DECEMBER 14, 2023 • 6:00PM
St. Martin of Tours Church
Each family will receive 4 tickets to be used for family or friends. They may also be given to other SMA families if all 4 are not needed. If every family uses the 4 tickets, the church will be at maximum capacity of 600 in the main church area. Side chapels are reserved for preschool and grade 8.
In an effort to ease the seating process we have two entrances for the Advent Program in the church. Each family will be receiving 4 admittance tickets. These tickets will grant you entrance on the North (last names A - L) and South (M - Z) side doors at 5:15 pm, you must bring your ticket. Academy students and children 3 and under do not need tickets.
PLEASE NOTE - Academy children performing in the Advent Program need to be taken to their classrooms between 5:30 - 5:40 pm. Please do not bring your children to the academy earlier then 5:30 pm as there will be no supervision. All students must enter through the front gate. There is no drop off in front of the school. Please keep jackets, gloves, hats, etc. since students will be dismissed from the church and not the classrooms.
Appropriate attire is mandatory for this program,
which should be "Sunday best".
Important things to remember:
• Dresses need to be modest, no higher than 2 inches above the knee, no bare shoulders or spaghetti straps. Low heels ok (no high heels).
• Boys should have collared shirts and dress pants.
• Clean dark tennis shoes are acceptable, if dress shoes are a hardship.
• All grades Preschool-8th grade are scheduled to perform.
• Any student not dressed appropriately will not be allowed to participate in the program.
• Guidelines must be followed from the SMA Family Handbook
Cookie Reception
Following the Advent program, there will be a cookie reception in the Gathering Plaza outside of the church. We ask that each family donate one dozen cookies for our Advent Program Reception. There will be an allergy-friendly food table. If you are bringing cookies for this table, please clearly mark the ingredients. Please drop off cookies outside at pick-up or drop-off on Wednesday, 12/13 or morning drop off on Thursday, 12/14. Room Parents will be in the car lane/lower wall area collecting your cookies. Please do not drop off cookies in the office.
The first four pews on each side of the church have been reserved for the families who bid the highest during the online Turkey Trot auction. We are grateful for the financial support that comes from offering this as a family sponsorship. Thank you to the Gadler, Crockett, Jacobs, Garcia, Moro, Zolezzi, Carlo and Pontes families. The Jacobs family also won the bid for the reserved parking and the Matzigkeit family won the raffle for the reserved parking at the PTG meeting last night.