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February 2023

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SHARP Joint Action enters its final year

The European Commission approved a 6 months’ non-cost extension for the Joint Action in January. This means that the new end date will be 30 September 2023.

The extension was requested on the basis of delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic which impacted the active work between 2020-2021. With this extra time it will be possible to better ensure the sustainability of SHARP Joint Action’s achievements.

With a little over 6 months to go, there is still a lot we want to achieve, with many work packages working hard on their final deliverables and milestones.

This will be a busy and interesting Spring, so stay tuned!

Key activity in late 2022

SHARP at the EPHC in Berlin 11.11.2022

SHARP had the pleasure to present at a European Public health Conference 

Lunch Symposium in Berlin in November. The symposium showcased the work of the entire joint action and especially that of of work packages 5, 6 and 8; plus, alignment with the new legislative framework for EU Health Security.

Read more

International TTX in Athens 8-9.12.2022

Work package 8 delivered an international tabletop exercise last December to improve participants' operational response in potential health crises.

The hybrid exercise welcomed 134 professionals from across Europe and several different sectors.

Read more.

Published deliverables, milestones & tasks

A report published in December by Work Package 5 shows how Simulation Exercises (SimEx) and After and Intra-Action Reviews (AAR/IAR) can be used to effectively evaluate EU level public health preparedness and competent authorities should ensure the consistent implementation of their results.

Read more about the review

A review by Work Package 6 analysed the lessons learnt from the response to three different public health events that affected EU countries between 2010 and 2014. Overall, best practice examples underline the success of multidisciplinary and intersectoral approach in preparedness and response

Read more about the review

Work Package 9 has published a Training and Exercises Report providing an overview of all the training materials and workshops related to chemical safety and chemical threats that have been developed as part of the WP9 work. The report covers Chemicals Threats workshops held online on 6 & 7 June and 12 & 13 October 2022. These workshops were attended by professionals from 16 countries and included interactive exercises and case studies.

Read the report on

Heading reads 'Forthcoming Events' with icon of calendar

27-28 February 2023, WP5 workshop, Lisbon & online

WP5 is building on their survey on trans-country cooperation during health emergencies in this hybrid workshop: Creating a template agreement for trans-country collaboration between authorities during crises.

One of the aims of WP5 is to co-create a practical template that can be adopted by member states to facilitate multisectoral preparedness.

What you'll learn

Participants will gain insights from the survey on the current state of trans-country coordination and will be able to discuss what a practical template should comprise.

Who should attend

  • The competent authorities working with preparedness plans in SHARP partner countries.
  • Professionals from local, intermediate and national level competent authorities and public health agencies in countries participating in the SHARP Joint Action 
  • National focal points (NFPs) for the International Health Regulations (2005) 

Read more and register to attend online by 23 February.

20-21 March 2023, Riga

WP6 in-person workshop

WP6 is organising a workshop on how to incorporate the latest thinking and resources on integrated, all hazards inter-sectoral preparedness and response into the planning for serious cross-border health threats

What you'll learn

Participants will gain a good overview of the work done in WP6 that helps mitigate the complexity of multi-sectoral planning and will gain tools to improve their own planning for serious health threats.

Who should attend

  • Professionals in national preparedness and response in SHARP partner countries,
  • Competent authorities and contact points in your organisation/NFPs for the International Health Regulations (2005).
  • Individuals involved in the development and implementation of policies, guidelines etc. who are charged with adjusting their plans to meet the demands of new EU legislation

Places are limited to 35 - sign up today!

Read more about the workshop and register here.


19 & 20 June 2023, Helsinki

The SHARP JA coordination team at THL look forward to welcoming you to summery Helsinki 19 & 20 June 2023!

This closing meeting will be an opportunity for us to come together and learn about the achievements of the Joint Action and how these link to the wider European health protection efforts.


A formal invitation, with details of the agenda and other practical information, will follow. 

For now, please save the date in your calendars!


SHARP JA is committed to support evidence-based, decision-making towards preparedness across Europe.

With many deliverables planned for publication, keep up to date with our work!

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