September 29, 2020
We Have This America

This week we began to live-stream morning Chapel from Fuller Hall here at St. Johnsbury Academy. The hope is to restore that feeling of starting the day together as a community—so I shared a message, and Student Body President Sierra Shippee ‘21 read announcements of the day’s events, including our first soccer games, some birthdays, and a kind send-off from students to a departing staff member.

Get the latest information about our school opening plans.
We’ve developed a thoughtful, responsible, and balanced plan for opening the 2020-2021 school year. Check this link often for the most up-to-date information.

Math Students Named Regional Student Leaders
St. Johnsbury academy sophomores Nico Sipples, of St. Johnsbury, and Hannah Keith, of Kirby, were recently presented with certificates for their achievements in the Continental Math League competition held during the spring.

Virtual Meet the Teachers, 3:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Information will be sent out by the end of the week.

With colder temperatures in the morning, daily screenings are now being held in the field house, in addition to Fuller Hall and South Church Hall.
With temperatures rising during the morning though, students have been taking advantage of the sunshine and enjoying their lunches outside.
In preparation for the Mid-Autumn Festival, a group of students and faculty and staff got together on Saturday to prepare mooncakes. The festival is a traditional Chinese celebration held on October 1.
Students in Mr. Bugbee's Construction Technology class have been working constructing sheds. The sheds give the students the opportunities to develop skills necessary to work on larger projects.
Interscholastic sports began this week. Our sports schedule can be viewed here and our spectator policy can be viewed here. Please check them both frequently because they are subject to change.