March 16, 2022 | Volume 2 • Issue 29
A Message from Superintendent Osei
This school year we have been working with the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) to become an approved online learning provider. We are excited about the progress we are making in the development of Park Virtual for the 2022-23 school year for students in grades K-12.

This school year, St. Louis Park students have had an opportunity to experience online learning through EP Online. We are extremely grateful for the partnership with Eden Prairie Public Schools and the opportunity it has provided for our students and families. With the development of Park Virtual, we will be able to continue to offer a robust virtual learning experience. Currently, we have approximately 100 students enrolled in EP Online and we are encouraging them to sign up for Park Virtual for the fall. 

Similar to our in-person experience, Park Virtual students will live their brilliance in an environment that centers student voice and experience to create racially equitable learning that energizes and enhances the spirit of our community.

If you are interested in learning more about Park Virtual, please join the upcoming information session on Monday, March 21. 

Upcoming Park Virtual Information Session
Monday, March 21 | 6:30 p.m. | Students and Families | Zoom Link

For more information about Park Virtual please visit our district website

Updated Local COVID Guidelines
Throughout the global COVID pandemic, St. Louis Park Public Schools has used guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to determine mitigation strategies to keep students, staff and families safe. 

New guidance (issued February 25) factored into the decision that was announced last week that most students and staff were no longer required to wear face coverings in our schools. As a result of that decision, the District has made several other changes to its COVID mitigation strategies:

Masking: K-12
Masks (face coverings) are not required to be worn in St. Louis Park Public Schools buildings or transportation (including school buses), see Policy 808 - COVID-19 Face Coverings.

Mask wearing is recommended for all stakeholders regardless of vaccination status. Students, staff, and visitors may choose to wear a mask based on personal preference and/or informed by personal risk; and their choice to do so will be supported in all district buildings.

PLEASE NOTE: Face coverings will be required when five percent or more of the students and/or staff who attend or work at a St. Louis Park Public School or building test positive for COVID-19, or when community levels of COVID-19 are high. On March 16, community levels of COVID-19 are low.

Contact Tracing: K-12
New CDC guidance encourages health departments to focus contact tracing on high-risk settings such as long-term care facilities, correctional facilities, and homeless shelters. Universal case investigation and contact tracing for COVID are no longer recommended in K-12 schools. Effective Thursday, March 17, 2022, St. Louis Park Public Schools will suspend contact tracing and the identification of close contacts of positive cases. Because we are not contact tracing we will not be enforcing recess pods.

Masking & Contact Tracing: Early Learning at Central
Please note that masks are still required to be worn by students and staff at the Central Early Learning Center. ​​This decision was based on the fact that the overall population of early learners are ineligible at this time to receive COVID vaccinations. This decision will be revisited once vaccinations are made available to this age group. 

Due to the fact that St. Louis Park Public Schools will no longer be contact tracing, students will no longer be identified as close contacts or needing to quarantine due to any potential exposures at school. Additionally, the district’s COVID dashboard will no longer include quarantine data (beginning March 23). It is recommended that students and staff members who believe they may have been exposed to a positive case get tested. Unvaccinated individuals who are exposed to a positive case, still need to quarantine for five days.
COVID Dashboard
In order to be in alignment with the updated Policy 808 - COVID-19 Face Coverings, the dashboard has been updated to include data with a reporting period that begins at 12:00 a.m. each Monday and concludes at 11:59 p.m. each Sunday. Additionally, starting next week, the dashboard will not include quarantine data. The dashboard will continue to be published in the SLP Communicator on Wednesdays and can also be found on the District's COVID Updates & Information page at
District to Send COVID Test Kits Home with All Students & Staff Ahead of Spring Break
To keep our schools and buildings safe after Spring Break, we strongly encourage all students and staff to get tested for COVID-19 before returning to school on April 4, regardless of vaccination status. We are excited to announce that St. Louis Park Public Schools is in a position to assist families and staff with this request. Before Spring Break, students and staff members will be sent home with two COVID-19 tests.

Click here to download a one-page flyer with full information in English.
Click here to download a one-page flyer with full information in Spanish and Somali.
Click here for BinaxNow test instructions in Somali.
Early Learning Programs Virtual Information Night is April 5
St. Louis Park Community Education in collaboration with St. Louis Park Public Schools will host an Early Learning Programs (birth to five) Virtual Information Night at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to come learn about the various programs offered to our youngest learners including:

  • Early Early Learning Preschool (half-day program)
  • Kids Place Preschool (full-day program with childcare)
  • Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
  • Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

Click here to register for this event and to receive more information about Early Learning Programs in St. Louis Park.
Boys Ultimate Frisbee Club Team Ranked No. 24 Nationally
The St. Louis Park High School Boys Ultimate Frisbee club team is receiving some national attention this spring. The team is ranked No. 24 in the Ultiworld 2022 High School Power Rankings. Students interested in joining either the boys or girls ultimate frisbee team can register now. Regular season practices are scheduled to begin on April 4.
Enrollment News for 2022-23 School Year!
Kids Place is Hiring!