We hope you'll join us for worship on Sunday at 10:10 a.m. in the sanctuary or via livestream. All are welcome!

First Reading: Philippians 3:12-14

Second Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-10

Sermon: Regrets: Poison or Seed?

Preacher: Dr. Matt Brown

Listening devices are available during worship. Please stop by the Connection Center for more information. We encourage you to wear your name tag to worship. If you do not have a name tag or have misplaced yours, please contact Adrienne Jaquith, office and database manager.



We continue to pray for Southern California! If you are looking for a way to help those affected by the wildfires, please consider donating to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance through the PC(USA). The designated account supplements the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering to enable a significant response for U.S. wildfires. Your gifts are appreciated!! Donate here.

You can also read more on the PC(USA)'s website where Presbyterian leaders share the impact the wildfires are having and how your donations make a difference.


So much joy and goodness came from the SMPC faith community last year! Check out some fun stats and numbers in the 2024 SMPC Highlights!

Read the 2024 SMPC Highlights


Seen Around Church

The numbers are in! Find out how much SMPC raised for the Salvation Army with our bell ringing efforts over the holidays. Also, the International Dining group meets for food and fellowship, SMPC tours Nourish Up's Hunger Hub, and a new Eagle Scout is honored in Troop 119! See what's been happening around church this week!

Read Seen Around Church

Donate Bag Lunches for Roof Above THIS Saturday - 15 Spots Left!

Saturday, January 25, Drop off at 9:30 a.m. in front of the Palmer Building - Roof Above provides 300 bag lunches each day to help feed those in need. SMPC is committed to providing 100 bag lunches on the fourth Saturday of each month. | Contact: Julie Durham

Sign Up to Donate Lunches

All Church Reads - 'Trust the Whisper' by Kathy Izard & Author Talk & Reflection - Invite a Friend!

Sunday, February 2, 5:00-6:30 p.m., Sanctuary - Read the book Trust the Whisper: How Answering Quiet Callings Inspires Extraordinary Stories of Ordinary Grace by Kathy Izard and join us for an evening with Kathy! After sharing the story behind the book, Kathy will answer questions and lead a short “Find Your Whisper” exercise. Children are also invited to a special program with Director of Spiritual Formation Rebecca Guzman featuring Kathy’s children’s book, Grace Heard a Whisper. Casual reception to follow. All are welcome - invite friends! | Registration not required but recommended | Contact: Rebecca Guzman

February 9 is a BIG Sunday - Souper Bowl of Caring and Youth Sunday! Don't miss it!

Sunday, February 9, 10:10 a.m. Worship, Sanctuary - Sunday, February 9 will be a big Sunday at SMPC. We'll be collecting canned goods and monetary donations for Nourish Up in our annual Souper Bowl of Caring initiative, and we will be celebrating the blessings of our amazing Youth Ministry during Youth Sunday! Our Youth will lead us in worship and will be hosting an important fundraiser for its scholarship program, which helps offset the costs of the Youth Ministry, such as retreats and off-campus events. There will be so much joy and love filling our faith community - you don't want to miss it. | Contact: Lindsey Odom

Learn How to Make Chrismons!

Saturday, February 15, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Chapel 202 - If you are curious about the Chrismons that adorned our tree in the narthex throughout Advent and want to learn how to make them, come to this beginner’s Chrismon class! Crafting these ornaments requires a steady hand and a dose of patience - ages 10 to 100 are welcome! The cost is $5.00 to cover materials, and you will complete a dragonfly ornament during the class. | Contact: Donna Brown

Register for Chrismons Class

Donate Food or Volunteer for Room in the Inn - Two Sundays Left

Sundays, February 16 and March 2, Various Times and Opportunities, Sardis Presbyterian Church - There are two more chances to serve or donate. From our Missions/Outreach Committee: Sunday, February 16 is the day before President's Day (and maybe that's a day off work for you!). Perhaps that makes volunteering Sunday night or Monday morning more doable? We are partnering with Sardis Presbyterian Church and Trinity Presbyterian Church for this Missions and Outreach opportunity. Volunteers will help with dinner, overnight stays or breakfast and cleanup. Contact: Lindsey Odom

Sign up for Room in the Inn

Register Now for Parents Morning Out!

Saturday, March 8, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Meet in the Sanctuary, Ages 3-2nd Grade - Children are invited to this fun-filled morning where we'll play games, create crafts, watch a Bible story movie and enjoy a snack! | Cost is $10 to cover materials | Register | Contact: Rebecca Guzman

Remember or Honor a Loved One with the SMPC Flower Ministry

There are several options to remember or honor a loved one with the SMPC Flower Ministry!

