February 8, 2024


Sermon Teaser

“It’s really great to be here,” is spoken by the athlete or the musician on stage. Many times it’s just an act. On this Transfiguration Sunday, we hear Peter say, "It is good, Lord, to be here." Yet the same words could have been spoken by the prophet Elijah in our Old Testament lesson. It is a fine expression or reply for us to keep in mind about the time of grace God has given us here on earth. Pastor Clark’s sermon will be based on 2 Kings 2:1-12.

Worship Attendance

Thursday - 70

Sunday - 479

Visitors - 50

Total - 529

While Lori and I are enjoying a warm vacation, a call came from the Great White North. Mountain View in Calgary (yes, Canada) called me to be their pastor. I know next to nothing right now but please keep both congregations in your prayers and we rejoice in knowing that in all things the Lord's will indeed will be done. -Pastor Darren Knoll


Thursday, Feb 8th at 6:30pm

Sunday, Feb 11th at 8am and 10:30am

Bible Class at 9:00am

Bible Study, Children's Ministry and Catechism at 9:00am


All members are encouraged to attend a call meeting for a 1st Grade Teacher February 8th right after Thursday 6:30pm worship service!

The Season of Lent

"Give Up - Take Up" with an emphasis on identifying, repenting of, and dropping sin and spiritually dangerous things and instead picking up the cross and walking in God's grace.

From February 14th to March 20th, join us Wednesdays for Lent meals, beginning at 5:15, and worship at 4:30 & 6:30pm!



Thanks to Jesus and WKW, Builders for Christ will be helping with our building project this year!! We applied and were one of 4 projects picked!  What an honor and a blessing that God answered our prayers with a resounding yes!

The next financial update will be given at the voters meeting Feb 4th!

UPDATE FROM TOM ROMOSER - Sanctuary Expansion Team Chair

  • Building plans have been submitted to City of West Bend for approval/permitting process
  • Responses to bid package requests from subcontractors are coming in and being compiled by D2C
  • 'Builders for Christ' Advisory Noard has approved  SOTH as one of the two projects they will support this summer
  • BFC's scope of work (e.g. rough framing) is being finalized
  • Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities (meal prep, material movement and cleanup labor, etc) in coming weeks
  • We remain on-track for spring groundbreaking
  • Updated cost roll-up and design renderings will be shared at February 4th Voter's Meeting


Soccer Camp

Join us for Shepherd of the Hill's annual Soccer Camp, June 10-14th from 9:00 - 11:30am at Regalware Fields in West Bend! The registration fee is $50 and includes a very good quality jersey shirt, soccer gift, snacks and two days of coaching by Matt Eisold, former Wave player and WLC Soccer Coach! You don't want to miss this opportunity to improve your soccer skills and learn about Jesus!

Registration is live!! Register below!


SOTH Luminary Walk

February is the month of Love. Jesus love for us shedding his blood for the forgiveness of our sins.

Join us Saturday, February 10th from 4-7pm for an exciting night of…

-Sledding & Firepit

-Luminary Walk through the Woods

-Chili Cook-off

-Refreshments & Dessert Bar

-Christian Karaoke

-Make a Valentine Station

We would like to encourage you to wear red to this event! Contact Tanya ( with any questions. Click the link to get involved as a volunteer at the event and/or to sign up to bring a dessert or your favorite chili recipe for the cook off!

SIgn Up to Help

Shepherd Youth Night

Shepherd Youth Night Fundraiser at Culver’s West Bend!!

Come out to Culver’s for supper from 4:00-7:00pm February 13th and support our Shepherd Youth group!

Food Prep and Cooking Service

As SOTH continues to grow, the opportunity to serve grows as well. The kitchen crew is looking for more people that are interested in food prep and/or cooking. If you are interested in seeing how our kitchen works, please contact Cheryl Wilichowski or Nancy Hafterman before or during Lent. You can also email Tanya and she can get you connected -

Sign up to bring a dessert for Lenten Meals or to help clean up after! Click the link below to get involved in these great service opportunities! Contact Tanya for more information at

Sign Up

Set Up and Take Down

In order to continue with our great tradition of offering Lenten Meals in between services every Wednesday, we need volunteers to help with table & chair set up and take down. We need 4 adults to help with set up and 4 adults to help with take down each week.

Set up will take place EVERY SUNDAY at 10am. With the help of the catechism kids this will take about 15 minutes.

Take down on Wednesdays will begin at about 6:00pm and takes about 25 minutes (or less).

Please reach out to Tanya Van Someren with any questions.

Thank you for your help!

Sign Up Here

Active Seniors Fish Fry

Join us February 16th at 5pm at The Columbian in West Bend for a fish fry and fellowship!

Easter Flowers

Easter Flowers are available for ordering now! Prices vary by desired plant. Please send Evelyn your orders at or call 262-224-2491. If paying by check please write check out to Evelyn Gatzke and put in the Administrative Assistant mail slot on the Front office door. The order deadline is March 3rd. 

lilies $16.00

pink tulips $14.50

white tulips  $14.50

yellow tulips  $14.50

light pink azalea  $26.50

darker pink azalea  $26.50

white azalea  $26.50

white hydrangea   $27.50

Recovery Ministry

Our congregation offers a Recovery Ministry that is held in the west classroom at SOTH on Sunday night from 7 to 8. It is open to all members, family, and friends who are struggling with, or have struggled with, a specific sin, addiction, trauma, or hardship in their life. With the help of the Lord and strong Christian fellowship we hope to guide and support all who are in need of help with full confidentiality. Some biblical inspiration for this ministry comes from James 5:20, who reminds us that: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover a multitude of sins.

Grief Share

Friends and family, the holidays are particularly difficulty when grieving a loss. Please join us as we navigate the path of grief together starting Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024. Shepherd of the Hills will provide the books at no charge and kindly ask for a donation to go toward purchasing snacks and future materials.

Sign Up Here


Two Men's Bible Study Opportunities

Join us February 17th, 7:30 to 9am, at The Hub in West Bend for our Men's Bible Study or attend the Men of His Word Men's Conference in Oshkosh!

Men of His Word Conference

Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study

Thursday Women's Bible Study will begin meeting again on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 9:30 in the Family Ministry Room. Join us for discussion of the book Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs. 


February 8th

6:30pm - Thursday Worship

Call meeting for a 1st Grade Teacher after service

February 10th

7:30am - Women's Bible Study

4:00pm - Luminary Walk

February 11th

8:00am - Worship Service

9:00am - Bible Study, Children's Ministry, Catechism

10:30am - Worship Service

7:00pm - Recovery Meeting

February 12th

6:30pm - Choir Practice

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