Happy New Year!
Dear Families,
A school year is different than a calendar year. We all had our new year back in late August. For a school, some abstract computation, like 2024 for example, is in many ways just a number; whereas our unit plans, seating arrangements, classroom routines, and relationships built with students, are so much more real and lasting. Still, the break with Christmas and New Year’s, and the turning of the calendar, can in many ways feel like the start of something different. It's like we’ve already been swimming in the pool and are thoroughly soaked, but we haven’t jumped off the diving board yet. It is that excitement that we all come back with-we’re refreshed, we’ve reflected, and we all have a thing or two we are now willing to try.
Soon, there will be a lot of interesting and exciting things going on, and we can’t wait to tell you all about them. For now just know that we are rested and eager to say “Welcome Back.” It is good to be here
God bless.
Mr. Siggy Spelter
Please see this week's Love One Another Blog by Archbishop Listecki, on He is my guide, my friend and supporter.