March 23, 2022 | Volume 2 • Issue 29
Park Virtual Information Session Recording
The District held a virtual information session on March 21 regarding Park Virtual - the K-12 virtual learning experience that is being developed for the 2022-23 school year.

Parents and guardians who were unable to attend the live event can watch a recording of the session on the District's YouTube channel by clicking here.

Park Virtual will provide a rigorous academic experience that is aligned to state standards while flexible to meet the unique needs of every student and family situation. Similar to in-person instruction, Park Virtual students will live their brilliance in an environment that centers student voice and experience to create racially equitable learning that energizes and enhances the spirit of our community.

Any families interested in potentially having their student(s) enroll in Park Virtual for the 2022-23 school year are asked to fill out this Enrollment Interest Form. More information about Park Virtual is available on the District's website.
Two High School Students Honored for Artwork
St. Louis Park High School students Mae Guttenfelder and November Marshall received awards at the Metro West Conference Art Exhibition at Normandale Community College. Guttenfelder received the Award of Excellence for her untitled ceramic work, while Marshall received the Merit Award for his ink on paper piece titled More to life RT.
Untitled by Mae Guttenfelder

"I immediately felt a story behind the emotive portrait by November Marshall. Formally, this drawing successfully incorporates a variety of line techniques such as hatching, scribbling and stippling which I admire. Furthermore, the mark-making - in addition to the title - conveys a moment of anxiety and strife." -Juror Louise Fisher
More to life RT by November Marshall

"I immediately felt a story behind the emotive portrait by November Marshall. Formally, this drawing successfully incorporates a variety of line techniques such as hatching, scribbling and stippling which I admire. Furthermore, the mark-making - in addition to the title - conveys a moment of anxiety and strife." -Juror Louise Fisher
High School Concert Choir Participates in Hawaii Music Festival
The St. Louis Park High School Concert Choir is participating in the Pacific Basic Music Festival in Honolulu, Hawaii, March 19-25.

The festival brings together the most talented junior high, high school, community, and college level bands and choirs from countries of the Pacific Basin and beyond. Festival activities include adjudicated and outdoor group performances, a full ensemble workshop, a lūʻau, a dinner dance and a visit to the USS Arizona Memorial.
Save the Date: Incoming 6th Grade Rally Night is April 21
St. Louis Park Middle School will host Incoming 6th Grade Rally Night at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 21. Please note that this will be an in-person event with some content available virtually through a livestream and recorded video.

Rally Night is great opportunity for incoming 6th grade families to become acquainted with the Middle School prior to the 2022-23 school year. The event will begin with a welcome from school leaders at 6:30 p.m. in the new performing arts space and will then transition into a variety of informational sessions and experiences including the following:

  • Student-led Tours
  • Fieldhouse Fair & Information Stations (Athletics, Clubs/Activities, Student Leadership Opportunities, Library Media Center, etc.)
  • Student Panel
  • Specialized Programming Information (International Baccalaureate, Extended Spanish Program, Restorative Practices, etc.)
  • 10 Myths About Your Adolescent's Life at SLP (geared toward parents and guardians)
  • St. Louis Park Swag Giveaways
Elementary Schools to Offer In-Person Tours for Incoming Kindergarten Families
Principals of the District's four elementary schools will be offering in-person tours during the month of April to give incoming Kindergarten families a glimpse of what school will be like for their student. During these tours, principals will take families through a walking tour of the building including classrooms and large shared spaces. The principals will also leave time at the end of each tour for questions. Please note that face masks are not required, but strongly recommended at this time in St. Louis Park Public School buildings. Please use the links below to access tour sign-up forms.

Echo Honored by National Organization
Echo, the student-led news site at St. Louis Park High School, was recently named one of 17 National Hybrid Gold Crowns by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA). For the hybrid category, judges evaluate last year's print editions and this year's website. The Gold Crown is the highest award the organization gives to student media. Echo is the only public school in Minnesota on CSPA's Hybrid Gold Crown list.

Earlier this year, the National Scholastic Press Association named Echo one of 24 National Newsmagazine Pacemakers. Echo was named to the organization’s all-time top 100 student media publication list in honor of its centennial year celebration.

Additionally, Echo is currently accepting applications for next fall. The news site is looking for an artist, designers, photographers, podcasters, writers and videographers. All interested students should apply at this link by April 6.
Early Learning Programs Virtual Information Night is April 5
St. Louis Park Community Education in collaboration with St. Louis Park Public Schools will host an Early Learning Programs (birth to five) Virtual Information Night at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to come learn about the various programs offered to our youngest learners including:

  • Early Early Learning Preschool (half-day program)
  • Kids Place Preschool (full-day program with childcare)
  • Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
  • Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

Click here to register for this event and to receive more information about Early Learning Programs in St. Louis Park.
Spring/Summer Community Ed Catalog Now Available
The Spring/Summer Community Education catalog is now available! Check out what we have planned for you this Spring and Summer! Click here to flip through the catalog online or use the links below to register online.

Youth Enrichment: Spring Classes and Summer Camps to keep your child engaged and learning all year!

Early Learning: Preschool, Screening and ECFE classes will have our youngest children learning and school ready!

Kids Place: School Age Care opportunities for children preschool to grade 6!

Adult Enrichment: Classes and activities to meet your lifelong learning goals!

Senior Program: The Spring/Summer Newscaster is coming soon with all of our classes, events and activities for adults age 50 and better!
COVID Dashboard
In order to be in alignment with the updated Policy 808 - COVID-19 Face Coverings, the dashboard has been updated to include data with a reporting period that begins at 12:00 a.m. each Monday and concludes at 11:59 p.m. each Sunday. Additionally, starting this week, the dashboard will not include quarantine data due to the fact that the district is no longer contact tracing when there is a positive case. The dashboard will continue to be published in the SLP Communicator on Wednesdays and can also be found on the District's COVID Updates & Information page at
District to Send COVID Test Kits Home with All Students & Staff Ahead of Spring Break
To keep our schools and buildings safe after Spring Break, we strongly encourage all students and staff to get tested for COVID before returning to school on April 4, regardless of vaccination status. We are excited to announce that St. Louis Park Public Schools is in a position to assist families and staff with this request. Before Spring Break, students and staff members will be sent home with two COVID tests.

Click here to download a one-page flyer with full information in English.
Click here to download a one-page flyer with full information in Spanish and Somali.
Click here for BinaxNow test instructions in Somali.
Correction Regarding Masking at Central Early Learning Center
In the March 16 edition of the SLP Communicator, it was stated that both students AND staff at the Central Early Learning Center are still required to wear a mask. This was an error as staff at Central are not required, but strongly recommended to wear a mask at this time according to Policy 808 - Face Coverings. We apologize for the error and any confusion it may have caused. Early Learning Program students are still required to wear a mask.
Enrollment News for 2022-23 School Year!
Kids Place is Hiring!