The Saints came to SMV last week! Thanks to our middle school students for their informative presentations about these holy lives during their Saints Museum.

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

Trivia and Learning

Dear Families,

Last week a few of the teachers and staff got together and played a game of Saints trivia. You might say the difficulty was set to expert, as nobody did particularly well (except Maggie Lewis), including Father Schumaker, with his advanced education in theology and church history. Some of the questions concerned the Patron Saint of Rabies, how many Saint Ritas there have been, and how many Saints Pope Francis has canonized.

Despite the difficulty, everyone seemed to have fun. The post-game conversation turned to our upcoming trivia night-how we needed to organize a team, reminiscing about past challenges and wondering if it would indeed be possible to ever upset the Linns. Trivia is fun. Knowing things is cool.

But does knowing trivia mean that you’re smart? I know a lot about medieval empires, sports teams from the 90s, and remember lyrics to mediocre pop songs. I don’t know how to operate on someone, sketch something of beauty, keep my working space neat and organized, or fix even routine issues with my car. Am I smarter than my mechanic because I know about Genghis Khan? That is the fun part about intelligence that should really be appreciated - we are all made in the image of God, and His gifts can pop up in so many fascinating and diverse ways.       

There is an inherent benefit to knowing things, in that the more context one has to a situation, the greater is one’s ability to understand it. This idea is one of the foundational principles behind our new literacy curriculum. By design, it seeks to identify and then teach many core concepts - the things that everyone should know. In action, I had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Adams teach her second graders last week about the Persians and the Greeks and the Battle of Marathon. Why are second graders learning about this? Well, one it’s an incredible story, and two, beginning to develop this background of the Persians and the Greeks will echo throughout someone’s lifelong journey of learning. For example, the books of Daniel and Esther, suddenly are more accessible with this background knowledge, as is the phrase “Neither Jew nor Greek” (Galatians 3:28), and that is just a start. How much more accessible is the current situation in Iran, or the arrival of migrants in Europe, if one understands the genesis of this conflict of East vs. West? One of the goals of education should be to give the individual the ability to start teaching themselves, and that is what a good foundation in core knowledge will do. 

It also might make you really good at trivia.  

So come join us for Trivia Night, this upcoming Saturday November 16. And don’t forget to push your children each night with the question, “what did you learn today?” I would bet it was something good.

God Bless,

Siggy Spelter


School Office Notes

Picture Retake Day -

Monday, November 11th

A Lifetouch photographer will be here the morning of Monday, November 11th. Any student who didn't get a picture taken in September, or any who would like a retake, will be able to wear dress clothes and get their picture taken on this date. If doing a retake, please bring your photo package info to return. For those taking a first photo, you may pre-order your photo package by visiting Our picture ID for this date is: EVTP7833X.


We will once again be collecting monetary donations for those in need in our Parish. Please see here for copy of the flier with more information about this annual collection. Students should bring their donations to their homeroom teachers between November 11th - 18th. Thank you!

Attendance - Tardiness

As we wrap up the first trimester and prepare report cards, some of you may see a number of tardy notations for your child. Here is a reminder of the policy as stated in the Parent-Student Handbook:

Tardiness disrupts the classroom routine and environment. All pupils are required to be in the classroom when the bell rings at 7:45 a.m. Any pupil arriving after the 7:45 bell will be marked tardy unexcused. Tardy students must check into the office prior to going to class. Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated. After excessive tardies, a letter from the principal will be sent to the parent or guardian.

As we begin the second trimester, we are paying closer attention to this policy, as there has been an increase in tardiness lately. We appreciate your help with teaching your child to understand the importance of getting to school and into their classroom on time.

Re-enrollment for 2025-26

The re-enrollment process for current SMV school families is happening now. Those who plan to return and make the non-refundable registration fee payment will be assured of their student(s) class placement for the 2025-26 school year.

We ask that each current SMV school family fills out this form indicating whether you will be returning to SMV.

Registration for new students from Parish member families will begin on December 10th. Any new family interested in our school should contact the School Office or 262-782-7057.

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting:



Afterschool Care Info

2024-25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

Hot Lunch - Ordo site

School Staff Emails and Class Websites

Facility Request Form

Immunization Form

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

2024-25 School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Bus - or


Save the Date

November 9th - Quiz Bowl at SMV

November 9-10- Seton Championship

November 8th - Sub Lunch; End of First Trimester

November 11th - Veterans Day

  • Picture Retakes
  • Thanks-for-Giving collection begins
  • Elegant Farmer orders due

November 13th - Spirit Wear

November 16th - Trivia Night

Register Today for Trivia Night!

The ever-popular SMV Trivia Night is right around the corner! Plan now to attend on Saturday, November 16th. Test your trivia skills while supporting our school. Register and find more details about this event using the following link.

Any questions, please contact Chris or Maggie Lewis

Elegant Farmer Pie Sale -

last weekend for orders!

The Elegant Farmer pie and ham sale has begun! Elegant Farmer will make a generous donation to the SMV Home & School Association for items purchased through this sale. Place orders now through Monday, November 11th.

Order pick up will take place on Tuesday, November 26 from 2:30pm-3:00pm outside of school. Items must be picked up (no delivery). (Items not claimed during that time will be labeled and left outside the school main entrance for pick up.)

Options include: 

  • 8” Apple Pie $26
  • 8” Caramel Apple Pie $26 
  • 8” Door County Cherry Crisp $26
  • 10” Pumpkin Pie $23
  • 1-Pumpkin Apple Bread AND 1-Banana Bread (1.35 lbs ea) $23
  • 3 lb CiderBaked Mini Ham $26

Use this link to purchase today! 

Each vote counts!

Our K5 students in Mrs. Biebel's and Miss Borchardt's classes learned about the voting process, and put their knowledge into practice. As you can see from the sample ballot above, this was a very important election!

The votes were cast and the results are in. We can confidently report the following:

Favorite Recess Activity - Jump Rope

Favorite Snack - Goldfish

Best Classroom Job - Table Wiper

Favorite Story So Far - 3 Billy Goats Gruff

2024-25 School Event Calendar

Please make sure you are using the most recent school calendar for your planning purposes. Apparently an old version is in circulation and causing some confusion (ie. the Christmas Concert date. It is scheduled for December 12th.)

The calendar included here, and the one that can always be found in the Permanent Links section of this newsletter, is the most up to date.

SMV Athletics

The Seton Volleyball Championships

We had quite the cheering section last weekend for our Boys volleyball team! It certainly helped, as our 8th grade boys will be playing in the Seton Championship Final Four! These games will be held at Catholic Memorial High School (601 E. College Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186). They will play at 2:00pm on both Saturday, November 9th, and Sunday, November 10th.


Please visit the Seton website for more game information.

Good luck to our 8th grade boys this weekend. Go Gladiators!

Parish/Community News

Who would you invite to Thanksgiving Dinner? Click this link to see who some of our third grade students in Mrs. Perez's class wish to have join them as a guest. Responses on page 9 and another SMV student, Theo Mittelstadt, is published on page 10. Kudos to all our young writers!

Family Rosary this Sunday

4:00pm at church

Milwaukee Stars Merengue is this Saturday!

Remember, SMV parent Dr. Matt Mathai, is participating in the Milwaukee Stars Merengue competition this Saturday, November 9th.

There is still time to vote! Voting is open and there's no limit to votes ! Here is the link to more information about the event and the voting links. Good luck to Dr. Mathai!

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Brookfield Public Library

Elm Grove Library - November

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life

The Matter of Life

SCRIP Fundraising Info

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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