SHSP Hosts Second Annual Alumni Networking Event

The School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) Alumni Leadership Council hosted its second annual alumni networking event, "Link Locally, Affect Globally" on April 12. Alumni spent the evening making new connections, catching up and engaging with faculty and administration. Special guest speaker, Karen Berger, vice president of transplant and clinical services at Westchester Medical Center, shared her thoughts and experiences on ethical challenges in hospital administration. 

Keep a look out for information about our Third Annual Alumni Networking Event happening in April 2019. Have an idea for a future event and/or want to share feedback for this event? Let us know by visiting our Feedback Form or contact us directly at [email protected].

Center for Disaster Medicine Brings Military Training to Westchester County's Bravest Police 

When active shooter and other mass casualty events occur, survivability often comes down to how well first responders react. On June 20, with a duty to keep their communities safe amidst the worst possible situations, 24 of Westchester County's bravest special response team (SRT) officers arrived at New York Medical College's (NYMC) Center for Disaster Medicine for a special training program on tactical and austere medicine. The program taught state-of-the-art operational medical techniques developed on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq and customized here at NYMC for civilian law enforcement. During the intense full-day training, officers participated in an active shooter simulation, experienced a sensory immersion simulator, and underwent detailed patient casualty scenarios enhanced by the use of moulage -- hyper-realistic make-up used to add realism to training scenarios. Read the full article...

Class of 2018 Celebrates Commencement Day
After years of dedication, sacrifice and unyielding efforts, the New York Medical College (NYMC) Class of 2018 enjoyed the fruits of their labor at the 159th Commencement exercises on May 23 at Carnegie Hall, where families and friends packed the house for the momentous occasion. The College awarded 213 doctor of medicine degrees (M.D.), 40 doctor of physical therapy (D.P.T.) degrees, 16 doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees, 81 master of science (M.S.) degrees, 91 master of public health (M.P.H.) degrees and 4 doctor of public health (Dr.P.H.) degrees. The pomp and circumstance of Commencement was preceded by an eventful day of award ceremonies for the School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences and the School of Health Sciences and Practice. Read the full article.

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Hits The Mark Again...Twice

The Department of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) in the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) recently achieved outstanding outcomes in two educational standards-full reaccreditation and 100 percent first-time passing rate on the National Physical Therapy Examination-validating its excellence in physical therapy education. The D.P.T. program received full reaccreditation for ten years from the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), with a written commendation. The program was found to be in full compliance with all standards and required elements for reaccreditation, and CAPTE stated they appreciated the thorough and professional manner in which the accreditation obligations were addressed in the official notification letter: "The Commission commends the program for the quality of its Self-study Report. The Program submitted a well-written, thorough, concise and comprehensive Self-study Report that clearly conveyed the nature and scope of the educational experience." In the formal Summary of Action, CAPTE noted, "The program is meeting its mission as evidenced by a focus on community service, scholarship, and interprofessional collaboration within the program that fosters a commitment to the health and wellness of society." Read the full article...

Students Delve into an Array of Public Health Issues at SHSP Research Day
A roomful of insightful future public health professionals turned out in full-force for the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) Sixth Annual Research and Scholarship Day on May 3, when SHSP faculty judges had the difficult task of selecting winners from the wall-to-wall interdisciplinary research projects presented. Research topics ran the gamut-from low-birth weights to pediatric dental hygiene to balance function in children with autism. The event was co-chaired by Luis F. Riquelme, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-S, associate professor of speech-language pathology and program director of the pediatric dysphagia certificate program and Susan L. Ronan, P.T., D.P.T., P.C.S., assistant professor of physical therapy.  Read the full article...

White Coats Mark Milestone for the D.P.T. Class of 2020

The Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) Class of 2020 had cause for celebration and reflection at the White Coat Ceremony on April 24, symbolizing the educational transition from the classroom into the clinic. In front of family and friends, they recited an oath pledging their commitment to the profession of physical therapy and compassionate care for their future patients.  Read the full article here...

