October 15, 2022 | FALL Issue (REVISED)
Missouri Association of the Deaf Inc. Serving Deaf Community since 1904

This newsletter is resent to you all as the first test of other newsletter program is too cumbersome and not fitting.

This one may be better.
Please let us know.

MoAD Social Media Committee
"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind."
~C.S. Lewis
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Please feel free to forward to your family and friends! We appreciate it.

We welcome input and also send us announcements or news. We want your feedback.

Do you know what Missouri Association of the Deaf is about?
Missouri Association of the Deaf Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Missouri.

All inquiries or donations can be sent to MoAD P.O. Box 681, Columbia, Mo. 65205.

Guess what?

MoAD will be 120 years old in 2024! We have come a long way from 1904.

August 20 to 27, 1904 was an exciting year for the Deaf Community.

The International Congress of the Deaf and the 7th Convention of the National Association of the Deaf were meeting in St. Louis.

The alumni of Missouri School for the Deaf established Missouri Association of the Deaf the same year and incorporated in 1907.
MoAD Interim President plans to visit the following cities. If you want to host, please let me know. I will provide refreshments. Hannibal, Springfield, Kansas City, Cape Girardeau, Fulton, and St. Louis
DeafBlind Community Needs More SSP! SIGN UP! LEARN AND FUN!
Want to work with the DeafBlind Community?
Sign up to join training by Vancro. E-mail to [email protected] This one is in St. Louis area. Nov 12 and 13 9 am to 5 pm SIGN UP NOW!
Sign up to join training by Vancro. E-mail to [email protected]. This one is in Kansas City area. Dec 3 and 4 9 am to 5 pm. SIGN UP NOW!
LEAD-K is a program to provide Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids. Missouri needs one!
MoAD Board of Directors Meetng on ZOOM

NOVEMBER 13, 2022 (Sunday)

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Central Time

Paid Members will have voice in discussions pending the agenda. Visitors are invited to observe but cannot voice in discussion. If you want to be member, please join MoAD. Thanks

*Meeting ID and Password will be available on Facebook page or e-mail to us after 11/11/22.
Join us on Facebook page. Click on this link below to get you there.

Feel free to Visit us on Facebook
Where are Deaf/HOH people in Missouri?

The demographics was last made on September 8, 2021. According to it, it says total population of Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Missouri are 5,988.927. There is 59,889 Deaf individuals and 539,003 Hard of Hearing individuals. Click on it to find out. It is time to investigate this.

We are looking for a parliamentarian or someone who is expert in it to conduct a workshop to train in the use of parliamentary procedures. Please leave message with us and we appreciate it.
MoAD needs you to fill in 2 positions.
Region 3 Representative
Do you agree that the future depends on what we do in the present?

Please join MoAD and help us work and invest in today's youth for they are the leaders of tomorrow.

Join MoAD!
WHAT: MoAD 48th Biennial Conference 2023

WHEN: August 8 to 11, 2023 (tentative)

WHERE: Columbia, Missouri

Which hotel? It is pending.
We are looking for workshops to happen in August 2023 at our upcoming conference. Know of any interesting presentors?
Let us know. Thank you!
We are looking for sponsors to help cover the MoAD Conference 2023.
Interested in sponsoring?
We are looking for entertainers for the conference and anytime through the year.

We love arts and entertainment.

So let us know what you do.

We need a list of entertainers.
Are you coming to MoAD 48th Biennial Conference?
Columbia, Missouri

08/08/23 12:00pm - 08/11/23 12:00pm

MoAD 48th Biennial Conference
workshops, entertainers, socials, room rentals, interpreters, booths and more. (Watch for updates)
I'll be there!
I can't make it
Help us pick hotel? MoAD 48th Biennial Conference August 8 to 11 (tentative)
Holiday Inn Executive (across from the Columbia Mall)
Stoney Creek
Drury Inn
Those interested in displaying at the conference, please let us know.
The MoAD Show-Me Newsletter is periodically published to provide members and the public with timely information including announcements, articles, conferences, news and updates.

All Rights Reserved @Missouri Association of the Deaf Inc. 2022-2023