Our school and parish staff celebrated Mass together in preparation for the school new year!

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

Welcome Back!

Dear Families,

The summer may appear to be a sleepy time around St. Mary’s Visitation School. The parking lot is mostly empty. The bell schedule has been quieted. Gone are the days with all the different recesses going on, when the children spill out of their classrooms to run, yell, kick, and catch. During summer break, the joyful sea of activity on our playgrounds is gone. The only sign of life is a car or two, and the occasional moment when the Principal leaves the office to do a lunch hour walk or run. 

While things do appear sleepy, this respite is the time necessary to reflect and to recharge, and to work on implementing the new ideas that will fuel the sense of continuous improvement mentioned in our Mission Statement. 

As we start the year, there are several updates or changes to share with you. 

First, we will be bringing back monthly confession/reconciliation in third through eighth grades. The confessions will take place during a designated time after daily mass, and will allow our students further access and practice with this beautiful sacrament. Additionally, the Angelus prayer will enter into our rotation of daily prayer. 

The next big bit of news is our partnering with the food service Ordo to offer families a hot lunch option for the upcoming school year. We looked at several options, but felt that this one offered the best variety of food at a price that would be appealing to families. In particular, I am looking forward to the sandwich I ordered myself for the first day of school. No packing a lunch that day! Remember orders are due the Friday before an upcoming week. 

Finally, we are excited to be adding options to our already busy extracurricular slate. Chess scholars will be coming back, and the same organization will also be offering a Creative Writing course. Some enthusiastic parent volunteers will also be debuting a robotics club. Watch for more information about these offerings in upcoming newsletters.

So, from a deepening commitment to prayer, to steaming hot lunches, to programming robots, there is a lot that is new and worthwhile about to begin at SMV. We can’t wait to welcome you back!

God Bless,

Siggy Spelter


School Office Notes


The first day of school is almost here! We hope to see everyone that day; however, if your child is sick or will be absent at any time, this is the procedure:

Email or call the Attendance line

Email: attendance@stmaryeg.org


Phone #: 262-901-1800

In order for the student absence to be excused, notice from a parent or guardian must be received by the school office via either of these channels of communication by 8:00am on the day of absence.

If sending an email, you may copy the teacher as well, if you'd like. Teacher email addresses are found here on our school website. No worries if you don't; we communicate the attendance information to teachers in daily morning notes. Also, phone calls get transcribed to an email, which is then forwarded to teachers.

Any appointments or changes to a student's schedule for a day should also be sent to the attendance email. Thank you!

Fill Out This Form!

Thank you to those who have already submitted the Start of School packet. I'm still waiting to hear from approximately 40 families.

Here is the link to the form.

Yes, I do need a new form submitted from each family each year. There are new questions and consent forms included this year. We appreciate your attention to this. Submit your form by Monday, August 26th.

Volunteering at SMV

Parents who would like to volunteer in any capacity (classroom, recess/lunch duty, field trips, coaching, etc...) MUST take a Safe Environment Training session, pass a background check, and sign the Code of Ethical Standards before they may do so. 

Information about these trainings and schedules can be found here .

Anyone with an expired status will not be able to volunteer. If you are unsure as to whether you've done the training, have an expired status, or have any other questions, please contact Chris Kinzy, our Parish Safeguarding Coordinator, at: ckinzy@stmaryeg.org


If your child needs to have medication that is to be kept at school, please make sure to fill out the correct forms (see the Permanent Links section). Bring the form along with the medications to the School Office.

Staff fun in the sun before the kids arrive!

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting:




2024-25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

School Staff Emails and Class Websites

Facility Request Form

Immunization Form

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

2024-25 School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Bus - elmbrook@goriteway.com or


Save the Date

August 22nd - Back to School Event

  • 4:00-7:00pm - drop off supplies; meet classroom teachers
  • Pick up Spirit Wear at school!

August 26th - First Day of School! (K4-8)

August 30th - Early Dismissal at 11:00am

September 3rd - First Day for K3

September 11-20 - MAP testing

September 15th - Parish Picnic

Hot Lunch at SMV

As mentioned in a message sent out earlier this week, St. Mary’s Visitation has partnered with Ordo to offer families a hot lunch option for the 2024-2025 school year. Ordo is an offsite lunch preparation program that will make daily deliveries to the school for us to distribute to students.

You will be able to order lunches for delivery on Monday-Thursday of each week. Fridays are reserved for our Home & School pizza and other special lunches.  

