September 2, 2020 | Volume 1 • Issue 2
Back-to-School Town Hall Meetings
The four elementary schools and the Middle School will host town hall meetings later this week. The High School held two town hall meetings on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. These meetings are designed to help prepare students, parents/guardians and families for the 2020-21 school year. Principals are using the meetings to share important information and allow for a Q & A session near the end of the meeting.

Elementary Schools Town Hall
Thursday, September 3 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Google Meet Link 
Join by phone: 1-224-572-8319 (PIN: 397476936)

Middle School Town Hall
Friday, September 4 | 11:30-12:30 p.m | Google Meet Link  
Join by phone: 1-347-875-0939 (PIN: 289252361)

Did you miss the High School Tall Hall meetings? A recording of the September 1 Town Hall is posted on the High School website or here on YouTube. The elementary and Middle School town halls will also be recorded and posted on school websites.
USDA Extends FREE Meals for Kids Through December 31, 2020
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced that it is extending several flexibilities that will allow school districts to continue providing students free meals through December 31, 2020.

While the District is in a distance learning delivery model, students will be able to pick up meals at any of the six schools on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning Wednesday, September 9.

The District is asking families to fill out a form if you anticipate picking up free meals for your student(s) on distance learning days. By completing this form, we can reduce waste and prepare enough meals.

It's also important for families to fill out a Free and Reduced Meals Application. This application can be filled out in a number of different ways including online through your Wordware or PowerSchool account or by filling out a paper copy.
Teacher Assignment Letters Mailed to Elementary Families
Teacher assignment letters were mailed to all elementary school families on August 29. If you did not receive your letter, please contact your school's main office.
District to Provide Cloth Masks to All Students and Staff
The District will provide all students and staff with an SLP branded cloth mask at the start of the school year. National Honors Society students from St. Louis Park High School have been packing the masks along with an instructional sheet on how to care for the mask into individual bags this week.
Return to School Guide Updated
The District released an updated Return to School Guide on Monday, Aug. 31. Key changes in this version include updated information on the Middle School and High School distance and hybrid schedules, new childcare information, and new transportation information. Click here to download a PDF version of this document.

This document will be updated frequently and will be maintained on the district website at
Access the PowerSchool Public Portal to Update Parent/Guardian Information
PowerSchool is the primary source for student and family information in St. Louis Park Public Schools. The District is excited to offer families a convenient way to access information about students and to make online updates.

Access to your PowerSchool Public Portal account has the following benefits:

  • Touchless access to complete the Annual Student Update for your student. This replaces the paper form to update important items such as parent/guardian contact information and emergency contact information.
  • Access to view your student’s meal account and make payments online. This year the School Nutrition Department cannot accept cash or checks, so online payment is the only way to pay for meals. PowerSchool Public Portal provides a link to your Wordware meal account. Once you are logged into Wordware, you can view your student’s lunch account, add funds, and apply for free and reduced meals. If your student does not have sufficient funds in their meal account, they will be unable to eat at school or pick up meals to be eaten at home.
  • View your student’s most current bus stop information. This information will be available by September 8.
  • Register your student for athletics and pay for student athletic fees.
  • Other features may be added throughout the year, so keep logging in to stay up-to-date.

Click here to access the login page for PowerSchool. Click here to watch a short instructional video on how to use the PowerSchool Public Portal.