bryn Biren and Terry Baver
Our Book Discussion, on June 9, happily led by Judy Lee, focused on “RBG’s Brave and Brilliant Woman, 33 Jewish Woman to Inspire Everyone” by Nadine Epstein. From ancient times to the present, these brave ladies helped to change society, from Miriam who saved our people, to Ruth Bader Ginsburg who shaped our laws, to Gertrude Berg, as Molly Goldberg, who put a smile on our face and helped us appreciate our Jewish sense of humor.
For your summer reading we are suggesting the very humorous and poignant, “ Lilyville, Mother, Daughter and Other Roles I’ve Played”, by the very talented Actress and Writer, Tovah Feldshuh. A discussion date in September will be announced later in the summer. The book surely will get you to think about how your own mother brought you up! The discussion will be led by Judy Pessah.
For our November discussion we will be reading, “People of the Book” by Geraldine Books.
We are planning future trips to the Holocaust Center at Wagner College, to the Lower East Side, and to view some Jewish sites in Philadelphia.
We ask all congregants to join the members of the Adult Learning Committee in thinking of exciting ideas for future programs . If you have an idea, let us know and we can research the information. In addition, we are considering adding special programming as part of Shabbat Services. Feel free to contact Cheryl or Judy if you have some thoughts for the Committee.
Cheryl Levine and Judith Pessah
Adult Learning Committee Co-Chairpersons
Thank you to everyone who participated in our event A Taste of the Rothchild Legend. It was successful. We will let you know when and what our next event will be shortly.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Trontz-Allen, Karen Frey-Gamoran, Lissa Winchel
Click the order forms above to print or download.
Monday, July 4- 6:00 pm
Thursday, July 7- 6:00 pm
Monday,July 11- 6:00 pm
Thursday, July 14- 6:00 pm
Monday, July 18- 6:00 pm
Thursday, July 21- 6:00 pm
Monday, July 25- 6:00 pm
Thursday, July 28- 6:00 pm
Instructor: Denise Nizzare
Pilates Classes will resume in August.
Instructor: Katarina Smith
Classes are for ADULTS ONLY.
Both chair and mat students are accommodated at each class.
For more information, contact
Terry Baver at 718-490-4428 or
Bryn Biren at 718-447-6225
The cost of Yoga is:
Temple Israel members: $48 per month $6 per class
Non members : $10 per class
(Two people in a home pay only one fee)
Pilates classes are FREE.
Checks payable to:
Ronald Avis Temple Israel Foundation
Send monthly payment to:
Terry Baver. 30 Theresa Place. SI, NY. 10301
Contributions to Temple Israel as tributes, dedications or memorials are welcome and are published in the weekly Shabbat program.
Donations can be dedicated to the general Temple Israel Fund or to any of the following specific funds:
- Adult Education Fund
- Building Preservation Fund
- Caring Community Fund
- Carole Lachman Memorial Fund
- Choir Fund
- Confirmation Fund
Estelle A. Gootenberg Memorial Fund (for Torah Repair/ Restoration)
Gerald J. Lustig Memorial Fund (for Ark & Ark Doors)
- Liheyot Fund
- Membership Fund
- Prayerbook Fund
- Rabbi Marcus Kramer Memorial Library Fund
- Shoah Education Fund
- Scholarship Fund
- Rabbi Michael D. Howald Fund for Social Action and Tikkun Olam
A $5.00 minimum donation is requested for these funds. Checks for donations to any of these funds should be made payable to Temple Israel.
PRAYERBOOKS may be dedicated in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. For specific prayerbooks and donation amounts, look for the Prayerbook icons found in this bulletin
Please make checks for Donations to the RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND payable to that fund.
Donations in any amount may be made to SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL or BROTHERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL with checks made payable directly to the affiliate organization.
For a leaf on the TREE OF LIFE in honor of a simcha, please scroll down.
For permanent MEMORIAL PLAQUES on our Family Memorial Wall or Original Memorial Wall, please call the Temple office at 718-727-2231.
To see list of all recent
Tributes and Program
Donations to Funds...
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Our E-Bulletin is shared with the entire Temple Israel Family and the Staten Island Community. If you are a local business or community organization and you would like to advertise in our monthly bulletin, please contact the Temple Office at 718-727-2231 or e-mail TICommunication@aol.com.