In the spirit of the season, our second grade classes created pumpkin characters based on a book they read. They're on display in our school atrium. Be sure to check them out!

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

Becoming a Saint

Dear Families,

I remember learning about the canonization process in school. One thing that stuck with me was the miracle verification, because who doesn’t love a good miracle? The problem was I had it entirely backwards. I knew that to be declared a Saint, one needed to have two documented miracles to their name. I thought that those were miracles that they completed while alive, thus nurturing my image of saints as somehow being magical, or perhaps having a direct phone line to God, that they could call in times of distress, and voila, a miracle. I was wrong. The truth is much more compelling. 

The required and verified miracles occur not during one’s lifetime on Earth, but after it. How does one perform a miracle while dead? Well, that’s the key, and the component that implies sainthood. Here’s a story of one of St. John Paul II’s miracles:

“The second miracle leading to the canonization of John Paul II concerned a 50-year-old woman from Santiago, Costa Rica, Floribeth Mora Diaz.

Diaz suffered a brain aneurysm in April 2011, after a series of tests in a hospital, including a brain scan and a three-hour operation—the doctors told her that her condition was inoperable and terminal and that she would have only one month to live…

…She…began praying to Pope John Paul II for his intercession. Coincidentally, Pope John Paul II's beatification was scheduled for May 1, 2011, and Floribeth decided to watch the events on TV. After watching the beatification, she went to sleep but was awakened by John Paul's words, “Get Up! Don’t be afraid!”

Much to her husband's surprise, she got out of bed and told him she felt well. She also informed him about her encounter with the deceased pontiff. Floribeth subsequently underwent several medical tests—including new brain scans—which left her neurologist and other doctors wholly stupefied. They declared that her virtually instantaneous cure was scientifically inexplicable by any known natural agency.”

The thing about these miracles is that their happening after John Paul’s death implies that he still lives even today, perhaps in a sense even more alive than we are currently. We know this because he listens, and he intercedes with God on our behalf. There is that direct phone-line, the communion of Saints in heaven, that can even occasionally produce miracles among those still on Earth. 

That is why we celebrate the Saints at St. Mary’s Visitation Catholic School. We invite you to join us at Mass next Friday, and you’re welcome to visit school that afternoon to view our Saints Museum, created by our middle school students. Our fourth graders will be walking down to the cemetery that day, to remember and pray for the dead. Some of them, though not officially canonized, may even be Saints themselves. 

Like the Saints, our faith here at SMV is alive and vibrant, and we hope that through it, all of us will one day join them in that eternal communion with God in heaven. 

God Bless,

Siggy Spelter


School Office Notes

All Saints Day

The School Office will be closed during the 8:00am Mass on Friday, November 1st, for this Holy Day of Obligation.

The annual Saints Museum will also take place that Friday. Parents and extended family members are welcome to stop by and and see middle school student presentations about the Saints. This will take place from 1:00 - 2:30pm in the Gym.

SMV Trivia Night

It's time to register for SMV Trivia Night! This always-popular fundraiser event will soon be here. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 16th. Here is a link to the registration form with more information. Any questions, please contact Chris or Maggie Lewis

Votes You'll Want to Cast - Early and Often!

As you're aware, we have a partnership with Cristo Rey Jesuit High School whereby we have some of their students come to SMV each week to help our teachers and students. This work study program has been a win-win partnership.

One of our SMV parents will be donning his dancing shoes as part of a Cristo Rey fundraising event and could use our help! Dr. Matt Mathai, also known as Dad to Eva, Mariam and Rose, is participating in the Milwaukee Stars Merengue competition!

How can we help him win? Vote! (A nominal fee is required.) There's no limit to how many times you may vote, and voting is open now! Here is the link to more information about the event and the voting links. The competition takes place on November 9th. Good luck to Dr. Mathai!

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting:



Afterschool Care Info

2024-25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

Hot Lunch - Ordo site

School Staff Emails and Class Websites

Facility Request Form

Immunization Form

Playground Signup

Cafeteria Signup

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

2024-25 School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

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Save the Date

October 25th - Field Trip - Retzer Nature Center, 6th & 7th grades

October 25th - Pumpkin Decorating Contest; Spooks and Spoofs

October 30th - Student Pep Rally for Volleyball

October 31st - Halloween Classroom parties

November 1st - All Saints Day - All School Mass; Saints Museum

The Home & School Elegant Farmer pie and ham sale fundraiser will be taking place again this year! Ordering information and the payment link will be available next week. Orders must be picked up at school on November 26th. More info coming soon!

A few more pictures of pumpkins to inspire you for the Pumpkin Carving Contest on Friday!

Spooks and Spoofs

It's the night we've all been waiting for!! Spooks & Spoofs is taking place tomorrow night from 5:00-7:30pm at school. 

