St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

Class Lists with homeroom assignments along with the Start of School packet will be sent via email to parents today (Thursday) at 8:00am.

Rejoice and Be Glad!

Dear Families,

I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have known a Saint. I mean, I am sure I know some future Saints, as a Saint is just someone who has died and is in heaven. But the past ones, what were they like when they were alive? And I’m not talking about their great feats, but more what were they like in the little things? What would you notice when eating breakfast with them? What would it be like to accompany them on their morning commute? 

My best guess is that one would become aware of an unmistakable sense of joy. 

So where does joy come from? It is from a conscious acceptance of God’s grace and plan for our lives. No matter what happens, we are loved. We have been ransomed by our God, we will always be His children. Because of his immense love for us, our reward is an eternity with Him.

Our theme this year is “Rejoice and Be Glad,” taken from Matthew chapter 5, right after Jesus proclaims the Beatitudes. Each Beatitude outlines how a Christian, whether through their trials here on Earth or through their trust in God, will be rewarded mightily in heaven. Immediately upon their pronouncement, the decree is given, “Rejoice and be glad” (Matthew 5:12). The connection is clear: God’s love and commitment to us is the source of joy. 

So, how does a school that is full of joy look? It is a school that knows and understands its purpose of leading children to the kingdom of heaven. Everything else flows from there. A school full of joy is a place where love is obvious, where prayer and faith are central, where triumphs are celebrated, challenges embraced, and where no one walks through difficulty alone. Where teachers and administrators partner with families in what is the best work, that of guiding those under our stewardship toward a lifetime of learning, and an eternity with God. 

Welcome then, to St. Mary’s Visitation School. Soon the 2024/2025 school year will be upon us. Rejoice and be glad!

God Bless,

Siggy Spelter


School Office Notes

Volunteering at SMV

Parents who would like to volunteer in any capacity (classroom, recess/lunch duty, field trips, coaching, etc...) MUST take a Safe Environment Training session, pass a background check, and sign the Code of Ethical Standards before they may do so. 

Information about these trainings and schedules can be found here .

Anyone with an expired status will not be able to volunteer. If you are unsure as to whether you've done the training, have an expired status, or have any other questions, please contact Chris Kinzy, our Parish Safeguarding Coordinator, at:

Lunchtime Playground and Cafeteria Volunteers

Did you set your alarms? The coveted playground and cafeteria signups are set!

Families completing a total of six (6) shifts during the lunchtime, either playground or cafeteria duty, will be credited their $215 deposit (collected with tuition).

Do not sign up for more than a total of six (6) shifts at this time! Signups will open to extra shifts on September 15th.

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

These signups will always be in the Permanent Links section of this newsletter.

New Facility Use Request Form

Our Parish and School host a number of meetings for various organizations, clubs, and athletic events in our buildings. We ask anyone who is interested in using a room or space at the school or parish to please complete and submit this form for such requests. This helps us to avoid conflicts and more efficiently reserve the space needed. Thank you.


If your child needs to have medication that is to be kept at school, please make sure to fill out the correct forms. Bring the form along with the medication to the School Office. The Prescription and Non-Prescription Authorization forms can be found under the Permanent Links Section of this newsletter.

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting: or


2024-25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

Immunization Form

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

2024-25 School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Bus - Go Riteway: or


Save the Date

August 21st - Pre-K Orientation Sessions

  • 9:00am - K4 (parents only)
  • 10:00am - K3 (parents only)

August 22nd - Back to School Event

  • 4:00-7:00pm - drop off supplies; meet classroom teachers
  • Pick up Spirit Wear at school!

August 26th - First Day of School! (K4-8)

September 3rd - First Day for K3

SMV Bus Service

Go Riteway is the provider of bus service for St. Mary's in coordination with the Elmbrook School District. Representatives from Go Riteway sent out information to our bus families earlier this week.

If you're eligible and wish to have bus service and you have not received route information from Go Riteway, please let Mrs. Nordstrom in the school office know.

If you have any other questions about your route, please contact Go Riteway: 414-249-5048 or


We highly recommend downloading the Here Comes the Bus App. Our access code is: 83571.

Hot Lunch at SMV

As mentioned in a message sent out earlier this week, St. Mary’s Visitation has partnered with Ordo to offer families a hot lunch option for the 2024-2025 school year. Ordo is an offsite lunch preparation program that will make daily deliveries to the school for us to distribute to students.

