Published deliverables, milestones & tasks
A report published in December by Work Package 5 shows how Simulation Exercises (SimEx) and After and Intra-Action Reviews (AAR/IAR) can be used to effectively evaluate EU level public health preparedness and competent authorities should ensure the consistent implementation of their results.
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A review by Work Package 6 analysed the lessons learnt from the response to three different public health events that affected EU countries between 2010 and 2014. Overall, best practice examples underline the success of multidisciplinary and intersectoral approach in preparedness and response.
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Work Package 9 has published a Training and Exercises Report providing an overview of all the training materials and workshops related to chemical safety and chemical threats that have been developed as part of the WP9 work. The report covers Chemicals Threats workshops held online on 6 & 7 June and 12 & 13 October 2022. These workshops were attended by professionals from 16 countries and included interactive exercises and case studies.
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