As a reminder, a bounce house, games, crafts, and a haunted adventure will be accessible to those with a pre-paid wristband (sent home with your youngest/only child).  Tickets can still be purchased on Friday night for $13 per child. Adults and children 2 years old and under are free.

Pizza, baked treats and beverages will be available for purchase that evening as well. 

Thank you to the many volunteers signed up to help on Friday! We couldn't do it without you! There are still a few critical volunteer spots we'd love to have filled, namely Security and  additional Clean up help. Please consider joining us and ensuring a fun and safe evening for all! Link to sign up: Spooks & Spoofs Adult Volunteers

Show off your creativity during the pumpkin decorating or costume contests!  Please drop off pumpkins in the school atrium Friday, October 25th before school starts. Tables will be set up by age categories. Please write your full name and grade in permanent marker on the bottom of your pumpkin or gourd.  

Awards will be given for the 'Spookiest' and 'Most Creative' costumes at 6:30pm the night of the event. Must be present to win. 

There will be music, food and spooky fun for all--join us for a wicked ghoul time!

Schedule of Events

Pumpkin Decorating Contest

SMV Athletics

SMV Basketball

It's just a couple of weeks until SMV basketball season! Practices will begin starting November 10th.

Last Chance to order Basketball Spirit Wear! Products. The sale was extended, but closes today, October 24th, at 11:59pm. Please see here for products and to place an order.

If you have not already, PLEASE Register ASAP as we need to solidify how many teams we will have per grade! 

SMV Athletics Registration (


We are looking forward to a fun season!


The Seton Volleyball Championships

Congratulations to our 8th Grade Girls & our 8th Grade Boys volleyball teams! Both teams will be playing in The Seton. Please plan to come out and cheer on the 8th Graders! If you or your SMV student loves to cheer on our Gladiators, please BE THE GLADIATOR and lead our cheering section. Please contact Rebecca Mindy if you’re interested in wearing The Gladiator costume for some matches.


Tournament Schedule (specific match times TBD) We’ll share updates as the tournament progresses. Please also visit: 

  • Boys Pool Play: Monday, October 28, 5:30-9:30 – Milwaukee Sting Center
  • Girls Pool Play (Div. 1): Wednesday, October 30, 5:30-9:30 – Milwaukee Sting Center
  • Boys 2nd Round: Thursday, October 31, 7:30-9:30 – Milwaukee Sting Center
  • Girls 2nd & 3rd Round: Friday, November 1, 5:30-9:30 – Milwaukee Sting Center
  • Boys 3rd Round: Friday, November 1, 7:30-9:30 – Milwaukee Sting Center
  • Boys Semi Finals: Saturday, November 9, 2:00-4:00 – Catholic Memorial High School
  • Girls Semi Finals: Saturday, November 9, 6:00-8:00 – Catholic Memorial High School
  • Boys Final Four: Saturday, November 10, 2:00-4:00 – Catholic Memorial High School
  • Girls Final Four: Sunday November 10, 6:00-8:00 – Catholic Memorial High School

Important Information for Spectators

Below are the guides for spectators of all the polices and logistic for the 2024 Elizabeth Seton Volleyball Championships. Please read this important information.

English edition

Spanish edition


What is The Seton?

Since 2006, the Elizabeth Seton Volleyball Championships has served as the largest 8th grade tournament in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The Seton is volleyball's equivalent to the Padre Serra basketball tournament, bringing together schools from seven conferences throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. The invitation-only tournament consists of three divisions containing 68 total teams, including both "A" and "B" teams (48 girls teams in two divisions and 20 boys teams in a single division), competing in 156 matches over seven days. The Seton is unlike any other tournament most players will experience in middle school, and it is a great way for the 8th graders to cap their school careers! The Seton supports Waukesha County Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance Fund, the Foundation for Religious Retirement and Waukesha Catholic Athletics.

Parish/Community News

Encounter Chesterton Academy! Join us on Sunday, November 3rd for our Open House.

Chesterton Academy is the 16th Catholic high school to join the archdiocese and part of the growing Chesterton Schools Network of nearly 70 high schools around the world. We offer nationally ranked academic success, competitive WIAA athletics programming, and above all, a vibrant community of faith. By design, we offer limited class sizes, so we encourage students to apply by our prioirty deadline! If you'd like to learn more about Chesterton Academy, register for our Open House held on Sunday, November 3rd at 1:00 PM or schedule a shadow visit. Join the adventure today!

The SMV 2nd grade Brownies earned their “art and design” badge at Cream City Clay in West Allis last night. They got a tour of the ceramics studio, got to ask questions with a local artist, and make their own hanging planters. See attached pics. It was such a fun and educational night for them!

H & S and Community Links

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Brookfield Public Library

Elm Grove Library - October

Piano Lessons at SMV

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