Our 8th grade boys in action during our Pep Rally on Wednesday. Go Gladiators!

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

The Importance of November 5th

Next Tuesday, November 5th, marks an important day for all of us here. It is a day we have been preparing for, and focused on for a long time. A day we have had circled on our calendars for essentially years at this point because of its unique importance. 

Next Tuesday will be the first of the two-day visit scheduled for the accreditation team from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to come and view our school. What else could I have been talking about? 

I wrote a little about this previously, so I don’t need to get too deep here. The most important bit is that every seven years we are visited and evaluated by a team, usually consisting of other principals, from around the Archdiocese. They look at everything we’re doing: our Catholic Identity, our Academic Performance, the business side of our operation, and our buildings, grounds, and facilities. There is a lot of preparation on our end that goes into this visit. The teaching staff, and specifically Mrs. Becky Pogacar, have been diligently going that extra mile for over a-year-and-a-half now. This work stretched far beyond the normal school day for many people, and everyone on staff contributed in some way. 

I can’t wait for their visit because I am proud of our school and proud of our staff. There are so many good things going on here, and I try to highlight a little bit of them each week with this blurb. At the same time, an extra set of eyes is always helpful in striving toward our value of continuous improvement. I read in a book recently about the dangers of comparing yourself to others, and the healthier comparison is to compare yourself to your former self. That, to me, is the essence behind continuous improvement. We always want to be better tomorrow than we are today. 

So, if you happen to be on campus next Tuesday and Wednesday and see a bunch of fancily-dressed strangers walking around the school, don’t hesitate to reach out, introduce yourself, and tell them why you chose St. Mary’s. Please keep our school and parish community in your prayers, too. We look forward to featuring all the great work that happens at our school. After all, it’s not like there’s anything else going on next Tuesday.

God Bless,

Siggy Spelter


School Office Notes

All Saints Day

The School Office will be closed during the 8:00am Mass on Friday, November 1st, for this Holy Day of Obligation.

The annual Saints Museum will also take place tomorrow afternoon. Parents and extended family members are welcome to stop by and and see middle school student presentations about the Saints. This will take place from 1:00 - 2:30pm in the Gym.

Spooks & Spoofs-Thank You

A huge thank you to Lora LoCoco and Laura Read for chairing a fantastic event this past weekend! It was a spook-tacular evening filled with fun and fellowship. Thank you to the numerous volunteers who helped make this event possible. We are blessed to have such a supportive and amazing school community! 

See some photos from the event below.

Register Today for Trivia Night!

The ever-popular SMV Trivia Night is right around the corner! Plan now to attend on Saturday, November 16th. Test your trivia skills while supporting our school. Register and find more details about this event using the following link.

Any questions, please contact Chris or Maggie Lewis

Picture Retake Day -

November 11th

A Lifetouch photographer will be here the morning of Monday, November 11th. Any student who didn't get a picture taken in September, or any who would like a retake, will be able to wear dress clothes and get their picture taken on this date. If doing a retake, please bring your photo package info to return. For those taking a first photo, you may pre-order your photo package by visiting mylifetouch.com Our picture ID for this date is: EVTP7833X.

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting:




Afterschool Care Info

2024-25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

Hot Lunch - Ordo site

School Staff Emails and Class Websites

Facility Request Form

Immunization Form

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

2024-25 School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Bus - elmbrook@goriteway.com or


Save the Date

October 31st - Halloween Classroom parties

November 1st - All Saints Day - All School Mass; Saints Museum

November 4th - Deadline to order Spirit Wear and Sub Lunches

November 5th and 6th - Accreditation Team visits at SMV

November 8th - Sub Lunch; End of First Trimester

Sub Lunch - Friday, November 8th

Order deadline Monday, November 4th.

Please use this link to place your order.

The Christmas Spirit Wear Sale! Now through November 4th

It may seem too soon, but in order to get your items by St. Nick's Day, we have to run the sale now. Wouldn’t an awesome "Keeping Christ in Christmas" shirt, designed last year by Bronwyn Henry (6th grade), make an amazing stocking stuffer for St. Nick's Day? Check that out and more here in our spirit wear store.

Orders must be placed by 11:59 pm, next Monday, November 4th. Delivered to school the first week of December. 

Elegant Farmer Pie Sale -

now through November 11th

The Elegant Farmer pie and ham sale has begun! Elegant Farmer will make a generous donation to the SMV Home & School Association for items purchased through this sale. Place orders now through November 11th.

Order pick up will take place on Tuesday, November 26 from 2:30pm-3:00pm outside of school. Items must be picked up (no delivery). (Items not claimed during that time will be labeled and left outside the school main entrance for pick up.)

Options include: 

  • 8” Apple Pie $26
  • 8” Caramel Apple Pie $26 
  • 8” Door County Cherry Crisp $26
  • 10” Pumpkin Pie $23
  • 1-Pumpkin Apple Bread AND 1-Banana Bread (1.35 lbs ea) $23
  • 3 lb CiderBaked Mini Ham $26

Use this link to purchase today! 

Spooks and Spoofs 2024

SMV Athletics

The Seton Volleyball Championships

Both our 8th grade girls and boys volleyball teams are playing in the Seton Championship. Pool play games have been happening this week.

Our 8th grade girls beat their first opponent last night, but lost the battle to their last two games. While they won't move on to the next round, they should be very proud of their play this season. Congratulations girls!

Our 8th grade boys won their first round games and play again this Friday, November 1st, at 7:30pm (Milwaukee Sting Center). Plan to be there and cheer them to victory!


Please visit the Seton website for more game information.

Important Information for Spectators

Below are the guides for spectators of all the polices and logistic for the 2024 Elizabeth Seton Volleyball Championships. Please read this important information.

English edition

Spanish edition

That's a Wrap for Cross Country

Congratulations to the boys and girls cross country team on a great season! The teams finished out their races at the Wisconsin Lutheran Grade School Challenge on Wednesday, October 23rd with some impressive races among stiff competition. The girls team ended up in 13th place out of 22 teams while the boys team took home 16th out of 28 teams. 

A special congratulations to our 8th graders on their final season here at SMV: Gabi Lenci, Anna Zeidler, and Clare Romeiser. We are already looking forward to next year and would like to invite all 5th-8th graders to join us in the fall of 2025! If you have any questions about Cross Country or are interested in helping out next year, please contact Colleen Zeidler 

Parish/Community News

Our Very Own Dancing Dad!

One of our SMV parents will be donning his dancing shoes as part of a Cristo Rey fundraising event and could use our help! Dr. Matt Mathai, also known as Dad to Eva, Mariam and Rose, is participating in the Milwaukee Stars Merengue competition!

There is still time to vote! Voting is open and there's no limit to votes ! Here is the link to more information about the event and the voting links. The competition takes place on November 9th. Good luck to Dr. Mathai!

Brookfield Lacrosse Association - Free Try Lacrosse Session on November 6!

Next week is National Celebrate Lacrosse Week! Join us for a FREE TRY LACROSSE session for boys and girls in 1st through 8th grades on Wednesday, November 6th, at 7 PM at the Brookfield Indoor Sports Complex. No equipment or experience is needed! Players from the Marquette University Men's and Women's teams will be on the field to assist and enhance the experience for all participants of any level of play. Come with a group of friends and have a great time learning the game together!

While RSVPs are encouraged, feel free to join us even if you forget to sign up. Here’s the link to RSVP: https://www.brookfieldlacrosse.org/try-it-sessions

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Brookfield Public Library

Elm Grove Library - November

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life

The Matter of Life

SCRIP Fundraising Info

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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