Ordo offers 4-6 fresh, homestyle menu items daily to choose from, with entrees priced between $5.99-8.99. A few extras and select beverages are also available for purchase. There is an online ordering system. Online orders must be placed by Friday for delivery the following week. 

If you would like a lunch for the first week, please order by tomorrow!

Sign up for your Ordo account here. For additional questions about this program, please contact Mr. Spelter.

SMV After School Care

The After School Care Program (ASC) is available to school families, beginning with children in grade K4. The hours are 2:45 - 6:00pm.

There is an annual registration fee requirement. Once that is paid, you may use the service as often as necessary.

Use this link to view the webpage with more information. Please contact Andrea Rosen, ASC Coordinator, with any questions at: afterschool@stmaryeg.org

SMV Bus Service

Go Riteway, in coordination with the Elmbrook School District, is the provider of bus service for St. Mary's. Route information has been sent out.

If you received route information, but do not plan to have your child or children ride the bus at this time or if you have concerns about the stop:

 please complete this form.

If you live within the boundaries and have not received route information, and plan to have your child ride the bus, please let Mrs. Nordstrom know today (Thursday, August 22nd).

Only ask for route information if:

  • Your child(ren) will ride on a consistent basis, starting within the first three weeks of school. (The student does not have to ride every day, or ride both AM and PM, but should be a rider at some point each week.)
  • Do not request a route at this time if your student will not be riding within the first 3-4 weeks, or if you're unsure. You can be added later if circumstances change.

This information will help greatly to make sure we have accurate and efficient routes and stops. We know there will be some hiccups to the process, especially at the beginning of the school year, so your cooperation with this information along with your patience is greatly appreciated.

If you have any other questions about your route, please contact Go Riteway: 414-249-5048 or elmbrook@goriteway.com


Once you have received your route information, you will be able to use the Here Comes the Bus App. We highly recommend downloading it. Our access code is: 83571.

Instrument Fair

Please stop by the gym at Open House on August 22nd to say hello to our new Band Teacher, Mrs. Courtney Falk! Additionally, anyone looking to try out a new instrument, or even get started on one for the first time, you are encouraged to come and try out any instrument you'd like.

From 4:00-6:00pm, we will have a rep from White House of Music helping students get a sound out of an instrument of their choice. Whether you already play an instrument or are curious about something new, this is a great opportunity to explore options, with no commitment. Registration is recommended, as we will only take walk-ups if we have time. Please sign up here.

Band lessons are available, to students in grades 4-8 for an additional fee.  Any other questions, feel free to send them my way at cfalk@stmaryeg.org.

SMV Home & School Association

The SMV Home and School Committee helps to sponsor the amazing year-long events that make our school so special. Please see this welcome letter from the current H&S board for more information. We hope to see you at the events and appreciate any help you may be able to give!

H&S Event Sign Up

Please lend a hand! We could use more assistance with Field Day (4th grade hosted event), the Auction, and support for Spooks and Spoofs and Graduation.

Grab a friend or two and sign up here.

Thank you for your consideration! We look forward to an awesome school year!

Help Needed!

Parish Picnic - September 15th

Join us for the annual SMV Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 15th from 11:30-1:30. Loads of food, fun, and fellowship with our priests, parishioners, and school families await, but we need volunteers to make it a success! 

We have just about three weeks to go before this event. We need more help to make it happen! Consider how you can contribute and sign up here. We hope to see you there!

Parish News

Little Flowers is a Catholic girls group for girls to learn Catholic virtues by studying the lives of the saints and earn badges by applying these values in their everyday activities. Our group is led by SMV moms Jen Nicolosi and Jackie Knabel. 

We welcome all girls age 3-8th grade to join us for this fun and faith-filled time together. Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, September-May, 4:15-5:30. This year we will meet in the school cafeteria.

Register by August 31 through Give Central for us to order your materials for you and avoid a shipping fee! Members are still welcome after August 31 but will be responsible for ordering their own materials from Behold Publications. The fee for each returning member is $17.50, which includes the Member Guide book and the virtue buttons. Fee for new members is $29.00, which includes the Member Guide book, virtue buttons, sash, and club cross badge. 

To sign up or if you have questions, please reach out to Jen at nicolosi.jl@gmail.com.

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Elm Grove Library

Elm Grove News-Independent

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life

The Matter of Life

SCRIP Fundraising Info

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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