We're getting ready to welcome you Back to School!

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

Class Listings along with a copy of the Parent-Student Handbook and the Start of School form are being sent via email at 8:00am.

Please notify Mrs. Nordstrom in the school office if you do not receive it.


For the first time, it is my job to welcome all of you to a new and exciting school year. Many of you do not know me yet, but that is soon to change. 

I come to St. Mary’s Visitation after two years working as Assistant Principal at Notre Dame School of Milwaukee, on the city’s southside. While there, I wore many hats. I was the first contact for school discipline, but also for school spirit. I planned monthly events to celebrate good behavior, organized a daily afterschool program full of enriching opportunities for the students, and ran pep rallies to celebrate our many sports teams. I ran committees, worked with families, and still found time to step back into the classroom to teach 6th and 7th graders their theology. I even coached a championship-level 5th grade girls basketball team last year. Every student in the school knew my name, and I knew all of theirs. 

Before that, I spent fourteen years as a teacher in classrooms from Phoenix, AZ to Madison, WI and finally to Milwaukee. I taught Spanish to students as young as kindergarten, but spent my last year teaching Shakespeare and Ray Bradbury virtually to Milwaukee 7th graders. One of the top compliments I heard a number of times at conferences with parents is when they'd tell me their kids always talked about their day at home, like they could not wait to tell their parents about what happened at school that day. I like to think that is because as a teacher, I was able to teach in a way that was interesting and relevant, but also fun. 

I am excited to be at St. Mary’s because this, from the beginning, has appeared to be a community that puts faith first. The biggest challenge we face not only as Catholic educators but as a Catholic community, is how do we impart our faith to the next generation? Not just in some vain hope of keeping our social or cultural groups alive, but because of the most sincere reality that God is real, that he had a Son who died for us, and that living a life in relationship with these truths is the most important thing we can ever do because it paves the way to eternity. 

St. Mary’s Visitation is a place that gets this, and is a community working together -families, teachers, clergy, parishioners - all motivated and dedicated to bringing about God’s Kingdom in our world, but most importantly, in our children. 

This is the work, and SMV is the place. I cannot wait to get started!


Siegfried (Siggy) Spelter


Mr. Spelter soaking up the last of the summer sun with a special someone!

School Office Notes

Turning Back the Clock -

Time Change

On school days, students will be able to enter the building starting at 7:35am. While different from the past couple of years, it is a familiar blast from the past time for many.

The doors will open at 7:35am for students. Students should not be dropped off, unattended, prior to that time. Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 7:45am - the final bell.

New Absence Reporting Tools!

We now have a dedicated phone line and email for student absences and tardiness. Please make note of this!

Parents/Guardians must report all student absences using either of the following:

Email: attendance@stmaryeg.org

Phone #: 262-901-1800

In order for the student absence to be excused, notice from a parent or guardian must be received via either of these channels of communication by 8:00am on the day of absence. A mention or note to a teacher will not suffice. This attendance information is then communicated to all teachers daily.

Please ONLY use these channels for reporting absences. Thank you.

Important Form to Submit!

Here it is! Everyone's favorite Start of School form. It is critical that one form for each family be submitted by the start of the school year!

Here is the link to the 2023-24 Start of School Packet form:

This link is also being sent with the class list email. Don't delay! Fill this out today!

Questions: Contact Mrs. Nordstrom at jnordstrom@stmaryeg.org

Lunchtime Playground and Cafeteria Volunteers

Families completing a total of six (6) shifts during the lunchtime, either playground or cafeteria duty, will be credited their $200 deposit (collected with tuition).

**All volunteers must sign in at the office prior to shifts. Bring a photo ID.**

Please see the sign-ups for Playground and Cafeteria duty under the Permanent Links of this newsletter.

Do not sign up for more than six shifts at this time! Thank you.

Volunteering at SMV

Parents who would like to volunteer in any capacity (classroom, recess duty, coaching, etc...) MUST take a Safe Environment Training session, pass a background check and sign the Code of Ethical Standards before they may volunteer. Information can be found on the Milwaukee Archdiocese website:


If you have any questions, please contact our Safeguarding Coordinator, Chris Kinzy - ckinzy@stmaryeg.org


If your child needs to have medication that is to be kept at school, please make sure to fill out the correct forms. Bring the form along with the medication to the School Office. The Prescription and Non-Prescription Authorization forms can be found under the Permanent Links Section.

Hot Lunch at SMV

We can't wait to tell you more about the new and improved lunch service at SMV! Ordering and payment details will be forthcoming.

Hot lunch is a service offered to all students (K3-8th grades). Milk service, with or without hot lunch purchase, will also be available.

Please Note: Hot Lunch service will start on Tuesday, September 5th.

