Changing lives...behind the scenes.
The Support Kansas City (SKC) newsletter helps you stay informed on the latest topics and trends that help your nonprofit organization run more efficiently.
Shared Services
Every quarter SKC highlights one of its many services that you may or may not be taking advantage of.
Shared Spaces
Check out these useful spaces where nonprofits can thrive. Great ideas on how you can have space to do good.
Shared Resources
Need supplies? Here are some cost-effective ways to get the resources you need to run a more efficient organization.
Shared Voices
Read SKC's latest installment of Shared Voices, where some highly qualified experts share their viewpoints on topics of interest to nonprofits. 
Do Your Donor Letters Have it All?  
Including required IRS disclosures?

A $64 million charitable contribution was disallowed per the Tax Court case 15 West 17th Street LLC v. Commissioner, 147 T.C. No. 19. Why?  Because the donor acknowledgement letter was missing key pieces of information required by the Internal Revenue Service.

Detailed rules for contemporaneous written acknowledgments are contained in Section 170(f)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 1.170A-13(f) of the Income Tax Regulations. These rules require charitable organizations to provide donors with written acknowledgment of gifts over $250.  This written acknowledgment must contain specific references as to whether the gift recipient provided the donor with any goods or services in exchange for the donation, and whether the gift recipient provided anything of value, in exchange for the gift.

Read More>>
Staff News

Adam joined Support Kansas City as an Accountant I in February 2017. Prior to joining SKC, Adam worked within the Higher Education sector, both in enrollment and student financial services. Born and raised in Eastern Iowa, Adam recently moved to the Kansas City area with his wife. They enjoy the outdoors, volunteering their time and exploring their new city. Welcome, Adam!


Raisa joined Support Kansas City as Office Coordinator in March 2017. Prior to joining SKC, Raisa served with the AmeriCorps VISTA program. Raisa earned a Master of Arts in Sociopolitical Philosophy and holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Philosophy and Communication Studies. Welcome, Raisa!

Shared Spaces at the Children's Campus of Kansas City
Dedicated to a mission of preparing young children who are at risk for academic failure for success in school and life, the Children's Campus of Kansas City is a collaborative research program partnership aimed at improving outcomes for young children and their families. 

At the Children's Campus of Kansas City we are building the future. The children impacted today will be the workforce and community of tomorrow. Annually more than 1,000 children participate in services designed to prepare them for success in the future. These services are provided by nearly 200 professional staff across agencies working together to improve the outcomes of children. Parents and families have opportunities to engage in their child's development and education and learn about their important role in their child's future success.  

The co-location and collaboration of the Children's Campus of Kansas City partners contributes to a solid foundation for academic readiness, greater ease for parents in following through on referrals, and business efficiencies that allow more dollars to be directed toward high impact programming.  

Sharing Resources for Nonprofits Like You
Support Kansas City's 8th Annual Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership Awards

Save the Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 from 4:00 - 6:00pm
Kauffman Foundation Conference Center
4801 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110

Panel Discussion: Radical Conversations: Cultivating Common Ground

Sponsored by: 
Leadership Sponsor: CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP
Governance Sponsors: Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and Commerce Bank
Excellence Sponsors: Deloitte, Enterprise Bank & Trust, Kansas City Power & Light, REACH Healthcare Foundation and Ralph C Johnson & Company. 


REACH Healthcare Foundation Learning Sessions

Save the Date: REACH Healthcare learning sessions on non-profit best practices. Sessions will be free of charge. 

Topics will include, but are not limited to: nonprofit governance, monitoring, learning and evaluation, and financial management. 

Topics and times will be announced in the upcoming weeks.   

Free White Paper: Charitable Solicitation Compliance

Compliance is not an option, yet many charitable nonprofits do not fully understand that nonprofits have an obligation to register for charitable solicitation. That is why the National Council of  Nonprofits and Harbor Compliance have collaborated to provide a free white paper detailing charitable solicitation registration requirements. 

In this white paper you will find:
  • Common forms of solicitation that may require registration
  • An explanation of the registration forms and process
  • How to approach online fundraising requirements
  • Potential penalties for noncompliance
  • How to decide where to register
  • Information on exemptions, renewal requirements, extensions, disclosure statements, and more. 

How Much Does It Cost to Do Good? 
Conversations on Nonprofit Overhead: Part Three

More than ever before, nonprofits are in uncharted territory. People on the front lines of social change are in agreement: The conversation about nonprofit overhead needs to evolve.
Join GuideStar for Part Three of its webinar series on how nonprofits can accomplish this evolution. This webinar will include insight from practitioners serving on the front lines of nonprofits. 
Pre-register for the event and save your seat. More details to follow!
Nonprofit Connect Launches eLearning Center!

The eLearning Center brings Nonprofit Connect professional development to you. Enjoy access to on-demand training, best-practice toolkits, and videos on a variety of topics specifically for  nonprofit professionals. 

Kansas City Cultural Competency Initiative
KCCCI's Learning Community meetings are open to the public. The next meeting is Wednesday, March 22, from 8:30-10:30am.

This month, Jose Torres and Gabriela Flores, with the Office of Equality and Diversity at Children's Mercy Hospital, will give a presentation on how to handle micro-aggressions in public spaces and in social services. 

Meetings are held at:
MCC Penn V alley Campus Center  Room CC503
3201 Southwest Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64111

Please email with questions, or to RSVP. 

Nonprofit Advocacy KC

Mission: Building advocacy capacity to strengthen the nonprofit voice, both individually and collectively.

Vision: A community where all nonprofits effectively advocate for their mission and common goals.

This initiative is supported by the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, REACH Healthcare Foundation, Francis Family Foundation, and Support Kansas City.

Learn More >>

Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership: 
Conference Announcement & Call for Papers

The Many Faces of Nonprofit Governance
The 2017 Governance Conference for Practitioners and Researchers

Convened by:  The Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership of  University of Missouri - Kansas City  and  The Nonprofit Quarterly

Conference dates: April 27-28, 2017 at the Embassy Suite on the Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri. 


Mid-America Regional Council Trainings & Events

Did you know that the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) offers training opportunities? Click here to see a list of upcoming courses. 

Unagency Discounts for Support Kansas City Clients

Unagency is an advertising and marketing agency, focused on equipping our client partners with knowledge about how to make savvy marketing choices. Unagency does this by teaching each client targeted philosophies behind core competencies: brand development, design, qualitative research, web development, SEO social media, CRM, inbound marketing, and more.
Unagency is there along each step as you build your strategy, tactics and resources for getting the work done. Their goal is for you to maximize your marketing plan by doing the things you can and want to do, to ensure you have the wisdom to make the right choices along the path. The longer you're a client, the more you grow and the less you need Unagency.
Contact Craig for Support Kansas City client discounts. 

What Would Happen if There Were No  Nonprofits in 
Missouri or Kansas?
A group of more than 20 nonprofit professionals convened by Nonprofit Missouri recently met in Columbia, Missouri.  The group shared ways to raise  their collective voices, and landed on one question as a way to help demonstrate their impact - "What if the nonprofit sector did not exist?"  

What services would not be available?  What would not happen in education and youth development?  What art would not be supported?  What health and human services would not have been delivered?  What social benefits would have been lost and how would our world be different?  It would be a staggering list of losses in our communities that would convince the biggest skeptics that no one would want a world without the valuable work of nonprofits.  
5960 Dearborn, Suite 200
Mission, KS 66202

© in 2016 by Support Kansas City, Inc.