Welcoming Deacon Linda Rosengren

Dear People of God,

People often say that when one door closes, God opens another. Though this wisdom is not Biblical, I often find it to be true. When Bob Dannals announced that he would accept a prestigious Interim Rector position in Palm Beach this school year, I was saddened. Bob is so talented, and he and I were such a great team. But how could I stand in his way with such an opportunity for him and for this great parish down south? Thanks be to God for Gee Alexander, Saundra Kidd and Father Raja who supports our immigrant ministry. I was not left alone.

Just as I was pondering a fall without Bob, a new deacon came to my attention. Her name is Linda Rosengren. After serving as a chaplain at Baptist Hospital for 15 years, where Linda ran support groups for parents whose child died, Linda retired and started attending the Cathedral. With the Bishop’s blessing, she joined us on staff this past Sunday. Linda is a great liturgist as well as a former teacher and pastor. She will assist me in heading up all the Vergers and acolytes as well as working to support our ministry to parents and children. Her title will be Deacon for Liturgy and Formation.

And so, God opened a door for us. And I am thankful.

In Christ’s love,

Sunday Worship at the Cathedral
Sunday, July 25, 2021
The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Proper 12

8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral
Preacher: The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead

9 a.m. Faith Forum In-Person and Online
Meeting ID: 84147785996
Listening for God in Short Stories
This class meets in person in the Busey Conference Room. Find out more and read this week's story.

9 a.m. Coffee and Conversation with Dean Kate
Ingram Lounge

10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral*
Preacher: The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead
Offertory Music: O for a closer walk with God
by Charles Villiers Stanford
The Cathedral Choir

*Nursery open 9:45 to 11:15 a.m. and Children's Chapel in Taliaferro Hall.
This service is live-streamed on the Cathedral's YouTube channel and website.
Sunday, July 18
Plants and Produce on the Porch began last Sunday. Stop by this week after the 10 a.m. service to see what you might find. All purchases support ministry at St. John's Cathedral.
Diocesan Listening Session at the Cathedral
Tuesday, July 27 at 6 p.m.
The Nominating Committee for the IXth Bishop of Florida has announced dates and times for Diocesan Listening Sessions. This is your chance to share your thoughts on our next Bishop and the future of the Diocese. The session at St. John's Cathedral takes place on July 27 at 6 p.m. in Taliaferro Hall. For a complete list of sessions throughout the Diocese and more details, visit here.

Clergy on Call
Please call on our clergy to assist you in your faith journey. We can always be reached by calling the 24/7 clergy-on-call number, (904) 252-0680. We are all in this together!
Children's Chapel at 10 a.m.
Outdoor Children's Chapel is moving inside this week. During the 10 a.m. service only, children will meet in Taliaferro Hall where it is cool!
ATTN: Ministry Leaders - Get Ready for Rally Day!
Rally Day is Sunday, August 29. Ministry leaders are encouraged to think of something (a treat, a giveaway) to have at their tables to entice parishioners to stop and talk and find out more. The tables should be manned between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. (with a break at 10 a.m. to allow people to attend the worship service). To reserve a table and find out more, please contact Laura Eldredge. Would you like your ministry Spotlighted in the Eagle? Contact Nancy Purcell.
Meet Robert DeAngelo
Robert just joined our staff and is SJC's Digital Media Specialist. He brings with him years of experience as a journalist and a sports photographer. He will be assisting with live streaming and many other video projects. Robert will be in church this Sunday, so please introduce yourself and say, "Hello!"
Share a Link to Dean Moorehead's Morning Devotion with a Friend!
Do you know someone who would like to receive Dean Moorehead's morning devotion in the inbox? Copy and share the sign-up link below! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/X90apMA/devotion
Get Connected!
St. John's Cathedral offers many ways to get involved. Take a class. Join a Bible study or book discussion. Below are a few opportunities to add to your calendar. See the complete list of offerings here.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see content as we add it!

Volunteers Needed for our Welcome Ministry
Would you like to meet and greet visitors on Sunday mornings? Parish Life is starting a Welcome table at the back of the church and needs some enthusiastic "Cathedral Ambassadors." If you're interested, please contact Laura Eldredge to volunteer.

Donations Needed: Family Promise Host Week August 8-15
During our host week, Family Promise families will be staying at the NEW Family Promise Day Center at Arlington Congregational Church. We will provide groceries for the Family Promise Day Center and evening meals. Evening meals can be delivered to Arlington Congregational Church at 6 p.m. As an alternative to delivering a meal, gift cards (Publix, Winn Dixie, Rowes, Walmart) for our Family Promise guests are welcome! Please contact Brooks Moore or Lynn Doiron if you are able to bring a meal or make a donation. Thank you!
Centering Prayer: An Offering from the Center for Prayer and Spirituality
This summer you are invited to join the centering prayer circle at the Cathedral on Thursday mornings from 9 to 10 a.m. in Cummings Chapel. This offering is in-person only. Led by Megan Cochran.

The Summer Faith Forum, Listening for God, is offered in-person and on Zoom. So if you are coming to the Cathedral for the 8 or 10 a.m. service, you can participate at 9 a.m. in the Busey Conference Room. We'd love to see you in person or on Zoom! Sunday we will be discussing "After the Baptism" by Carol Bly.

Art in Taliaferro Hall
ALICE AND DAN: A Marriage of True Minds
The work of Alice and Dan Hadwin will be exhibited in Taliaferro Hall through September 19. Dan's photographs are available for purchase through the Cathedral Bookstore and Gift Shop.
Click the photo above to email Teresa Mason for more information.
 Birthday Blessings
Sunday, July 25
Harriett Meyer, Bill Boling,
Beth Briand, Charles Hicks

Monday, July 26
John Jessee, Dick Saucier

Tuesday, July 27
Troy Farquhar

 Wednesday, July 28
Ivy Dearsman, Liam Dearsman
Thursday, July 29
Cathy Corey, Jay Wright,
Darlene Spence, Jennie Richards,
Gloria Miller

Friday, July 30
John Anderson, Patrick Goin,
Traci Jenks

Saturday, July 31
Kathy Estes, Graelyn Phipps-Poe,
Jackie Utti
Diocese of Florida Prayer for the Election of Our Bishop
Almighty God, giver of every good gift, we pray that you would look graciously upon the Diocese of Florida, and so guide the minds and hearts of the Nominating Committee as they prayerfully select candidates for the election of the next bishop of this diocese, that we may receive a faithful pastor who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries: Guide also the minds and hearts of the candidates who will come before the Nominating Committee, that this process will be a time of discernment and growth in their lives and ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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