Dear St. Martin Community,
When I was hired as SMA's principal in 2021, the Diocese of San Diego instituted the new standards all Catholic schools across America utilize to support and improve Catholic schools. These standards are called the NSBECS (National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools). They include 4 main domains: Catholic Identity, Academic Achievement, Operational Vitality, and Governance.
One of the first projects I tackled as principal was creating a complete governance structure that works together in service of the school. It includes the SMA Advisory Board and the SMA Parent Teacher Group (PTG). You can read more on our Governance web page by clicking here.
One of the major responsibilities of the PTG is to build community through meetings designed for parents and teachers. These meetings occur approximately 4 times per school year. The PTG Executive officers and chairpersons meet monthly to plan for these and other events.
Why should parents attend these PTG meetings? Attending PTG meetings allows parents to fully invest in their child's education by getting involved in how the community operates and finding out where help is needed. Children take cues from their parents and feel special when a parent is visible on campus or at events. We also need younger families to get involved so graduating families can pass on the torch. Some SMA parents have been planning and executing events year after year and would love to have a new partner to train for taking over the position.
Monday's PTG meeting begins at 6 pm in the hall. We have partnered with St. Martin's Youth Ministry to lighten the childcare load so parents can attend. Why are we asking students in grades 5-8 to attend? Since the pandemic, we have been navigating social emotional challenges not unique to SMA. We have a national expert presenting to help all of us by hearing the same message. Listening and subsequently discussing together at home is a priceless opportunity for your family.
We haven't marketed previous PTG meetings as "mandatory". We did not think we had to. Please join us Monday. Our PTG executive officers and chairpersons are eager to meet you! Remember to RSVP for the free childcare option (see flyer below). I look forward to seeing you then.
*Snacks will be served. Be sure to sign the sign-in sheet. Childcare will be in the kindergarten classroom.*
Jennifer Miller, Principal