Packer Alumni eNews: Fall Edition
Hi Packers!

Take a look at the addition to the front of your alma mater! In October a 500lb custom bull statue was installed. More pictures can be seen here.

We are excited to announce a full schedule of alumni activities in 2022.

Mark your calendars for:
Bowling Party - Mar. 19
Pasta Dinner - Apr. 24
Packers Give - May 25
Golf Classic - July 31
Hall of Fame - Sept. 10
Packer Sports Greats - Oct. 19

Look for more details on all these events in the next few months!
Our Fall Alumni Tooter is now available. If you currently receive yours by mail and would like to switch to an emailed version, please let us know!
Ticket sales for our 2021 Lottery have begun. If you would like tickets please contact the SHS Alumni Office at 402-738-9493 or [email protected].
Our 2021 Packer Golf Classic was a HUGE success! THANK YOU to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners. Check out the pictures and results now!
Our digital yearbook bookshelf is ready for you to browse sponsored yearbooks all the way back to 1906! Contact the Alumni Office if you’d like to sponsor a locked yearbook and open it for all to view.
For the 2021-22 membership year, 583 members joined our fourth Packers 500 Club. Congratulations to all our winners through October and good luck to everyone in the next months!
To discover more about SHS Alumni Association visit:
Let us know your most recent contact info so you don't miss out on upcoming reunions or events! Please add [email protected] to your email contacts so our emails make it to your inbox.
SHSAA is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
By supporting SHS Alumni Association you support South High School.
Funds raised will be used to benefit the school and students through
scholarships and teacher special project funds.
If you no longer want to receive these informational emails, please unsubscribe below.
SHS Alumni Association  |  5082 S. 107th Street  |  Omaha, NE 68127  |   402-738-9493