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SN's Ajera Virtual User Group: Managing WIP for Accurate Reporting, Part 2

Real-life examples and best practices to improve your Work-In-Progress (WIP) Management.

Wednesday, September 14

10:30 a.m. PDT / 1:30 p.m. EDT

Duration: 60 Minutes

CPE: 1 NASBA Credit


SN's Ajera User Group, where like-minded individuals from project-based firms converge for the opportunity to learn, collaborate, and most importantly, grow. We're bringing together thought leaders in Architecture & Engineering, finance, and technology to help you map out your future.

WIP management is a big topic. We took a bite out of it in our August user group (watch the on-demand version if you missed the live session), and we will round out the discussion this month. Our team has had the opportunity to work with many Ajera users to develop WIP management processes and policies. 

Let us share our Best Practice WIP Management policy with you as well as some tips and tricks we have learned along the way to best manage your WIP.

During this event, you'll learn:


Valerie Higgins-2019-Ajera-Badge.jpg

Valerie Higgins

Connie Haakinson

  • How to use billing review reporting to alert the team when projects may be over budget.

  • Why we recommend requiring documentation from your PMs regarding WIP changes.

  • Why waiting to manage WIP at the end of a project may be problematic.

Stambaugh Ness is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

For more information regarding refund, concerns, and program cancellation policies, please contact

Bring your creative ideas to the group as well - we welcome your

ideas and participation throughout the meeting.

Do you have a REALLY AWESOME idea to share?

Email Val to talk about co-presenting opportunities.



On-Demand Ajera Training Classes

Join us for one of our upcoming LIVE presentations or purchase a previously recorded course on-demand, the choice is yours.

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Stambaugh Ness is a multi-discipline family of companies serving clients in the architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, and professional services industries.