Jr. High students used their hands and shared a little bit about themselves to create this bulletin board. Blessed is the hand that gives!

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.


The Catholic Schools Walk was talked about in this section last week, yet now the frenzy to see if a dunk tank needs to be ordered actually begins! Yes, this year's Catholic School's Walk committee upped the ante. If we reach our school goal of raising $34,000 by Thursday, October 10th at noon, students will have the chance to see Fr. Schumaker, or Mr. Spelter, or Mrs. Pogacar get thoroughly drenched in a tank full of icy cold water!

Now, when the idea was proposed, it was likely one of those splendid, summer-like days we have enjoyed this September. Our walk is happening in October. If you've lived in Wisconsin long enough, you know that the possibility of getting snow in October is very real. Having an 80+ degree day in mid-October is not as common. The prospect of falling in cold water on a 50 degree day is not something any of us would commonly wish for, but in this case, for this event and this goal, the SMV administrative team will happily brace themselves for the dunk. Let's make this happen!

SMV Catholic Schools Walk

Our walk event materials were sent via email and home in backpacks with each student. Here they are again:

  • The packet of information with walk details, dates and incentives, and instructions on how to raise funds
  • The permission slip your student will need to have signed and returned to school participate in our walk events on October 11th.

Finally, here is the information to use and pass along for fundraising, specific to SMV.


To donate:

Text: SCHOOLSWALK86 to 71777

or visit:


School Office Notes

No School next Thursday and Friday

October 3rd and 4th are Teacher Professional Development Days. There are no classes for students on those days. The school office will also be closed.

MAP Testing Complete

All our students have completed their MAP testing modules. Each child's results will be sent home with them in an envelope next week. Keep the results report, but please send back the envelope. We will reuse for the next testing period. Thank you.

Health Room Supply Donations Thank you!

Thank you so much to all who brought in supplies to stock our health room. We are well-equipped now for the scrapes and bumps that come our way. We greatly appreciate your generosity! - Jill & Michelle

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting:




Afterschool Care Info

2024-25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

Hot Lunch - Ordo site

School Staff Emails and Class Websites

Facility Request Form

Immunization Form

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

2024-25 School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Bus - elmbrook@goriteway.com or


Save the Date

September 26th - School Photo Day

October 1st - Pet Blessing

October 2nd - Possible Dress Down Day for Catholic Schools Walk

October 3rd & 4th - No School; Teacher Professional Development

School Photos Today!

Students and staff will have their school photos taken the morning of Thursday, September 26th. Students may be out of uniform and wear dress up clothes on this day, if they wish.

You can place your order on mylifetouch.com using your Picture Day ID: EVT22SGMD. Order before midnight on Picture Day to get FREE shipping! Your child can also bring their completed flyer with cash or check on Picture Day.

Don't forget - Pet Blessing

October 1st

Since school is not in session on St. Francis of Assisi's feast day this year, the annual pet blessing will take place on Tuesday, October 1st. Deacon Piontek will conduct the blessing at 3:00pm that day, in front of the Church Atrium.


SCRIP is Home and School's year-long fundraiser with the added bonus of being a tuition rebate program. By paying with SCRIP (gift cards, e-cards & reloadable cards) you get your regular shopping done and earn $$ towards your tuition!

Please read this info sheet for details about the program and how it works.

Here is the link to create an account.

Here is the link for the waiver form.

Please contact our SCRIP Coordinator, Maren Kleinmann, with any questions about the program.

Chess and Creative Writing

Chess & Creative Writing will be starting soon at SMV. Registration is required.

To sign up click here. Our course code is: SMV10.11.24

Science fun in first grade!

SMV Athletics

Cross Country

The St. Mary's/Elmbrook Catholic Cross Country team has started their season with lots of amazing races! Our 5th/6th/7th grade boys took 4th place in the Pilgrim Park Invite on Sept. 18th. Leading the way were Will Zeidler and Jude Alexander who both finished in the top ten. On the girl's side, Clare Romeiser medaled in her first ever cross country race, placing 9th overall. Our other newcomers, Ada Scheidt and Grace Alexander joined teammate Lilly Linn for a solid showing in the girls 5/6/7 race.  

The runners enjoyed some cooler weather for their second meet of the season on Monday at the Wisconsin Hills Invite. Our 5th-7th grade boys took 3rd out of 15 teams. Congratulations to the SMV members of that team including: Patrick Scott, Paul Lewis, Will Zeidler, Gabriel Linn, Jude Alexander, Sam Zeidler, Murphy Zillmer, and Arlo Zillmer. Clare Romeiser took home her second top ten finish of the season while teammates Gabi Lenci and Anna Zeidler combined for one of the best team performances our 8th grade girls have ever had, coming up just one runner short from earning 1st place.  

The cross country team is back in action next Monday at the East Troy invite and the following Saturday, October 5th at Greenfield Park starting at 9am for the Wisconsin Lutheran Grade School Invite. We would love to see more SMV faces cheering on our runners! Race hard Gladiators!

SMV Volleyball

Our 8th grade boys (pictured) won both their games over the weekend! . Here is a listing of the results.

Here is the schedule of home games for volleyball. We'd love to see more cheerleaders in the stands, and be sure to send any photos our way for publication!

Parish/Community News

SMV student, Lauren Hagman, won the Pro-Life WI prayer card art contest, held last spring, for her grade. Our parish receives prayer cards with her artwork. We have some available in the school office. Congratulations Lauren!

Additionally, see here for a flyer with information happening at the parish during October for Respect Life Month.

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

Open House - October 20th

To register and learn more, visit dsha.info/visit

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Elm Grove Library - September

Elm Grove News-Independent

September Anniversary Edition

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life

The Matter of Life

SCRIP Fundraising Info

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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