February 13 Meeting

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Feb. 13 Meeting Recording

Superintendent's Report

Dr. Kate Maguire, interim superintendent, recognized School Board Appreciation Month, sharing appreciation for board members' tireless dedication and commitment to education, our schools, and families.

Additionally, the Girls Nordic Ski team brought home the Section 6 title and the Girls Alpine Ski team earned 6th place (of 20) at their Sections race on Feb. 6.

School board

School Board Accepts Audit Findings

Jim Eichten, MMKR Auditor, provided an overview of the FY2023 audit. The School Board accepted the audit report.

The Audit Results 

  • A clean opinion on basic financial statements 
  • Internal Control and Compliance report with no findings 
  • Minnesota Legal Compliance Audit with three findings:
  • Collateral
  • Prompt Payment of Bills
  • Quote Requirements

The district has submitted a corrective action plan to ensure any findings are corrected immediately. 

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Construction Update

St. Louis Park Public Schools and Knutson Construction provided an update on current construction projects.


  • The middle school renovations are complete, including the media center corridor, band and choir rooms and corridors, and locker room renovations.
  • Construction on the maintenance building and data center began in late December 2023.
  • High school additions and renovations include an addition for an expanded cafeteria and kitchen, a new entry canopy, renovation of the office/counseling suite, parking lot improvements, stormwater retention system and reconstruction of the track and field facilities.

The school was was prepared to take action on Feb. 28 on bids for Central Community Center Phase 3 remodel, High School music room renovations and the High School Phase II classroom remodel.

Aquila Construction Research Our construction team has been working with school leaders to research the possibility of adding additional classrooms at Aquila to better accommodate students. If we add classrooms, because of new federal building codes since Aquila was built, we're also required to add a storm shelter for safety, which can be expensive. The estimate for the full project is about $23 million, which is more than we anticipated (between $15 - $20 million). We’re currently looking for ways to lower the costs of the project.

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Stipend Approved for Former Chair

The School Board approved a stipend for former Board Chair Anne Casey for additional meeting times related to the superintendent transition.

SPARK Labor Agreement Approved

The School Board approved the 2023-25 labor agreement for SPARK paraeducators.

View the labor agreement

Feb. 7 Special Meeting : Superintendent Search Discussion

The Feb. 7 school board meeting included discussion of the stakeholder report, options for community engagement, and discussion of interview questions for the first round of interviews. Save the date notifications and more information about community engagement opportunities will be shared with staff and families soon. Visit the Superintendent Search webpage for real-time updates on the search process.

Key dates

  • Feb. 7: Superintendent applications closed
  • Feb. 21: School board determines finalists and finalizes interview questions
  • Feb. 28 and March 1: First round of interviews; Finalists announced the evening of March 1
  • March 2: Community Q&A with finalists - tentative - more information to come
  • March 13: Second round of interviews and selection of the lone finalist
  • March 26: Board approves the employment contract

Get in touch with the School Board

Board members welcome your input. Email the entire School Board at schoolboard@slpschools.org. You can also call the School Board message line with your questions or comments: 952-928-6040. The Board also holds Open Forum at each Business Meeting, which occur on the fourth Tuesday of every month. To participate in Open Forum, please complete this sign-up by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting at which you would like to address the School Board.

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