You will be able to order lunches for delivery on Monday-Thursday of each week. Fridays are reserved for our Home & School pizza and other special lunches.  

Ordo offers 4-6 fresh, homestyle menu items daily to choose from, with entrees priced between $5.99-8.99. A few extras and select beverages are also available for purchase. There is an online ordering system. Online orders must be placed by Friday for delivery the following week. 

Please view this video clip for some background information regarding the family ordering portal. 

Sign up for your Ordo account here. For additional questions about this program, please contact Mr. Spelter.

SMV After School Care

The After School Care Program (ASC) is available to school families, beginning with children in grade K4. The hours are 2:45 - 6:00pm.

There is an annual registration fee requirement. Once that is paid, you may use the service as often as necessary.

Use this link to view the webpage with more information. Please contact Andrea Rosen, ASC Coordinator, with any questions at:

Instrument Fair

Please stop by the gym at Open House on August 22nd to say hello to our new Band Teacher, Mrs. Courtney Falk! Additionally, anyone looking to try out a new instrument, or even get started on one for the first time, you are encouraged to come and try out any instrument you'd like.

From 4:00-6:00pm, we will have a rep from White House of Music helping students get a sound out of an instrument of their choice. Whether you already play an instrument or are curious about something new, this is a great opportunity to explore options, with no commitment. Registration is recommended, as we will only take walk-ups if we have time. Please sign up here.

Band lessons are available, to students in grades 4-8 for an additional fee.  Any other questions, feel free to send them my way at

SMV Home & School Association

The SMV Home and School Committee helps to sponsor the amazing year-long events that make our school so special. Please see this welcome letter from the current H&S board for more information. We hope to see you at the events and appreciate any help you may be able to give!

H&S Event Sign Up

Please lend a hand! We could use more assistance with Field Day (4th grade hosted event), the Auction, and support for Spooks and Spoofs and Graduation.

Grab a friend or two and sign up here.

Thank you for your consideration! We look forward to an awesome school year!

Parish Picnic

September 15th

Join us for the annual SMV Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 15th from 11:30-1:30. Loads of food, fun, and fellowship with our priests, parishioners, and school families await, but we need volunteers to make it a success! 

Please prayerfully consider how you can contribute and sign up here. We hope to see you there!

Parish News

Survey deadline is this Sunday, August 18th

Altar Server Training Fall 2024

The ministry of Altar Servers at school and weekend masses is now open to anyone who has received their First Communion. Anyone interested in becoming or continuing as a server MUST fill out the following survey signup by August 18, 2024:


Server Training Sign Up Fall 2024

Please note:

  • Training is MANDATORY for all High School Servers (incoming 9-12 grade), incoming 3rd graders, and first time servers of any grade. 
  • Training is OPTIONAL for incoming 4th - 8th graders who have served in the past year and would like a refresh. 

There are 2 training dates to choose from:  

  • Wednesday, Aug 21st at 5pm 
  • Saturday, Aug 24th at 11am

Training lasts 1 hour and will be followed by an optional pizza party for all participants.


Scheduling is done in 3 month blocks. The next schedule will be September through November. Generally, servers are assigned 2 times a month at the times and services they have listed as their preference. This survey will help get that process started as well as allow everyone to sign up for the training. You are welcome to contact Liz Steybe: with any questions.

Little Flowers is a Catholic girls group for girls to learn Catholic virtues by studying the lives of the saints and earn badges by applying these values in their everyday activities. Our group is led by SMV moms Jen Nicolosi and Jackie Knabel. 

We welcome all girls age 3-8th grade to join us for this fun and faith-filled time together. Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, September-May, 4:15-5:30. This year we will meet in the school cafeteria.

Register by August 31 through Give Central for us to order your materials for you and avoid a shipping fee! Members are still welcome after August 31 but will be responsible for ordering their own materials from Behold Publications. The fee for each returning member is $17.50, which includes the Member Guide book and the virtue buttons. Fee for new members is $29.00, which includes the Member Guide book, virtue buttons, sash, and club cross badge. 

To sign up or if you have questions, please reach out to Jen at

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Elm Grove Library

Elm Grove News-Independent

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life

The Matter of Life

SCRIP Fundraising Info

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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