Our now 8th graders finally had a nice day for their Devil's Lake field trip.

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

Competing like a Christian

Dear Families,

Last fall, we did a professional development for the teachers on Catholic Intellectual Tradition. For those unfamiliar with the concept, here is an elevator speech. Basically, the idea that Faith and Reason are two opposing and antagonizing ends of a divide is completely wrong. From the beginning of Genesis, God created an ordered world out of Chaos. Because God is the author of everything, we can infer that we live in an ordered world, and to study that order is to study God’s handiwork. It is for this reason that Christians have always been at the forefront of learning and discovery. Medieval monks preserved ancient wisdom amidst tumult and invasions in candlelit monasteries. The first universities and hospitals were founded and supported by the church. Even in modern times, Catholic intellectuals and scientists have made significant discoveries in major fields such as Physics (Fr. Lemaitre), Computer Science (Sr. Mary Kenneth Kell), and Genetics (Fr. Gregor Mendel). If you don’t believe me, just check out the posters hanging in Mrs. Heim’s lab, reminding our students each day of this proud tradition. 

A proper Catholic education then finds ways to connect everything it does back to God for He is the reason the school exists. As I presented on this topic, so many connections buzzed through my head, tracing our stories in reading class to salvation history, or talking about how the study of mathematics points to an ordered universe-“Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the universe.” (Galileo). Nothing got me quite as jazzed though as the chance to talk about Religion in P.E. an opportunity that Mrs. B. seemed just as enthused to take up. 

The night before, I had been playing in my adult kickball league when an opponent had started yelling at and threatening to fight one of my teammates, all because he had mistaken his missed kick for a bunt, and was mad at the perceived sportsmanship slight. It occurred to me then, that just as there are themes a Christian should be looking for as they read, there is also a certain way that a Christian should compete. 

All of this is a roundabout way of saying that sports are back at St. Mary’s Visitation. This weekend kicks off the Volleyball season, with Cross Country soon to follow. It is such a blessing that our kids have the chance to not only compete, but to compete here, with us, and for us. Youth sports can be such a crucible for character-kids learn how to win, and lose, how to support each other through difficulty, how to perform in spite of fear or nerves, and how to get back up when they fall down. In a Catholic school though, sports should transcend mere competition, because we know everything comes from God, and we are called to imitate Christ in all we do. 

I am looking forward to witnessing many great seasons. Above all, I am looking to see our kids continue to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ through their experiences competing. To compete as a Christian, is summed up well by St. Paul:  “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me,” (2 Timothy 4: 7-8). 

God Bless,

Siggy Spelter


School Office Notes

Thanks for reading me!

There's a lot of timely and important information in our Parish and Community section, and in the Links at the bottom of the newsletter. Don't miss it!

Hot Lunch at SMV

Remember to place orders by Friday before the week of delivery.

Sign up for your Ordo account here. For additional questions about this program, please contact Mr. Spelter.

Building gum drop bridges in Mrs. Sinense's class. Yum!

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting:




Afterschool Care Info

2024-25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

School Staff Emails and Class Websites

Facility Request Form

Immunization Form

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

2024-25 School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Bus - elmbrook@goriteway.com or


Save the Date

September 6th - Scout Boxed Lunch

September 9th -

  • Jr. High Parent Orientation @ 6:00pm
  • Deadline for pizza orders

September 11th - Spirit Wear

September 11-20 - MAP testing

September 13th - H & S pizza lunch

September 15th - Parish Picnic

Room Mom/Dad '24-'25

Wanted: Room Parents for the '24-'25 school year. The room mom or dad makes sure classroom parties run smoothly (creates sign-ups for games, crafts, food, drink); organizes special things for teacher appreciation week, teacher birthdays, etc; and also helps facilitate some H&S initiatives at the classroom level.

Please see this signup to volunteer for this role. Thank you!

Spirit Wear - Last Day to Order!

Believe it or not, chilly days will be here before we know it. Wouldn't it be nice to have a warm, soft SMV hoodie to wear then? You're in luck. The store is open for our fall Spirit Wear Sale!

Hoodies, theme shirts, gym uniforms... they're all available! Band shirts are also included in this sale, so make sure you get one now in time for the concerts.

Here is the link to view and order. The store closes today, Thursday, September 5th at 11:59pm.

Mrs. Scherr's class took advantage of the nice weather to study in our outdoor classroom.

Parish Picnic next weekend!

Happy September! The annual Parish Picnic is right around the corner. We are still looking for help, especially with set-up/clean-up, general help, and grill duty. Thank you to all who have volunteered to help thus far. Please consider how you can lend a hand to this awesome Home and School kickoff event!

You may sign up here! We hope to see you there!

Picture Day is September 26th

School photo packages should be ordered before picture day to receive online discounts and avoid late delivery fees. Visit mylifetouch.com

Our picture day ID is: EVT22SGMD

Chess and Creative Writing

Chess & Creative Writing will be starting soon at SMV. See the flyer for more information. To sign up click here. Our course code is: SMV10.11.24

SMV Athletics

Volleyball starts this weekend and volunteers make it all happen!

Our athletic season is underway and we are close to having our first weekend of competition. The SMV athletic program asks for volunteers to help staff our gym. Volunteers help with concessions, admissions and as a gym supervisor. Without your help we cannot have these competitions at school and our athletes will miss out on the chance to play for their school. Most of all, concessions are a great source of revenue for our athletic programs and are a significant contributor to new uniforms and much needed equipment each year. 

Thank you to all who have already signed up. There are still some open dates and opportunities to help during our volleyball season. This is a great way to get to help out, see athletes in action, and meet other parents! Please see here for available opportunities. Thank you!

Parish/Community News

Pathways in Elm Grove

The Pathway Project is an initiative to improve pathways (sidewalks) in Elm Grove on major thoroughfares and roadways to improve safety for kids, families, and pedestrians. The next pathways that have been prioritized by the Village of Elm Grove are our "school pathways," including SMV (the stretch of Juneau Blvd between Watertown Plank Rd and Legion Dr) and Tonawanda Elementary School. This will really benefit our SMV parishioners, school families, and community!

Third Space Beer Garden has this really neat community outreach project called Pints with a Purpose, in which they donate some of their proceeds to local non-profits and initiatives. They have chosen to donate some of their proceeds from this Saturday, September 7th, to the Pathway Project. Grab some friends, enjoy a beverage of your choice, and support a good cause!

Family Rosary - Sunday, September 8th

Piano at SMV

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Elm Grove Library - September

Elm Grove News-Independent

September Anniversary Edition

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life

The Matter of Life

SCRIP Fundraising Info

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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