SIF E-News

Spring 2023

New SIF Website Will Go Live this May!

We are extremely excited to launch a newly redesigned SIF website this month. will have a new look and feel thanks to the incredible collaboration of our SIF Tech Team and Marketing Committee. 

Our SIF Marketing Committee worked hard to create a new logo and graphic standards to give our site a fresh, 21st century feel. They also suggested new features to make navigating the site easier. We thank Carol Croxton, head of the SIF Marketing Committee to lead this endeavor. Jeff Sterrette, who heads our SIF Tech Team helped us to decide on what design software to use, where/how to host the site along with laying the foundation for site navigation. MVPs for this project include graphic designer, Nicole Courtney who gave the site a beautiful look and worked with both committees to make the project move forward. Jen Grieb who does SIF development work for SIF, worked hard supplying content. 

It definitely takes a village to make a project like this successful. We thank all our "villagers" giving us pride in this redesign project!

SIF Sports Spectacular!

SIF Sports Spectacular fundraising event on May 18th will feature Oriole Hall of Famer Rick Dempsey, from The Baseball Warehouse LLC. The event includes an opportunity for networking among Baltimore’s top financial institutions, a silent auction featuring sports memorabilia, guest presenters, as well as a free throw challenge. Attendees will also have the opportunity to meet Rick Dempsey, get his autograph and take photos.

The event takes place on Thursday, May 18 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Guilford Hall Brewery. Click here to purchase tickets.

Meeting with Maryland State Comptroller

SIF Board Chair, Brandon Croxton & Executive Director, Rebecca Lange Thernes met with Maryland State Comptroller, Brooke Lierman the end of April. They talked about the SIF curriculum, the Maryland State financial literacy program at large and cultivating a relationship going forward. We look forward to developing this relationship! We thank Comptroller Lierman for her time.

New Song Academy

We thrilled to have New Song Academy as one of our new partner schools. In a recent visit to the school, we saw Ms. Jackson teach the SIF 6th grade class with a lot of gusto and creativity. Keep up the good work, New Song!

A Unique Opportunity for SIF Students

The majority of the Stocks in the Future curriculum is taught by professional teachers during the academic school day. However, there is some flexibility in teaching SIF other ways. "If we find alternative ways of teaching a program that can have good measurable results, we most definitely considerate it," says SIF executive director Rebecca Lange Thernes. 

This year, we found a formula that most definitely works! The students at Tunbridge Public Charter School has been having a "rich" experience led by a group of volunteers from the Maryland State Retirement and Pension system. This endeavor has been led by Beau Smith, a Senior Risk Manager from the state's program. It's been 2 years in the making. Unfortunately, COVID had slowed the process down but Beau and his team of six volunteers patiently waited until an opportunity became available. Enter, Tiffany Gladden, Assistant Principal and Director of Out of School Time at Tunbridge. Tiffany was open and receptive to having volunteers come from the financial world to lead the program. "This connection is an important one as our students learn firsthand from professionals, the workings of the financial world." 

Beau and his team do a splendid job teaching financial concepts to their group. They make it fun and interesting at the same time. For example, The students received a Bessie Coleman quarter as a gift from the volunteers. From this, a connection was made to Women's History Month and The incredible story of the first African American and Native American woman to hold a pilot's license. "The students were excited and genuinely interested in the story," says Beau. SIF Executive Director, Rebecca Lange Thernes describes a visit she made to the Tunbridge group this year: "What a treat! This class has a lot of personality as they performed a skit about investing in the market. They had a lot of fun being silly with their roles yet, they understood the concepts of investing, risk and diversification."

We thank our volunteers from the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System and Tunbridge for giving our students this great opportunity. As we move into next school year, we are open to partnering with institutions that can teach SIF in creative and alternative ways. We look forward to unveiling these partnerships next school year!

Stocks In The Future |
PO Box 19124, Towson, MD 21284
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