January 19, 2021
(l-r): Esme Kimber, Liam Markey, Luke Young-Xu
SJA Students to Present Original Scientific Research

Three St. Johnsbury Academy students have been selected to virtually present their original scientific research at the American Association for the Advancement for Science (AAAS) conference in February—the largest general science conference in the world. The event is sponsored by the New Hampshire Academy of Science. Twenty-six students selected from twelve Upper Valley schools passed through a scientific peer review conducted by scientists at Dartmouth College.

Fall/Winter Hilltopper Magazine

The Fall/Winter issue of the Hilltopper magazine is now available online. You can read it here.
Athletics Update

The Governor has approved contact practices and inter-squad scrimmages for indoor sports teams (basketball and hockey). Nordic and Alpine skiing may begin to compete against other schools, however, athlete numbers per race are restricted to 25 total competitors per event. We will modify and announce any upcoming races on our Athletics social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) over the next few days.
mySJA - Accessing Information on Our Website
Our website is filled with information for students, and their parents. Links to the student and parent portals, Canvas, calendars and Daily Bulletin are just some of the things that can be found there. Parents can also make payments for tuition through the site and can access their portal here. Students can access their portal here.
Senior Recognition Ads for 2021 Yearbook

Parents of seniors interested in placing a Senior Recognition Ad in the yearbook are asked to submit their ads before February 11. What a great way to tell your favorite senior how proud you are of them! Follow this link to begin creating your ad today.

Wednesday, JANUARY 20
School Photos, 8:30-3:00 PM
Any students who did not have their photo taken for the yearbook, or who would like their photo re-taken, are asked to stop by Fuller Hall during their free break to have their photo taken by our school photographer. Prints will be available through the school's SmugMug account. Please contact Mr. Legge with any questions.

Thursday, JANUARY 21
School Photos, 8:30-3:00 PM

Thursday, JANUARY 21
Colwell Center Speaker, 5:00 PM
Constitutional scholar, Natalia Torres Zuniga, who is Peruvian, will join us via Zoom from her home in Norway and will give a presentation about how the constitutions of Peru and Chile are threatened by corruption and neoliberalism. If you're interested in Latin America or in government and law, this presentation will deepen your understandings of culture and governance, and it will also likely help you better understand the crises currently facing the United States. Please email Mr. Ehrean at [email protected] so that he can give you the Zoom link. Parents and community members are free to attend. 
In August 2020, six students embarked on their Senior Art Capstone adventure form their homes in Asia. Led by Fine Arts instructor Kim Darling, they designed and implemented plans for research-based visual art projects. Working in their home studios, as well as in art studios near their homes, they completed exciting original projects in animation, drawing, sculpture, fashion design, painting and interior design and presented their research and studio work via Zoom. They were the first Virtual Academy Art Capstone class, and they proved that not only is it possible to successfully complete a virtual art capstone project—it can be done with panache. View their projects here.
Submissions for The Clear River Review are now being accepted. The Academy's journal for literature and the arts is looking for student poems, essays, stories and visual artwork. More information is available here.
In these two videos, senior Momoka Oka is shown rehearsing two solo variations for her final exam in December. Momoka is a Residential Life student from Japan. Her first video can be viewed here. Her second video can be viewed here.
Students and teachers in the CTE progam have been doing their part to help get the school's new ice rink ready for use. They have been involved in everything from designing and building a small Zamboni, otherwise known as a "bambini," to clearing the snow.
Twenty-eight new students have joined us for the second semester. With the temperature near 40 on Friday, the students joined Mr. Holden for some dodgeball and a chance to meet some of their new classmates.
The SJA Community was incredibly fortunate to welcome Dr. Reverend Robert A. Potter in Chapel on Monday to help us celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Reverend Potter was a friend of Dr. King's and shared several stories and memories of their times together. A recording of the Chapel video can be viewed here.