November is often an extremely busy month for school children and families. As we begin a new month, this year is no exception. All Saints Day, elections, daylight savings time, conferences, basketball season and Thanksgiving are all coming soon. As we continue to ensure good communication from St. Joseph Catholic School, please keep updated through our weekly newsletter, emails from teachers and PowerSchool (4th-8th grade). As always, feel free to contact the school for any questions, concerns or general feedback.


Chris Multhauf, Principal


We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated in our Catholic Schools Color Walk and to everyone who has donated or fundraised for our school! We are so appreciative of all the time, effort and money that everyone has put in to make this year's Catholic Schools Walk such a huge success!

Our current total is $7,995!!!

We are so close to meeting our goal of $10,000!  

We have until the end of the day TODAY to collect donations so we still have time to reach our goal!

Here is the link to Donate Now! or cash/checks can be turned in at the school office!

The raffle drawing for donations will be TOMOTTOW (Friday, 11/1) November 1st! (Every $5 donated earns one raffle ticket!) 

We also have a competition for the 2 classes that earn the most dollars donated per student, so get your final donations in!

CLICK HERE to Print the November School Calendar

Lunch Duty Volunteers

Friday, Nov. 1st - Jessica Mullins

Monday, Nov. 4th - Monica Warren

Tuesday, Nov. 5th - Ann Higgins

Wednesday, Nov. 6th - NEED FILLED

Thursday, Nov. 7th - Felicia Toy

Friday, Nov. 8th - Half Day! No Lunch

We need volunteers for Lunch Duty on Nov. 6th and several dates in December. If you can help (or need to get your 6 days in) please click on the link below to sign up:

CLICK HERE to Print the NOVEMBER Hot Lunch Menu

Start your Wednesdays by joining us at our school Mass at 8:15am!



All orders will be delivered before Christmas Break.

We need additional students to join in order to hold Robotics Club.....

Click Here For More Information and to Sign Up Today!

Cookie House Bake Day is coming up! Come join in the fun!

Click below to join in on the FUN!

Our 8th grade boys went undefeated on Monday night!

Girls went 3 -3 on Tuesday.

Come cheer on the girls tonight and the boys tomorrow

at 7:30 at the Sting Center.

Do you have a child who is interested in helping at the youth mass? We are looking for students to serve in both speaking and non-speaking roles. We would love to have all ages participate. 

Please sign up here: November 10th Youth Mass

Save the date - January 21, 2025

Jeremy Blackwood Presents The Trinitarian God

Please consider cooking some soup for our

Soup and Substance series. 

Soup donations can be brought directly to the event or dropped off in the parish office before 3:30pm. Click the link below:

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CLICK HERE to Visit our School Website

The dedicated staff, parents and Catholic Faith Community of

St. Joseph Catholic School educate the mind, body, and soul of students.

We strive to live the Gospel, celebrate the Sacraments, 

achieve  academic excellence, and share our God-given gifts and talents

in service to others.