Please join us Sunday for Family Service at 9
Sunday, May 8 will be our last 9 a.m. service in Cathedral Park for this school year. This service is a casual service of Holy Eucharist that is followed by a time of fellowship in Taliaferro Hall with snacks and activities. The service and the activities are suitable for all ages.
May 8 is also Mother’s Day, a good time to acknowledge and honor our families. What does your family look like? My birth family is huge. I am the youngest of my mother’s nine children! In addition, we are a mixture of half-siblings, adopted siblings, and step-siblings.
At St. John’s Cathedral, we are a splendid mixture of families. Some family units include a mother and a father, some have a single parent, and some have same-sex parents. We have grandparents as the primary caregivers and large extended families with multiple adults.
There are seven identified types of family structures. One of the most overlooked family structures is the “childless family.” People do not always recognize this family as a complete family. Too often childless couples are expected to have children eventually. However, some couples choose to live without children. A choice that is well-suited for them. Others have complications that make it difficult for them to have children. This is not a choice for them. Frequently it is a burden.
As a hospital chaplain, I learned how challenging life could be when you could not have that child you had dreamed of or that much-wanted child died. The holidays are especially difficult. Mother’s Day repeatedly being at the top of the difficult list. Bereaved mothers struggle with this day. Do I stay away from church? What if they ask all mothers to stand up? What if I am not given a flower because my baby was stillborn? Am I still a mother?
At all services on May 8, everyone will have the opportunity to take (or not take) a flower in honor of a mother whether it is the person who gave you life or the person who gave a mother’s love and care. We will give thanks for all these special people and for the many ways that we come together this day as a Family.
Please, join us!
~Deacon Linda Rosengren
New policy on Styrofoam and plastics at SJC
“You shall not pollute the land in which you live . . .”
Numbers 35:33
Dear People of God,
Your Vestry met last month and took a stand on the use of plastics and Styrofoam. In order to follow what we believe is God’s will and not fill the planet with materials that do not decompose, we have written the following resolution and approved it unanimously.
To: All individuals, groups and businesses serving food in or at St. John’s Cathedral
From: The Dean and Vestry of St. John’s Cathedral
Date: April 24, 2022
Subject: Policy Regarding Styrofoam and Single-Use Plastics
St. John’s Cathedral Dean and Vestry have pledged to refrain from the use of disposable materials that would harm the earth that God has made. To that end, we require that all who serve or consume food or beverages on our campus refrain from the use of Styrofoam and one time use plastics. All containers, plates, cups, napkins and other utensils must be biodegradable and/or made for reuse. We urge that all persons who consume those products on our campus follow the same policy.
It is my belief that, in the beginning, God called all of humanity to care for the earth. Producing and distributing materials that are filling our oceans and killing wildlife is not faithful. I realize that asking our caterers, cooks and volunteers to refrain from one time use plastics and Styrofoam will be more expensive, but we must make the earth a priority above our money. As a Cathedral, we must lead and be willing to make sacrifices for the preservation of this beautiful planet.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or to any member of the Vestry. And thank you to the Green Spirits and JoAnn Tredennick for their leadership and prayers.
In Christ’s love
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Good Shepherd Sunday
8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral
Preacher: The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead
9 a.m. Family Outdoor Service, Cathedral Park
9 a.m. Meet Parish Delegates about Bishop Election, Cathedral
10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral*
Preacher: The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead
Offertory Anthem: The King of love my Shepherd is by Edward C. Bairstow
The Cathedral Choir
Children’s Chapel is offered during this service.
*This service is live-streamed on our website and
YouTube channel.
10 a.m. Youth Group, Undercroft
11 a.m. Meet Parish Delegates about Bishop Election, Taliaferro Hall
11 a.m. Second Sunday on the Porch
Cathedral Bookstore
1 p.m. Church Without Walls
Dean’s Garden
8:45 to 11:10 a.m. Hakimian Nursery Open
8:45 to Noon Cathedral Bookstore Open
Wish to become Episcopalian or to be confirmed?
