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NOT Donating Our Campaign Dollars Wisely
In 3 years, from 2019 to 2021, AsAms donated several million dollars to AsAm candidates running for (1) CA governor in the Dem. Primary, (2) U.S. president in the Dem. Primary, and (3) NYC mayor in the Dem. primary.
Did we get winning results? NO. Not even close.
We got a 5th place finish in Dem. gubernatorial primary in CA;
an extremely early drop out in the Dem. presidential primary; and
a distant 4th place finish, in NYC's Dem. primary.
Are we to blame the candidate for running? No!
Are we to blame our community for donating to them? No!!
Are we to do a post-mortem to know how to do better in the future? YES!!! We must.
Without getting politically wiser, we'll never be politically mature enough to have political clout to protect our basic rights!
Lessons that We MUST Learn
[1] Don't go by politics in Asia. Here in America, political clout comes from helping to establish powerful NGOs (non-government organizations). Examples are NRA (Nat'l Rifle Assoc.) and AIPAC (American Jewish Public Affairs Comm.). Your good money, when donated to an extremely dedicated AsAm NGO like 80-20 can do you a lot of good in protecting your political rights.
[2] Study polls, before donating to a candidate. Find out if your candidate has a fighting chance?
[3] Issues, not race, define a candidate. Some AsAm politicians are bananas. They support anti-AsAm issues such as "race-preference college admissions". Why donate to an AsAm candidate who denies AsAm children's equal opportunity to education? Think!
[4] Just watch of follow 80-20 -easiest thing to do. If 80-20 deems that an AsAm candidate is true, and that his/her campaign has a fighting chance, 80-20 would have done its share to help. 80-20 was stone-silent on the above 3 campaigns.
We Agree that Supporting AsAm Candidates Are Important
80-20 may SOON be supporting an AsAm Candidate
Forward This E-newsletter to Your Many Friends
We must get more WINNING results out of our good money. Otherwise, we FAIL our generational responsibility.
S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 22 years
80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501 C-3 organization,
Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89)