Featured news

Financial reminders for medical practices

CMA Leg Day wrap-up

HOD delegates still needed

Other highlights

Residents Corner with Adventist Health

May webinars and events

Community Bulletin Board

Featured events:

Joy of Medicine May 11

Medical Arts May 26

Take Back Control June 16

President's Perspective

I see three certainties for physicians in this life: death, taxes, and need for malpractice insurance. I recently found myself thinking about reviewing my malpractice coverage; I had numerous questions about insurance issues that affect the day-to-day business of my practice. After years of working with the same carrier and watching my rates go up without much explanation, I thought it was time to do some comparison shopping. With limited administrative time, I sought guidance from SMLMA’s newest business partner, Lockton.

The partnership between CMA, SMLMA and Lockton Affinity is designed for all member physicians. It doesn’t matter if you are in solo practice or belong to a large group, you have access to best-in-class insurance services and values by working with Lockton—the world’s largest privately held insurance broker. Lockton Affinity is a broker for all practice insurance needs and offers clients a single point of contact for services, making their guidance and customized individual programs easy to follow. Continue reading


Financial reminders for medical practices

CMS will allow COVID-19 MIPS hardship exception for 2023

Physicians and physician groups affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will again this year be able to apply for a Medicare hardship exception for the 2023 performance year. Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligible clinicians, groups, and virtual groups may apply to reweight any or all MIPS performance categories if they’ve been affected by extreme and uncontrollable circumstances, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deadline to consolidate loans for federal loan forgiveness extended

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced it will extend the deadline for physicians who need to consolidate their loans to qualify for the newly updated Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. Physicians who have commercially managed FFEL, Perkins, or Health Education Assistance Loan Program loans will now have until the end of 2023 to apply for a direct consolidation loan to get the full benefits of the one-time account adjustment.

The rule allows California and Texas physicians who work full-time in public or private non-profit hospitals, clinics or medical offices to be eligible for loan forgiveness, regardless of whether they are employed by a for-profit medical group.

CMA Legislative Day 2023

Dr. Rachel Mayorga and SMLMA Executive Director Wendy Davies joined CMA physicians and executives in Sacramento on April 19 to advocate for the practice of medicine. During a full day of activities at the capitol, they also met with Assemblymember Wood and Senators Dodd and McGuire. Focus topics for discussion were:

  • AB 765: Physician and surgeon specialty titles (support).
  • SB 598: Healthcare coverage and removing prior authorization hurdles (support).
  • SB 524: Pharmacists providing prescription medications (oppose).

See SMLMA's Facebook page for additional photos of local advocacy in action!

Next Medical Arts workshop May 26

The Medical Arts Project of Sonoma (MAPS) continues in May. The FREE monthly workshops led by physicians aim to bolster creative thinking and problem-solving in medical practice, while bringing local physicians together to find connection and meaning in their personal and professional lives. (Pictured above: Attendees at April 27 Culinary Arts workshop taught by Dr. Wendy Kohatsu and hosted by SMLMA Executive Director Wendy Davies.)

Improv Workshop with Dr. Ninad Athale

Learning improv skills (listening, reacting, creating) can be great fun

and might make you a better physician!

Friday, May 26 • 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Fulton Crossing Artisan Center  1200 River Road  Fulton, CA 95439


Visit the MAPS website for workshop details and to register.

General questions:

SMLMA is pleased to sponsor this PHYSICIAN WELLNESS INITIATIVE, a collaboration between Sutter Santa Rosa Family Medicine Residency and Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Family Medicine Residency, with sessions open to all community physicians, Residents, and faculty of the residency programs.

Presented by SMLMA and the Bay Area medical societies


For all specialties, modes of practice

and career stages

Join physician colleagues from across the Bay Area on Friday, June 16, for a robust day of thought leadership and information sharing through interactive workshops and panel discussions focused on tackling the daily pain points of medical practice. Event highlights include:

  • Paul DeChant, MD, event chair and keynote speaker: Healthy Workplaces Equal Healthy Physicians / Making Healthy Places for Physicians to Practice
  • Interactive Workshop: Managing Your Inbox, Medication Management, and Other Pain Points of Practice 
  • Expert Update: Current Advocacy Efforts to Reduce Administrative Burdens
  • Panel Discussion: Practical Solutions to Alleviate Daily Administrative Challenges  

Continental breakfast and a catered lunch will be served. Stay after the workshop for a summer wine and beer reception. See event flier for details and register at link below.



Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake MDs needed for HOD DXC

CMA House of Delegates

The "House of Delegates" is the principal policy-making body for the CMA, and SMLMA is part of HOD's District X Caucus (DXC). CMA HOD physician delegates meet annually to review, debate, and vote on resolutions and reports dealing with a myriad of medical practice, public health, and governance issues. SMLMA delegates represent the interests of physicians in our tri-county service area.

