HUD Reinstates MORs
Dear Owners, Agents, and Site Staff:

We hope this notice finds you safe, healthy, and adjusting to changes in conditions and workflows during the COVID-19 pandemic. We again thank you so much for your dedication and commitment to your residents, staff, and property during these unprecedented times. We are so grateful!

We are writing now to let you know that SHCC has received official guidance from HUD on reinstating Management and Occupancy Reviews (MORs), and we are eager to begin safely visiting you and your properties in the coming months.

Effective Friday, May 22, 2020, HUD has lifted the suspension of MORs and established a modified "low touch" MOR in the interest of safety for residents and our collective staffs.

The modified nature of the MORs is primarily related to REAC inspection EH&S and other deficiency follow-up in resident units. SHCC will be expected to confirm repairs on affected units via direct resident contact (by way of phone or email) and document deficiency status as corrected/uncorrected on the MOR report. As a result, we will need your help in obtaining a telephone number and/or an email address for the resident(s) prior to the MOR. We recognize that this new method will require coordination with SHCC and our goal will be to work with you to make sure that this new task is as painless as possible.

In summary, here is what is required under the revised "low touch" MOR site visit:

  • Physical, on-site property visit to document general appearance and security (not including resident units)

  • SHCC follow-up on REAC inspections with residents (via phone/email provided by property), in lieu of going into resident units

  • On-site, in-office Exit Interviews

  • On-site, in-office File Reviews

  • All other aspects of the MOR, such as the property providing requested documents and SHCC reporting requirements, remain the same


SHCC recognizes that you and your staff may have questions or concerns about how the MOR will take place during these uncertain times. We want to assure you that we will be taking precautions to protect your staff and residents as well as our Compliance staff. Our revised plan includes:

  • All SHCC staff will perform a daily self-assessment prior to traveling and arriving on site on the day of the MOR. Staff showing signs or symptoms of illness (fever, cough, shortness of breath) will postpone site visits and notify you accordingly.

  • SHCC staff will wear N-95 or cloth masks at all times

  • SHCC staff will travel with hand sanitizer and disposable gloves to be used as needed

  • SHCC staff will use reputable lodging and vehicle rental services with documented enhanced sanitization guidelines

  • SHCC staff will adhere to proper social distancing guidelines as recommended by the CDC throughout each trip, including during all interactions with site staff.

As SHCC begins to schedule MORs for the coming weeks, our staff will likely inquire about your property's specific experience with and response to the pandemic. Questions may include:

  • Does your property have any documented COVID-19 cases (or clusters) among staff or residents?

  • What current practices are you using onsite to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread? (Ex. social distancing, masks, reduced site staff, limited office hours, closed common areas)

  • Does your site office allow for adequate space for social distancing between SHCC staff, your staff, and residents?

  • What steps could SHCC Compliance Specialists take during a site visit that would help your property staff feel more safe and secure?

The SHCC Compliance Team will begin sending MOR notification letters during the first week of June. At this time, we will be providing properties with a minimum two-week notice of a scheduled site visit. If you receive a notification letter and have any questions or concerns about revised MOR measures, please contact the Compliance Specialist assigned to your visit, or reach out to the Director of Compliance directly:

Chris Petty, Interim Director of Compliance
(512) 474-5332 Ext. 3114

Again thank you so much for your continued hard work and dedication to maintaining decent, safe, and sanitary homes for your residents during these trying times. We look forward to seeing you all from a safe distance in the near future and wish you all continued good health.


SHCC Staff
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