SHSP Hosts Talk on Pollution and the Health of the Planet by Leading Authority on Children's Health

The School of Health Sciences and Practice welcomed guest speaker Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., M.Sc., right, dean for global health, professor of preventive medicine and pediatrics, Arnhold Institute for Global Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dr. Landrigan, an epidemiologist and pediatrician and one of the world's leading advocates of children's health, presented "Pollution and the Health of the Planet" on April 18. He shared the results of his work on the Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, an initiative of The Lancet, the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution, and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in conjunction with the United Nations Environment, United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the World Bank. He was welcomed by, from left: Robert W. Amler, M.D., M.B.A., dean of the School of Health Sciences and Practice and vice president for government affairs; Amy Ansehl, M.S.N., D.N.P., FNP-BC, assistant dean, associate professor of public health practice, executive director of the Partnership for a Healthy Population, assistant professor of family and community medicine and Director of Community Education and Outreach, Children's Environmental Health Center of the Hudson Valley; and Allen J. Dozor, M.D., professor of pediatrics and clinical public health, chief of pediatric pulmonology, allergy and sleep medicine and director, Children's Environmental Health Center of the Hudson Valley.

Physical Therapy and Speech-Language Students Team Up for Interprofessional Education Experience 

The Departments of Physical Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology in the School of Health Sciences and Practice found lots to talk about at their first interprofessional education (IPE) event at the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center earlier this year. Forty-three Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) students and 39 speech-language pathology (SLP) master's students completed two standardized patient experiences as part of an interprofessional team of two to four students. A total of 18 experiences were completed involving four standardized patients and 13 faculty members, who remotely observed the encounters and provided feedback. The standardized patient simulation provided diagnostic scenarios in both an ICU and a general inpatient unit where D.P.T. and SLP students collaborated to provide sensitive, respectful, safe and effective patient care. Shared decision making and effective interpersonal communication between SLP and D.P.T. students were also emphasized.  Read the full article...

Department of Public Health Seminar Addresses the Rohingya Crisis 

The atrocities against the Rohingyas were brought to light at the most recent School of Health Sciences and Practice Department of Public Health Spring Seminar Series on March 14. Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations Masud Bin Momen , second from left, presented "The Rohingya Crisis: What Lies Ahead?" He shared his firsthand experience about what is being done to help the largest refugee situation in the world of Rohingyas who have fled their homes in Myanmar's Rakhine State to Bangladesh after persecution and atrocity crimes by the national security forces and local vigilante groups. Now living in camps after suffering from starvation, denial of basic or emergency health care, access to any livelihood option and sexual violence and enslavement of women and girls, their plight has become a public health nightmare. Welcoming Ambassador Masud Bin Momen to New York Medical College were, from left: Ben C. Watson, Ph.D. , vice dean, School of Health Sciences and Practice; Hasanat Alamgir, M.B.A., Ph.D. , associate professor of public health in the Division of Health Policy and Management, vice chair for doctoral studies, co-director of the Center for Long-Term Care; and Mark J. Kittleson, Ph.D. , professor and chairman of the Department of Public Health.

NYMC Celebrates Public Health Week

To celebrate NYMC Public Health Week, members of the Student Healthcare Executives (StuHE) club, the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) student public health organization, co-hosted a health and nutrition fair at the Greenburgh Health Center. The event was designed to help community residents and their families understand the importance of healthy eating habits to promote better health and well-being. Activities included interactive games for the children involving fruit and vegetables, gardening activities, a cooking demonstration for healthy food, dancing and exercise demonstrations. The event was made possible through a collaboration between StuHE and SHSP alumna Judith Watson, R.N., B.S.N., M.P.H. '07, back row second from left, the executive director of Greenburgh Health Center, a division of the Mount Vernon Neighborhood Health Center. "It is great that this event taking place at the Health Center," says Ms. Watson. "We take pride in treating our community, but it is equally important to have programs like this to demonstrate beneficial lifestyle choices. These initiatives can help our communities achieve their very best health; this is our ultimate goal."  Read the full article...

