August 2023 Newsletter

Regional Athletic Complex Updates

The Regional Athletic Complex in Salt Lake City has had an incredible season thus far. With 35 events completed and 10 still to go, it's been a busy time for the complex. Perhaps most exciting of all is the number of out-of-state teams that have come to compete - a whopping 22 in total! As a result, the complex has welcomed participants from all over the country and beyond, with 35 states and eight different countries represented.

There have been a number of upgrades and renovations made to the complex in recent months. Among them are the cutting down of pond phragmites at both the North and South Ponds, fence repairs throughout the complex, and sealing of parking lot cracks. There are still more improvements to come, including the development of a playground currently in the engagement phase, and the spraying of phragmites with herbicides in late September.

There have been many exciting events hosted at the complex this year, including the Utah Youth Rugby State semi-finals, the True Lacrosse Mountain West Showcase, and the North American Invitational 7's - the largest youth rugby event in the Americas. Other new events added to the calendar this season include the Lone Peak Invite Ultimate Disc tournament, Ultimate College Regionals, and Turf Wars kickball. Notably, the complex also partnered with Real Salt Lake to host free soccer clinics for kids aged 5-14, with several successful events held over the summer months.

It's clear that all of this activity has paid off financially, as the fiscal revenue at the complex continues to trend up. The heightened activity yielded significant results: revenue increased by over 35% compared to fiscal year 2022 (FY22), and more than doubled relative to Fy21.

There is still plenty more to come this year, so make sure to stay tuned and keep an eye on the Regional Athletic Complex website for all the latest news and updates. With so much to see and do, there's never been a better time to come out and experience the action for yourself!

Introducing, "Currents on the Jordan River blog"

Salt Lake Public Lands is launching a new quarterly blog, Currents on the Jordan River, as a one-stop-shop for all active and ongoing work throughout the corridor! Read the Summer 2023 edition here and sign up here to receive direct updates on future editions. 

August Event Updates

We had a jam-packed August full of exciting events and activities! Our Yappy Hour event was a great success with lots of vendors and furry friends enjoying the last event of the season. Our Outdoor film series also wrapped up with great attendance and a fantastic lineup of films.

In addition, we celebrated the annual Mayors Bike to Work Day and the highly anticipated Kensington Street Festival. Both events were full of fun and community engagement. We are looking forward to continuing our mission of providing public land access and community events throughout the year. Stay tuned for updates and upcoming events!

Upcoming September Events

Check out our events in September:

  • Join us at the Fisher Mansion Beer Garden on September 9th and 10th from 12 pm-8 pm. Enjoy cold brews and delicious snacks while surrounded by the historic charm of the Fisher Mansion.

  • We invite you to Jefferson Park for a Sandlot Movie Night on September 15th from 8 pm-10 pm. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs for a cozy movie experience under the stars.
  • Finally, mark your calendars for the Madsen Fall Fest on September 23rd from 12 pm-7 pm at Madsen Park. Come for the carnival games, live music, food vendors, and so much more!

Quick Reminder

  • Reminder that the Liberty Park Playground Engagement Phase will close on September 12th. Click on the survey below!


We can't wait to see you at these exciting community events. Don't forget to spread the word and invite your friends and family.

Cheers to a fun-filled September!

Be sure to check out our City Events calendar to stay in the loop on all the fun events happening this summer.

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