  • Provide your own vase or arrangement of flowers (recommended dimensions listed here).
  • Have a florist supply an arrangement – many nearby florists are familiar with SMPC’s Flower Ministry and make it very easy!
  • Make a donation to the building fund and the artificial arrangement will be displayed - any amount is appreciated, but $50-$100 is recommended.


Find more details and sign up to reserve a Sunday. We’ll ask you to provide a dedication for the bulletin – we are happy to help with the wording! Contact: Karen Malmut

Become a Math Tutor for Smithfield Elementary School Students

Smithfield Elementary School is in need of a few more math tutors! If you are interested in learning more about this awesome service opportunity, please complete this form so that we can connect with you! Tutoring at Smithfield Elementary is a rewarding way to share your time and talents. | Contact: Lindsey Odom

Registration Now Open for VBS and Mission Possible

Monday, July 21-Thursday, July 24, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., VBS: Ages 3-4th grade; Mission Possible: Rising 5th and 6th Grade - Registration is now open for Vacation Bible School: Road Trip - On the Go with God and Mission Possible, our service-focused week for 5th and 6th graders! (Hint: Spots fill up fast for Mission Possible! We recommend registering sooner rather than later!) | Register for VBS | Register for Mission Possible | Contact: Rebecca Guzman


Men's Breakfast Group, Today, January 23, 9:30 a.m., Big View Diner, 6637 Lancaster Hwy - This group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays each month to enjoy breakfast and conversation. | Contact: Bob Tyler

Adult Study - "Trust the Whisper"Sunday, January 26, 9:00-10:00 a.m., McQueen Room or Zoom - Week 3 of a four-week discussion with Melissa White and Rebecca Guzman on Kathy Izard’s book, Trust the Whisper: How Answering Quiet Callings Inspires Extraordinary Stories of Ordinary Grace. All are welcome - even if you didn't attend the first 2 weeks. Together, we are examining how small moments and choices can lead to a meaningful life. Join us for an evening with author Kathy Izard in the sanctuary on Sunday, February 2. 5:00-6:30 p.m. | Register | Contact: Melissa White

Handiworkers GroupTuesday, January 28, 10:00 a.m., Palmer Building Room 104 - All levels of knitters, needlepointers, quilters, cross-stitchers and crocheters are invited. We meet weekly to work on projects. Contact: Judy Jameson

Men’s Evening Study Group, Tuesday, January 28, 7:30 p.m. Chapel 206

The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month. New faces are always welcome! | Contact: Jon Myers

Conversations with Dr. Matt Brown, Wednesday, January 29, 9:30 a.m., McQueen Room or Zoom - We will discuss the scripture for the coming week’s sermon. All are welcome! | Contact Matt Brown for the Zoom ID#

Making Space Mom's Group, Thursday, February 6, 7:30 p.m., McQueen Room - Moms of all ages are invited to join us on the first and third Thursdays of every month for study, service and fellowship. | Contact: Allison Reeves

Friday Morning Men's GroupFriday, February 7, 7:30-8:30 a.m., Chapel 206 - This group meets on the first and third Fridays of every month. They are reading the book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. All are welcome. Contact: Curt Ireland


American Red Cross Blood Drive, Saturday, March 8, 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., The Commons - Read a message from blood drive coordinator Bill Ramsey on how your donation helps those in need. Please bring your American Red Cross Donor Card or photo I.D. | Sign up | Volunteer at the Drive | Contact: Bill Ramsey

Bread Donation and Delivery - Volunteers are needed every Friday morning to deliver bread donated by Panera to the Dilworth Soup Kitchen. | Sign up

Bag Lunches for Roof Above - Roof Above provides 300 bag lunches each day to help feed those in need. SMPC is committed to providing 100 bag lunches on the fourth Saturday of each month. Our next collection is this Saturday, January 25 at 9:30 a.m. in front of the Palmer Building. | Sign up | Contact: Julie Durham

Center of Hope Breakfast - On the third Saturday of each month, SMPC preps, cooks and serves breakfast for guests at the Center of Hope. Our next volunteer opportunity is Saturday, February 15. Food donations are due Thursday, Feburary 13. Monetary donations are always welcome. | Watch the 3-minute video | Sign Up | Contact: Bob Williamson

