Delta Sierra Science Project Newsletter
February 2022

Thank you for subscribing to the Delta Sierra Science Newsletter, a publication of the San Joaquin County Office of Education and the Delta Sierra Science Project. The rollout of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) continues in 2021-22 throughout the state of California as the transition progresses towards the full implementation of the science standards and assessments supported by the adopted California Science Framework.

Please contact our SJCOE STEM Programs office if you have any questions or concerns at 209.468.4880.

Have a wonderful school year!

San Joaquin County Office of Education 
SJCOE STEM Programs Professional Learning

SJCOE STEM is pleased to offer a variety of STEM and NGSS professional learning. We work with K-12 educators, TOSAs, and administrators for all things STEM and NGSS. Please contact the Bret States, to customize your school or district's professional learning plan today!
The SJCOE FabLab is a state of the art maker space. Students come for field trips or a series of field trips and learn to engineer using circuits, 3D printers, hand tools, laser cutters and more. Students address NGSS Engineering Design standards through fun activities like engineering an arcade system, or building a robot to complete simple task.  We have standards aligned field trips to address learning loss in fun ways for grades K-12. For instance first graders can use our new Rigamajig equipment to build their own giant data gathering marble maze with Sphero. We also host PD to train your staff on new hardware and technology. If you are interested in scheduling a field trip or just have questions about computer science, educational technology, engineering or makerspaces
please contact Stephen Callahan:, (209) 468-9247 or visit our website

Also, if you enjoy inspiring students with science and tech, and would be interested in helping out at the SJCOE FabLab, we have a chance to join the team as an assistant.
Students competing in slot car race with cardboard pedals that they engineered.
Environmental Literacy at the SJCOE
Join SJCOE in the fight against the climate crisis. The SJCOE has made a commitment to improve the environmental literacy of our students and community. Join in on the conversation by attending one or all of the environmental literacy networks. YEL it, TEL it and CPEL it - Environmental Literacy is for everyone!

Visit our website to learn more and join our networks. 
Upcoming Environmental Literacy Events
The SJCOE is excited to host our first annual Community for Environmental Literacy Summit (CELS). The summit is open for all high school students, educators and community partners to attend. Join us as we explore and improve environmental literacy in our region.

To learn more and to register for the summit visit our webpage.

The Central California CREEC network is excited to host a virtual conference for environmental literacy on March 19th, 2022. The conference is being facilitated by the California Environmental Literacy Project Teacher Leaders and COE Leads from across 19 counties of California. Register today to come learn, network and collaborate about environmental literacy.
To register visit:
The Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center is a regional center for STEM and environmental exploration. It sits on over 200 acres of land nestled in a large meander of the San Joaquin River in Manteca, California. Several miles of hiking trails, seasonal ponds, oak woodlands, a meadow, over 80 acres of wild riparian forest, various picnic areas, a working farm, and the shores of the mighty San Joaquin River are a few highlights of this special place. Please visit our website for more information. 
Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center
Student Programs

Welcome to the 21/22 school year from the Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center staff. We are very excited to continue offering quality virtual and in-person outdoor education programs for you and your students. While last year was a challenge for us all, we persevered, pivoted, and adjusted our programs to be virtual. We want to extend a special thank you to the 229 teachers and over 6,500 students that participated in our Virtual Outdoor Education Program last year.

Visit our website or flyer to find out about the 2021-2022 programs.

MEANDER field trips, Grades 4-7
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
$350 per class of 32

The San Joaquin County Office of Education has field trip opportunities for students in grades 4-7. The field trip cost is $350 for a class of no more than 32 students. We can accommodate up to four classes of students at a time for this field trip. For more information, please contact

Virtual Journaling, Grades 4-7
Grades 4-7
Times vary
$150 per class of 32

This is an optional 45-minute add-on live virtual program for schools that participate in the Meander field trip. We will begin building observation skills and cover the basics of nature journaling. This lesson is a wonderful opportunity for your students to get to know our staff, ask questions, and acquire a set of transferable thinking skills that will make their field trip more meaningful. Your students will be able to extend their nature journaling experience during the Meander Field Trip. Nature journaling with words, illustrations, and numbers also develops oral and written language. This program includes a set of prerecorded lessons.

