Thanks-for-Giving! Tom Turkey is bursting with feathers due to your generosity. Thank you!

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

Please note: School is closed November 27th-29th, as well as December 2nd.

We will see everyone back on Tuesday, December 3rd.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday break!

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Dear Families,

I saw the Virgen De Guadalupe once. The Tilma, to be specific. No apparitions for me. Yet. I was a freshly minted teacher right out of college, spending my first adult spring break traveling around Mexico with a friend who was born there. It was a warm day, but clear, and we waited in line for a while to see what looked like just a painting. It was good, as far as paintings are concerned, though I didn’t ponder it too deeply. Later that night we went to see Club America play Chivas at the 100,000 seat Azteca Stadium, and that was far more fun. It is sad that we sometimes miss the truly miraculous in favor of some distraction.   

If you go to any Mexican community, you see the image everywhere. In paintings, statues on mantels, on necklaces and bracelets, on tattoos, bumper stickers. Why? 

In the year 1531 she appeared to Juan Diego, an aging Indian man of little means. That date and those details are important, because it was barely a decade past the arrival of the Spanish under Hernan Cortez, to Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. The Spanish decimated the Aztecs, both with warfare and diseases, and swept in a new order, one which in 1531 everyone was still trying to sort out. 

Suddenly, there she is, the mother of the invader’s God, appearing to a lowly Indian, but with the appearance, skin, hair color, and language of the locals. The image is rich with meaning - her hair is loose, the sign of being a virgin, though the black belt around her waist was a sign of pregnancy. Her hands are folded, showing she is not a God, but praying to someone who is. She wears a turquoise shawl, a sign of royalty to the Aztecs. She stands in front of the sun, showing her preeminence in comparison to the Aztec Sun God. This is just an introduction, there is much more. 

Then, there is the tilma itself - made from cactus fiber and supposedly the robe of Juan Diego himself, the image is said to have appeared miraculously while in audience with the bishop. Made from simple cactus fiber, it should never have lasted a decade, let alone 500 years. They even tried to blow it up, and all was a smoking crater except for the tilma.

A society destroyed, suddenly found purpose, found love, and care. Before long, Mexico was a thoroughly Christian nation, and the Virgen de Guadalupe declared the Patroness of all of the Americas. Which is why we celebrate and honor her each year, even in far-off Elm Grove, Wisconsin. 

We invite you to attend our Virgen de Guadalupe assembly, coming up on December 4th. The 6th grade has been learning a traditional Mexican folk dance with Senora Paglianti, and Mrs. Gundlach has been preparing the same students to learn a skit, sing some traditional songs and pray. We celebrate and tell this story because it is forever relevant, a story of God’s mother speaking to our brokenness, and calling us home. May Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us. 

God Bless,

Siggy Spelter


Our Lady of Guadalupe Assembly Wednesday, December 4th,

10:30 - 11:30am in the Gym.

Presented by our 6th grade class.

School Office Notes

Inclement Weather Closing

Snowflake sightings always bring questions about school closings. We never know what a Wisconsin winter will bring! The decision to close school due to snow or extreme cold is not an easy one.

Per Archdiocesan directive, if Elmbrook Schools are closed due to cold or snow, then SMV also closes. If inclement weather occurs when Elmbrook has a regularly scheduled day off different from ours, the Pastor and Principal will make the decision whether or not to close.

Every effort is made to communicate closings. We will always send a message via text or email through ONE CALL NOW, our emergency response system. You will receive one if you have opted in to receive those messages. We also will post it on WTMJ, WISN and FOX 6. The decision to close is never made lightly. Safety is always our first concern.

Advent is almost here!

Advent is a special, sacred time of year. At school, students have numerous opportunities to experience this season of light. Here is a copy of our Advent Family flyer. They will also be sent home with students, so that you can see how each grade is going to participate.

Additionally, each family will receive an Advent calendar. They are being sent home with your youngest/only student.

May this Advent season help us all to live our Catholic faith more fully.

Last week for Re-enrollment for 2025-26

If you haven't done so, we ask that each current SMV school family fills out this form to indicate whether you will be returning to SMV. This form is due by Sunday, December 1st.

If you have a new student from your family who will be starting at SMV, you must request an application from the school office: These applications are also due by December 1st.

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting:



Afterschool Care Info

2024-25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

Hot Lunch - Ordo site

School Staff Emails and Class Websites

Facility Request Form

Immunization Form

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

2024-25 School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Bus - or


Save the Date

November 22nd - H & S Pizza Lunch

November 27th - 29th - No school; Thanksgiving break

December 2nd - No School; Teacher PD

December 4th - Our Lady of Guadalupe Assembly

December 6th - Feast of St. Nicholas; Home & School Pizza Lunch

Time to order for the December

H & S Pizza Lunch!

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we won't have a Virtual Backpack next week. So, we are now accepting order for December's pizza lunch

Please order by Monday, December 2nd for this lunch on Friday, December 6th.

You may use this link or the code below.

Trivia Night

Thank you to Maggie and Chris Lewis, Andrea Ziel, and of course to Mr. Falk for hosting another impressive Trivia Night! Teams put their knowledge and creativity to the test last Saturday evening. Thank you to all participants for supporting Home and School!


Mark your calendars and save the date for this year's school Auction -- March 15th, 2025! 

This year's theme is “Märzfest”, a fun-filled Bavarian-themed auction encouraging an early Spring with Maypole dancers, tasty German beer and pretzels, and brawny competitions. Wear your best Oktoberfest garb (Dirndls and Lederhosen)!

A huge thank you to Kristina Beck and Steve Kelley for chairing this year's auction! As a reminder, all families are strongly encouraged to signup for one auction-related volunteer position as this is our largest school fundraiser. You'll have fun while doing so, too!

Check out how you can lend a hand and sign up here!

The In Appreciation Fund is organized by school parents. Here is a link to a flyer with more information. All contributions get shared with the entire school staff. Each contributing family will be listed in a card accompanying each gift. Contributions are due by December 1st.

Make your contribution here.

Our 7th grade girls preparing Tom Turkey

A few of the talented Trivia Teams. Will you be part of one next time?

Parish/Community News

Help Needed for the St. Ben's Meal Ministry

Our next and last St. Ben’s meal of 2024 is on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, December 3rd. Volunteers are still needed for providing casseroles, pudding, desserts, and fruit. Please view the sign-up and consider if your family is able to contribute in some way. Thank you for your help with this important ministry!

Here is a link to the form for preregistering your child.

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Brookfield Public Library

Elm Grove Library - November

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life

The Matter of Life

SCRIP Fundraising Info

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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