Department of Physical Therapy Hosts Fourteenth Annual Doctoral Project Presentation Day

The Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) Class of 2018 officially kicked off the commencement season, breathing a collective sigh of relief after presenting their work at the 14th Annual Doctoral Project Presentation Day, on April 19. They shared their projects in the areas of clinical research, education, or service and received feedback in the form of thoughtful inquiries and constructive comments from their peers, faculty and administration The day was capped with a keynote presentation by Mary Lou Galantino, P.T., M.S., Ph.D., professor of physical therapy, holistic health minor coordinator, School of Health Sciences, Stockton University. Dr. Galantino is known for her work with integrative therapies including yoga, meditation and tai chi for various populations including cancer survivors, HIV and fall prevention in the elderly. She inspired the D.P.T. Class of 2018 with her presentation "Embrace Engagement, Entrepreneurship and Evolution: The Art of Ubuntu."  Read the full article...

Overseas Speech-Language Pathology Program Enriches Understanding of SLP in Other Cultures

As four students (Nadia Ashour, third from left, Avery Dakin, fourth from left, Shannon Stocks, second from left, and Katherine Undly, second from right) in the speech-language pathology (SLP) program in the School of Health Sciences and Practice, embark on their last year of study, they take with them the knowledge and reflect on the experience they gained as the pilots of the first NYMC overseas speech-language pathology program. Led by Luis F. Riquelme, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-S, far right, associate professor of speech-language pathology and director of the post-graduate Certificate Program in Pediatric Dysphagia, the cross-cultural program was aimed at providing a unique opportunity for SLP students to understand the state of their profession outside of the U.S. mainland. The goal: to enrich their understanding of how culture, language and perception of health care can affect their practice-all while further developing their clinical skills. Read the full article...

Touro Dental Health is Open for Business

The Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College is pleased to announce its new state-of-the-art dental health facility, Touro Dental Health, is now open, providing affordable oral healthcare for the community and advanced educational training for dental students. The 32,000-square-foot oral health facility, located at 19 Skyline Drive, will provide care by dentists-in-training under close supervision of faculty and dental professionals. Patients of all ages will be treated in the areas of general dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and oral medicine. Appointments are available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and can be scheduled by contacting Touro Dental Health at (914) 594-2700 or [email protected]. Read the press release...

Upcoming Events
Founder's Dinner
Sunday, October 14, 2018
DoubleTree by Hilton, Tarrytown, N.Y. 

Join fellow alumni at this special gala event featuring dinner, entertainment and presentation of NYMC's awards, featuring Judith Watson, M.P.H. '07, receiving the Jackson E. Spears Community Service Award.

Alumni receive a 50% discount on tickets. For more information, please visit the Founder's Dinner website.

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Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG), United States Navy Medical Service Corp 

Ready for the challenge of the changing field of public health


Class of 2019

Embracing how physical therapy can impact an individual's life

Associate Professor and Division Director, Health Behavior and Community Health, Department of Public Health

Bringing a fresh perspective on academic and public health practice

We would love to share your most recent news and accomplishments in our next issue of the Chironian

If you have any accomplishments or developments, published a book, or have any family news to share we would love to hear from you. Please share your updates with us to be included in our class notes.


NYMC faculty members engage in sponsored research and other programs spanning a wide range of biomedical topics. Read about the latest NYMC grant news.


As leaders in a variety of specialties and fields, New York Medical College's faculty have been called upon by media outlets to serve as experts on cutting edge topics, events and news stories. Read the latest offerings of  NYMC in the news.


View photos from the 2018 SHSP Commencement Dinner and Awards Ceremony held on May 22, 2018.

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Alu mni Connections is New York Medical College's e-newsletter distributed to all alumni, published quarterly by the Office of Public Relations. Suggestions for story ideas are always welcome. Please call or email with your comments and inquiries at  (914) 594-4536 or  [email protected].

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