BioBlitz field trips, Grades 6 - College
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
$350 per class of 32

Students will work in small groups to identify and record the predominant species at the Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center. Students will hike, use maps, datasheets, and iPads to contribute their observations to the iNaturalist app, and help build a database of the local species. The field trip cost is $350 for a class of no more than 32 students. We can accommodate up to two classes of students at a time for this field trip. For more information, please contact

Volunteer at Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center

Are you passionate about nature? Would you like to share your love for the outdoors with elementary school students? Volunteers will help run science activities, hike to the San Joaquin River, work with student groups in grades 4-7. Please register here.

Please email Kristine Stepping for more information regarding programs at Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center:
Regional Environmental Literacy Resources, Events & Opportunities
California Environmental Literacy Initiative
The California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI), led by Ten Strands, works statewide with guidance from a leadership council to create systems change in support of environmental literacy with a focus on access, equity, and cultural relevance for all students. Learn more
STEM Opportunities for Teachers and Students

Teachers College of San Joaquin Professional Learning Center
Inspire. Learn. Grow
What is the Professional Learning Center? 

Teachers College of San Joaquin's Professional Learning Center (PLC) provides opportunities for educators to purchase non-degree, Professional Development Units (PDUs) to continue their education and move over on the pay scale.* (One professional development unit is equal to a total of 15 hours of seat time.)

*Always check with your school and/or district prior to purchasing PD units to ensure that they will accept them.
The North Central Valley STEM Center Award Applications are now being accepted!

  • Albert Brocchini STEM Teacher of the Year
  • Mel Cardenas Memorial CTE Student of the Year
  • STEM Student of the Year

We are also taking applications for a high school paid summer manufacturing internship at Rare Parts, Inc.

Please visit our website for all the details and to download the applications. The application deadline is April 22, 2022.
The Concord Consortium
Check out the new resources and initiatives for middle and high school Earth science teachers. Plus a fantastic video of a volcanologist at work. (He's wearing a special hot suit!) eNews Resources

Next Generation Science Lesson Plans and Ideas | BetterLesson

Easy and effective science lesson plans across all grades including Earth and space sciences, and engineering with free resources from world-class teachers.
Biomimicry Institute Resources for Educators
Education is the root of change and at the heart of everything we do.

Biomimicry is revolutionizing education by offering teachers a way to inspire students of all ages by blending biology, STEM, creative problem solving, design, and systems thinking. Explore how we can help you share biomimicry with the next generation of change-makers.
Free Educator Workshops and Materials from SMUD
Please see the catalog list of FREE educator workshops sponsored by SMUD. The video workshops presentations are only one hour but the impact of the training is enormous. This is a great way to get your students interested in STEM. You can choose from topics of electric circuit design to basic coding and even how to teach sustainability.

The Exploratorium believes that learning is joyful and lifelong. By creating inquiry-based experience and tools that spark wonder; offer hands-on experiences; and encourage questions, explorations, and individual discovery, they're transforming the way people learn. Learning this way empowers people to figure things out for themselves-about science, but also about any topic, claim, or idea.

Explore the museum’s exhibits, and learn activities and strategies that will make science come alive for your students.
If you're a teacher, parent, after-school educator, or professional developer, there are lots of unique resources for you.

Apply now for this year's free Summer Institute!
Attention middle and high school science teachers: join the Exploratorium’s Teacher Institute for three weeks of hands-on professional science learning this summer.
This is a free, three-week professional learning experience that will take place in person at the Exploratorium. After completing our Summer Institute, you will receive a $2,500 stipend and will be eligible to attend future alumni institutes and workshops for the rest of your teaching career.

Applicants must be current in-classroom science teachers for grades 6–12 and should have at least three years of experience teaching science in a classroom.

Educators of color and educators working in public schools, especially Title I schools, are encouraged to apply. Priority is given to California teachers, and some spaces are reserved for teachers from outside of California.

Application deadline is March 15, 2022
California Academy Of Sciences Resources for Educators
Information on professional development, field trips, videos, lessons plans and many more educator resources!
The CA NGSS 3D Assessment Implementation Modules
The CA NGSS 3D Assessment Implementation Modules website is designed to provide teachers with assessment resources that support high-quality 3-dimensional learning for formative and summative purposes. The website resources for analyzing, modifying and creating assessment items include:
  • Unpacking the Performance Expectation Module
  • 3D Assessment Analysis Module
  • 3D Development/Modification Module
  • NGSS Assessment Database
  • Reference Resources
SJCOE STEM Programs Thanks You for Reading Our Newsletter
About Us
San Joaquin County Office of Education STEM Programs is the CCSESA Region 6 Science Lead and the Co-Director of the Delta Sierra Science Project, a California Subject Matter Project. Thank you for subscribing our newsletter.