Permanent Links

2023-24 Calendar

2023-24 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

After School Care

Immunization Form

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Cafeteria Duty Sign Up

Playground Duty Sign Up

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Save the Date

August 23rd - K4 Orientation (9am) and

K3 Orientation (10am)

August 24th - Back to School Night

August 28th - First Day of School!

(K4-8th grades)

September 1st - Early Dismissal @ 11:00am

SMV After-School Care

The After School Care program is available to school families, beginning with children in grade K4. The hours are 2:45pm - 6:00pm.

There is an annual registration fee requirement. Once that is paid, you may use the service as often as necessary.

Use the link in the Permanent Links section above to view the webpage with more information. Please contact Gina Lambie, the ASC Coordinator, with any questions: glambie@stmaryeg.org 

SMV Bus Service

Go Riteway is the provider of bus service for St. Mary's in coordination with the Elmbrook School District. Representatives from Go Riteway are contacting families within our bus route boundaries.

Free bus transportation is available to families whose residence is within the following boundaries:

  • NORTH—North Avenue from 124th St. on the east to Pilgrim Rd. on the west. 
  • EAST—124th St. from North Avenue on the north to Greenfield Avenue on the south. 
  • SOUTH—Greenfield Avenue from 124th St. on the east to Moorland Road on the west, 
  • WEST—Moorland Road from Greenfield Avenue to Bluemound Road. Pilgrim Parkway from Bluemound Rd. to North Avenue.

If you're eligible and wish to have bus service and you have not received route information from Go Riteway, please let Mrs. Nordstrom in the school office know.

If you have any other questions, please contact Go Riteway: 414-249-5048 or elmbrook@goriteway.com


We highly recommend downloading the Here Comes the Bus App. Our access code is: 83571.

Instrument Fair

Calling all incoming 4th graders! If your child is interested in trying out a band instrument, please sign up for a time slot during Back to School Night on Thursday, August 24th! Mrs. Kesler and a representative from White House of Music will be holding an instrument fair to try instruments and answer any questions you might have about rental for the fall.

Signing up for the instrument fair DOES NOT commit your child to joining the band - this is just a chance to explore the instruments and ask any band related questions. Please feel free to email skesler@stmaryeg.org if you are unable to attend Back to School Night and would like to discuss band or instrument rental for your child. 

Click here to sign up for an instrument fair time slot!

Home & School News

The Home & School Committee is looking forward to the new school year! We have so many great events on the schedule for our families to enjoy. Please see this letter from the H &S Board for more information about what to expect.

Right now, please look at this sign up to put dates on your calendar and find out how you can help. Thank you!

Parish Picnic

The first Home & School event of the year is almost here! Mark Sunday, September 17th on your calendar. Many hands are needed to make this much-loved event a success.

Please view this sign up and register now to help out. Thank you!

SMV Spirit Wear!

Orders placed over the summer will be available for pick up at the Back to School event on August 24th. A new sale will begin at that time, too!

So many books are waiting for you!

Thank you!

A great big thank you to Peyton Bosbous (7th grade) and Owen Scheidt (8th grade) for their help this summer with unpacking, carrying, and sorting boxes and boxes of books. We truly appreciate it!

School Photos

School photos will be taken during the Back to School Night on August 24th, between 4:00pm - 6:30pm. Photos will be taken in the MakerSpace and Cafeteria.

Here's a copy of the flyer It is best to order in advance. We will also have forms available for pick-up outside the school office on the 24th. Get one prior to having your child's photo taken.

(Make up and retake photo day will be Tuesday, October 10th.)

Remember: Order your yearbook now so you don't forget! It's a separate order process. Please visit the ybpay.com website and enter our code: 14255224

Parish News

Looking for school uniform items?

Visit the St. Mary's Thrift Shop (13150 Juneau Blvd.) for some great deals!

Altar Server Training for New and Returning Servers

Children in sixth grade and above are invited to become altar servers at St. Mary’s Visitation Parish. A Server Training will be held for incoming 6th graders, anyone who has not served at SMV in the past, and any returning server who would like a refresher. Servers are required to attend one of the training sessions unless they have been serving over the past year at St. Mary’s.


The Server Training dates are as follows:

  • Frid Aug 18 , 10:30-11:30
  • Sat Aug 19, 11:30-12:30
  • Sat Aug 26, 11:30-12:30
  • Sat Sept 2, 12:30-1:30

Please register at this link: Altar Server Training 2023-2024 

Contact Liz Steybe with any questions, lsteybe@stmaryeg.org or 262-782-4575 x129.

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Elm Grove Library

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life - The Matter of Life

SCRIP - Description


SCRIP Waiver Form

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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