Center of Hope Desserts - On the second Sunday of every month we provide sweet treats for the women and children that temporarily call Center of Hope home. Our next dessert collection is Sunday, February 9. | Sign up | Contact: Terry Gaines

Friends Empowering Haiti (formerly Friends of OFCB) is raising money to purchase food for the school in Bayonnais, Haiti. The school provides lunch each day for the 2,500 students who are enrolled in the four campuses, and it is often the only food the students receive that day. | More Info | Donate | Contact: Judy Nichols

Nourish Up’s St. Giles Food PantryFridays, 1:00-2:00 p.m. or 2:00-4:00 p.m., 2027 Emerywood Drive, Charlotte, NC 28210 – Lift and deliver boxes of food from Nourish Up’s St. Giles Food Pantry to cars every Friday from 1-2 p.m. They are also looking for help with client services every Friday from 2-4 p.m. The minimum age to volunteer is 14, and closed toed shoes are required. | Contact: Jane Royther

Western North Carolina Relief: We have raised over $33,500 for Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, a congregation that is heavily engaged in Hurricane Helene disaster relief efforts. Thank you to ALL who have donated and shared the link with family and friends! By making a monetary donation to SMPC through this link (or button below), all funds go directly to BMPC.

Donate to NC Disaster Relief Fund


BAM! Bible and Music, Sunday, January 26, 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m., Children in Kindergarten-5th Grade During BAM!, children will sing, creatively engage with Bible stories, and explore various instruments in peer age groups. They will occasionally sing, play instruments, or display their creations during Sunday worship. We end with a pizza dinner and free play time. BAM! is a great way for children to form friendships with other kids at church. | Register | Contact: Rebecca Guzman

Adults Needed in Children's Worship, During 10:10 a.m. Worship, Sundays - Help as we welcome visitors and assist our youngest members! Just sign up and plan to meet us at the back of the sanctuary as we exit. You do not need to prepare anything. We love adults of all ages. Younger youth are always welcome to attend and help, but we need an extra adult to sign up and be present. | Sign Up | Contact: Kathy Graham


SMPC Youth at Sports Connection, Sunday, January 26, 5:00-6:30 p.m., Sports Connection, 11611 Ardrey Kell Rd - We'll bowl and play arcade games! | Cost is $25. Please bring extra spending money for food, snacks, candy, and desserts. | Register | Contact: Lindsey Odom

February BYG (Big Youth Group), Sunday, February 2, 5:00-6:30 p.m., Mecklenburg Hall, Middle and High Schoolers - BYG is held on the first Sunday of each month during the school year. BYG provides an opportunity for youth to grow in faith and love through Bible study, small group time, good food, fun games and fellowship. | Register | Contact: Lindsey Odom


Join the Music Ministry!

SMPC offers dynamic music programming for all ages that focuses on praising God through joyous song, the playing of instruments and engaging fellowship. We are always striving for musical excellence, but we have a ton of fun along the way! | Contact: Zach Bowyer

Join the Music Ministry


SMPC Preschool Registration is Open - Schedule a Tour Now

Preschool registration is now open. The school requires that new preschool families complete a contact form and meet for a tour prior to registering. If you are interested in enrolling a 2-year-old through TK child in the fall of 2025, now is the time to tour! Once you tour, families can complete a registration form and reserve a spot for the fall! Contact forms can be found on our website here.

Visit the SMPC Preschool website for more information or to complete a contact form. Contact: Tammy Winchip

Support SMPC Preschool by Linking Harris Teeter VIC Card - Relink for this school year! Simply visit the Harris Teeter Together in Education website and follow the instructions. The preschool's number is 4902. If you've linked your card in the past, please re-link for this school year! Contact: Tammy Winchip


Worshiping together in person is a joy - and requires many helping hands! A number of volunteer opportunities are available on Sunday mornings and we need you. | Contact: Adrienne Jaquith

Acolyte (1st-5th graders)

Usher Team

Welcome Team (all ages)

Coffee Grounds Host

Lemonade Host (all ages)

Muffin Ministry

Flower Ministry


Gifts to the Operating Fund support the day to day ministries, programs, and operations of the church. Gifts to the Strength to Strength Fund support our sanctuary mortgage. Gifts to the School Lunches for Haiti Fund support students at the OFCB school in Bayonnais, Haiti. For other gift designations, select the Other Fund, and note the gift's intent in the box provided. | Contact: Mary Katheryne Zagora



Set up a Realm account here | Realm Connect in the App Store | Realm Connect on Google Play | Contact Adrienne Jaquith

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