We are STILL seeking nominations to fill delegate/alternate seats in SMLMA's District X delegation. Please consider taking a turn representing your fellow physicians. Your voice matters!

To nominate yourself or a colleague, submit the name and a brief explanation of your interest or nomination to rachel@smlma.orgQuestions? Call SMLMA at 707-525-4375.


Introducing Residents Corner

SMLMA is pleased to present the second edition of RESIDENTS CORNER, a new News Briefs section that features articles written by Residents in local Family Medicine Residency programs. We're rotating the space between Adventist Health, Kaiser Permanente, and Sutter Health — featuring articles* written by each program’s Residents every other month. Our goal is to provide a forum for Residents to share their work and research with others in the medical community.

Adventist Health Ukiah Valley Family Medicine Residency

Started in 2019, AHUV is a community-based family medicine residency in Ukiah, California. Adventist Health is passionate about bringing full scope, evidence-based, compassionate care to rural Northern California. For more information, visit the website or contact Kristin McMenomey at

Click on the titles to read or download the articles.

UnmaskedClaire Denley, MD PGY-2, writes about the dilemma of unmasking as COVID restrictions are lifted.

Taking Joy in Difficult Conversations – Charles Baugh, MD PGY-2, explores end-of-life conversations with patients and families.

*Articles have been reviewed by program faculty and are intended as informational only. Publication of an article does not represent endorsement or approval by the Sonoma-Mendocino-Lake Medical Association.



Looking for an internal medicine physician interested in quality of life while still delivering excellent care to patients. Are you interested in slowing down, taking time with your patients, and taking more and longer vacations? Me too! Come work with me in Healdsburg, share space and fantastic medical assistants, and most importantly, cover each other so we can take the vacations we deserve. Contact Dr. Rachel Mayorga at 707-755-0095.


SMLMA members can place FREE classified ads or announcements on the Community Bulletin Board. Cost for nonmembers is $1 per word. Contact Susan Gumucio at 707-481-8995 or


Sonoma County Dept of Health Services

Community Forum on Mental Health

Join Sonoma County Health Services, the Board of Supervisors, and service providers across the county for a community conversation discussing crisis services, suicide prevention, substance use disorder treatment services, workforce development, and more. Event also live-streamed via Zoom. Registration required.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 • Finley Comm Center • 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. REGISTER HERE

Sonoma-Mendocino-Lake Medical Association

Joy of Medicine Advisory Committee Kick-Off Meeting

Interested in being a wellness champion for your medical group or practice area on the advisory group now forming? Stop by to visit with colleagues and learn more about becoming a valued partner in SMLML's Joy of Medicine Program. Your participation will help physicians thrive in our community. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023 • 173 Lockwood Dr, Windsor, CA • 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

RSVP to Rachel at 707-525-4375 or

California Medical Association

Virtual Grand Rounds – Long COVID and the Brain: Neurological Impacts

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | REGISTER HERE

COVID-19 Test to Treat Equity ECHO

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | REGISTER HERE

Sutter Health

The Sutter Health Virtual Grand Rounds is a Continuing Education (CE) webinar series hosted by Sutter Health Network providers for all medical professionals across Northern California. Interactive Q&A session takes place with each live event. Learn about the series here.

Melanoma Trends and Medical Advances

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | REGISTER HERE

Osteoporosis Diagnosis, Treatment and Education

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | REGISTER HERE

No Surprises Act: Implications for All Providers

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | REGISTER HERE

Sports Injuries of the Lower Extremities

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | REGISTER HERE

Deprescribing Medications for the Elderly

Wednesday, May 31, 2023 • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | REGISTER HERE

Cooperative of American Physicians

Optimizing Practice Profitability: How to Manage Key Financial Indicators and Maximize Performance

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | REGISTER HERE

Celebrating extraordinary SMLMA members!

Thursday, March 30, was National Doctor's Day. We continue the celebration by acknowledging SMLMA's longest serving current members. Please join us in thanking these exceptional physicians for their membership and dedication to the practice of medicine, their colleagues, and our community. A special round of applause for all.


Susan Logan, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Thomas Neal, MD

Family Medicine

Cindy Scharfen, MD

Internal Medicine

Thomas Yatteau, MD

Family Medicine


Gary Barth, MD



Martin Rubinger, MD

Internal Medicine


How to respond to requests for medical records

Get your FREE copy of The Medical Practice’s Quick Action Guide to Releasing Patient Records, CAP’s popular resource that provides easy-to-follow recommendations for responding to common requests for medical records, including those from subpoenas, attorney’s letters, law enforcement, regulatory agencies, and more. This valuable guide features important information regarding confidentiality requirements, allowable copy fees, and medical records retention.


To learn more about becoming a CAP member, please contact Dorine Leong at 650-543-2183 or Request an Instant Quote today to see how much you can save on medical malpractice coverage as a member of CAP.