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updated 7-2023

August 2023

Cindy 2021

Infinity Relations is a multi-faceted strategic planning partner. We focus on marketing, public relations, social media, relationship networking, and event management. We work with companies, non-profits, and professional organizations to attain their marketing-related goals in successful, efficient, and creative ways.

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Cindy's Kindness Advice: "Radiate Kindness from the inside out by SMILING at everyone."

You can click here to see previous tips and advice.

Dates to Remember- Click the links for facts, recipes, activities, history, crafts, and more.

ENJOY August! 😁😎🌞

August 10th:

National S'mores Day

August 21st:

National Senior Citizens Day

August 26th:

International Dog Day

A Cindy Moment - Smiling Kindness

August 2023

This Month National Smile Week

is the second week in August!

Instead of 1 week, we are going to share our smiles all month. Smiling at other people is one of the simplest, yet most effective ways of sharing kindness with other people. It signals that you are friendly, approachable, and just happy that the people around you exist with you in this world. You might never know the impact of your kind smile has on someone's life!😁 Click here to read more.


Infinity Relations Inc. is a New York State Woman-Owned Business (WBE)
In our ever-changing world, we need to be cautious and aware of adding safety measures to our events and social gatherings.

Learn why it is important to hire Infinity Relations to add safety protocols to mitigate health risks for all involved.
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