For the first time, it is my job to welcome all of you to a new and exciting school year. Many of you do not know me yet, but that is soon to change.
I come to St. Mary’s Visitation after two years working as Assistant Principal at Notre Dame School of Milwaukee, on the city’s southside. While there, I wore many hats. I was the first contact for school discipline, but also for school spirit. I planned monthly events to celebrate good behavior, organized a daily afterschool program full of enriching opportunities for the students, and ran pep rallies to celebrate our many sports teams. I ran committees, worked with families, and still found time to step back into the classroom to teach 6th and 7th graders their theology. I even coached a championship-level 5th grade girls basketball team last year. Every student in the school knew my name, and I knew all of theirs.
Before that, I spent fourteen years as a teacher in classrooms from Phoenix, AZ to Madison, WI and finally to Milwaukee. I taught Spanish to students as young as kindergarten, but spent my last year teaching Shakespeare and Ray Bradbury virtually to Milwaukee 7th graders. One of the top compliments I heard a number of times at conferences with parents is when they'd tell me their kids always talked about their day at home, like they could not wait to tell their parents about what happened at school that day. I like to think that is because as a teacher, I was able to teach in a way that was interesting and relevant, but also fun.
I am excited to be at St. Mary’s because this, from the beginning, has appeared to be a community that puts faith first. The biggest challenge we face not only as Catholic educators but as a Catholic community, is how do we impart our faith to the next generation? Not just in some vain hope of keeping our social or cultural groups alive, but because of the most sincere reality that God is real, that he had a Son who died for us, and that living a life in relationship with these truths is the most important thing we can ever do because it paves the way to eternity.
St. Mary’s Visitation is a place that gets this, and is a community working together -families, teachers, clergy, parishioners - all motivated and dedicated to bringing about God’s Kingdom in our world, but most importantly, in our children.
This is the work, and SMV is the place. I cannot wait to get started!
Siegfried (Siggy) Spelter