Our second grade classes did a wonderful performance of the Living Nativity before Christmas!

St. Mary's Visitation Parish School's Mission Statement

St. Mary's Visitation Catholic Parish School exists to direct children toward God and toward Christian Service to society through Catholic religious formation, academic challenge, and continuous improvement.

Happy New Year!

Dear Families,

A school year is different than a calendar year. We all had our new year back in late August. For a school, some abstract computation, like 2024 for example, is in many ways just a number; whereas our unit plans, seating arrangements, classroom routines, and relationships built with students, are so much more real and lasting. Still, the break with Christmas and New Year’s, and the turning of the calendar, can in many ways feel like the start of something different. It's like we’ve already been swimming in the pool and are thoroughly soaked, but we haven’t jumped off the diving board yet. It is that excitement that we all come back with-we’re refreshed, we’ve reflected, and we all have a thing or two we are now willing to try.

Soon, there will be a lot of interesting and exciting things going on, and we can’t wait to tell you all about them. For now just know that we are rested and eager to say “Welcome Back.” It is good to be here

God bless.

Mr. Siggy Spelter


Please see this week's Love One Another Blog by Archbishop Listecki, on He is my guide, my friend and supporter.

All of our Living Nativity participants.

School Office Notes

A New Year's Resolution -

Return those Library Books!

If getting organized and cleaning house is one of your resolutions, good for you! You can help us out as well by looking for and returning any library books. Our shelves are emptier than they should be right now.

Please go through those rooms and backpacks and bring back the books. We appreciate your help with this.

Thank you Mrs. Lambie!

Mrs. Gina Lambie has been the Coordinator of our After School Care program for a number of years. She is stepping away from that role and with working in ASC at this time to focus on her health. We may see her back in some capacity in the future. We hope so and wish her all the best!

Job Opening - After School Care

St. Mary's Visitation is seeking someone who enjoys working with and caring for children to join our After School Care (ASC) program. Responsibilities include supervising, engaging and caring for students of all ages from 2:30pm until 6:00pm, during full school days only.

Applicants must be 16 years of age or older. Anyone over 18 must have completed the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Training prior to starting the role.

The position open is for Wednesdays and Fridays - approximately 7 hours/week.

Please contact the School Office or call 262-782-7057 for more information.

Congratulations to our 8th grade MUHS scholarship recipients! - Owen Scheidt, Jakob Warren, and Joseph McDevitt

Permanent Links

Attendance Reporting:

attendance@stmaryeg.org or


2023-24 Calendar

2023-24 Parent/Student Handbook

School Website

After School Care

Immunization Form

Non-Prescription Medication

Prescription Medication

Peanut Free Snacks

Cafeteria Duty Sign Up

Playground Duty Sign Up

Volunteers - Safe Environment Training

School Supply Lists

School Uniforms

Bus - Go Riteway:

elmbrook@goriteway.com or


Save the Date

January 6th - Epiphany

January 8th - Order deadline for pizza

January 10th - Spirit Wear

January 12th - Pizza Lunch

January 15th - MAP testing begins

Lotsa Love for Llama Llama!

MAP Testing

Just a reminder that our Winter 2023-2024 Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing will start Monday, January 15th and run through Wednesday, January 24th. Teachers make their own schedules as to when their class tests during the day. It is most helpful if you can help your child to be well-rested and in attendance on these dates. Thank you.

Order your Pizza Lunch Now!

The January Pizza Friday lunch is next week! Order by Monday, January 8th. Use the QR code above or this link to order.

Jr High Dance

Students in grades 6-8 should save the date! Mark January 20, 2024, on your calendars. More details coming soon!

Auction for Education 2024

The auction team is busy planning our tailgate extravaganza! During this holiday season we ask you to think of SMV. Did you receive a gift basket with trinkets you will never use? Did you receive a gift card for a place you don't frequent? These are perfect donations for our Auction. No need to break out the check book and no item is too small. We all get gifts we will never use...let's put that to use for the kids. Questions? Contact auction@stmaryeg.org

Please see the auction site below for more details on how to donate. Thank you! https://one.bidpal.net/smvwisconsin

SMV Athletics

SMV Basketball

Please see here for the upcoming games scheduled at the SMV gym. More updates will appear here throughout the season. Good luck to all our teams this coming weekend!

SMV/Parish/Community News

Elm Grove Library Winter Reading Program

The official activity of “Stay Inside Season” returns! The Elm Grove Library Winter

Reading Program runs from December 21 – March 18. Pick up your game card at the

library, track your reading, and stack up entries all season long. Where else can you

win prizes just for reading!? Open to everyone ages 16 and up.


Your child’s earliest baseball experience makes all the difference! 

  • Daily “hands on” training from Coach Bob Heinkel! (He has trained over 12,000 players throughout his 40+ years of coaching baseball!)
  • More skill learning! More teaching gear for action! More FUN!
  • Up-tempo learning at each child’s level with professional instruction!
  • Upward Baseball builds up youngsters like no other program: athletically, mentally, socially, and spiritually!
  • Registration is now open! Take advantage of the “early bird” price!

For registration information: click here .

Pius XI Winter Youth Dance Clinic -

Friday, January 19th

Join Pius XI's award-winning Varsity Poms team for a winter youth dance clinic on Friday, January 19th from 4:30 - 8:00pm at the Pius XI Field House. Participants will learn a short dance routine and have the opportunity to perform it that same night at the Varsity basketball game. Open to all K4 - 8th graders. Event fee of $35 includes pizza dinner, t-shirt, poms, and hair bow. More information included on the flyer. Register by January 10th by visiting: http://bit.ly/xipoms-clinic. Direct questions to Coach Karyn Schlacter at piusxipoms@gmail.com

Our 8th grade student carolers.

H & S and Community Links

Box Tops

Participating Products

Caroline Heights Construction Updates

Elm Grove Library

Brookfield Library Newsletter

Piano Lessons at SMV

Prayer Requests

Respect Life - The Matter of Life

SCRIP Fundraising Info

 Mission & Catholic Identity

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