How are you looking to explore your faith? Are you interested in being received in the Episcopal Church, or in receiving the sacrament of Confirmation?
“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11 NRSV
Reflections on Resurrection in Scripture, Poetry and Art series begins this evening
Reflections on Resurrection in Scripture, Poetry and Art is a series of five sessions led by Linda Privitera and Joe O’Shields on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Zoom until June 2.
Using the post-resurrection appearances in the gospels we will consider the text, a poem, and an art piece for our discussion. We will begin our sessions with the “original” ending of the gospel of Mark. This course is a continuation of the Personalities, Portraits and Poetry format first presented in Pentecost and Advent of this past year. Save the dates and join us for lively discussion and thoughtful reflection. This course is sponsored by All Saints’ Anglican Church Westboro (Ottawa), Canada.
Aquaponics farm tour Friday, May 13 at 10 a.m.
Please join us Friday, May 13 at 10 a.m. for a tour of the aquaponics farm located at 958 Albert Street, near A. Philip Randolph Blvd. in Jacksonville. We will learn all about the growing system and the Native Fresh ongoing mission of sustainable farming. The tour is limited to 20 participants. Laura Eldredge will be your contact person at the farm.
Fresh Ministries’ aquaponics farm known as Native Fresh is an education-focused commercial aquaponics farm located in the heart of downtown Jacksonville. Because of the tightly-controlled environment, a wide variety of produce is grown year-round using no pesticides and significantly less water than traditional methods.
The IX Bishop of Florida to be elected May 14
On Saturday, May 14, clergy and delegates from the Diocese will elect the IX Bishop of Florida during voting at St. John’s Cathedral. Election is not open to the public but will be livestreamed on the Diocesan YouTube Channel.
All five of the candidates, Rev. Canon B. Wiley Ammons, Jr.; Rev. Charlie Holt; Rev. Canon John Fletcher Montgomery; Rev. Canon Miguel A. Rosada; and Rev. Canon Beth Tjoflat participated in a Meet & Greet at SJC on Tuesday. The candidates answered pre-selected questions in front of about 200 people in Taliaferro Hall. Event was livestreamed and may be viewed HERE
Blood drive Sunday, May 15, 8 a.m. to Noon
The Big Red Bus returns to St. John’s Cathedral for blood donations on Sunday, May 15 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. Those interested in donating are encouraged to sign up for an appointment HERE
The Bus will be parked in its typical location on Market Street so consider donating after attending services.
Join us May 26 for Dottie Dorion art reception
Her paintings have been on display in Taliaferro Hall since Easter Sunday, and now there will be a reception for artist, author and SJC member Dottie Dorion on Thursday, May 26 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Please join us in Taliaferro Hall to enjoy hors d'oeuvres, beverages, music and, of course, Dottie's vibrant and colorful paintings, each of which is available for purchase.
Hunger Fight packing event takes place June 5
Help us make a difference for our littlest neighbors with meals that keep them well-fed and books that keep them well-read! On Sunday, June 5, we will pack 10,000 meals and donate 400 books to children in the Jacksonville area.
For a few hours, Taliaferro Hall will be an assembly and packing station for meals to feed the hungry as we take part in Hunger Fight! Children age six and up may participate, so make it a family event and invite your friends and neighbors! The event and lunch are free, but you must sign up, so we know how many lunches to provide and stations to set up.
WHAT TO EXPECT: At 11:30 a.m., the Outreach Council will provide a light lunch, served in Ingram Lounge. The Hunger Fight Packing Event will begin at noon at last until all the food is packed. Please wear comfortable shoes as you will be standing for a few hours!
Sunday, May 8
Jim Dyer, Gerry Kelley,
Robyn Thompson, Marc Willis
Monday, May 9
Jim Cobb, Ric Terry
Wednesday, May 11
Jan Marino
Thursday, May 12
Hunter Long
Friday, May 13
Grace Whipple, Colleen Haley,
Sandra Kretzenbacher
Volunteers Sought
Volunteers are needed for a deep cleaning of the Cathedral on Saturday, May 7. This is in preparation for the election of a new bishop the following week.
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