SMA Newsletter • June 15, 2023
Mission Statement
St. Martin of Tours Academy fosters confidence, curiosity, and independence through a climate of cooperation and trust by preserving dignity throughout the learning process, accentuating all children’s God-given gifts in a Catholic environment.
Dear SMA Community,

Teachers are officially on summer break. We are so thankful for how nicely they cleaned out their classrooms and prepared for carpet cleaning/replacement. Our accreditation leadership team is still planning to meet once more next week. Our 2023-24 PTG Executive Officers & Chairpersons will also have their summer retreat Tuesday. We look forward to organizing another amazing school year ahead!

As a reminder, the school office will reopen on July 31st, and our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 23rd (8 am - 12 pm). Tours will be available by appointment throughout the summer.

In Christ,
Jennifer Miller
Check your Schoolspeak calendar!
Lots of August events:
Summer Help Needed!
There are 8 computer carts that some need serious dusting. There are also dozens of devices that need to be sanitized. We want everything nice and clean for the students in the fall. If you are interested in helping with this project, please email or call the school office. We also will need help when the carpet cleaners come to steam clean the carpets the week of July 1. Desks and chairs need to be removed from the classroom and the moved back in. Email: if you can help!
Summer Camp at SMA!
Lego Summer Camp!
Looking for bugs during Reptile and Bug Camp Week
A total of 48 artichokes were harvested this year from our two plants donated by Layla Chavez over five years ago. Ten lucky summer school students took home two artichokes, a recipe and a lemon to cook them at home.
Register Now for Vacation Bible Camp
*** Shine Jesus’ Light ***
Students from 4 to 11 years old are invited to participate in the parish summer program from July 10-14 from 9am to noon. Click HERE to enroll.

Click HERE for Parish Bulletin

St. Martin of Tours Academy