California Region
Mission Advancement Egram
July 24, 2020 


...celebrating the sacraments during the pandemic

The Holy Spirit can be neither shuttered nor masked!  Preparation for the sacraments has always been a ministry dear to the Sisters of Notre Dame and our Associates.  Although many sacramental celebrations were postponed during the spring, parishes are finding unique and meaningful ways to serve parishioners' spiritual growth.

Sr. Joyanne Sullivan, Director of RCIA and Adult Education at St. Dominic's Parish in Eagle Rock, was converted from a non-techie to a Zoom afficiando.  She found that You-Tube presentations with time for a week's reflection yielded rich conversations.  Now that the church is no longer available, the school courtyard is becoming an outdoor sanctuary for Baptism, Matrimony, Confirmation and First Communion.  As she said, "you just need to think outside the box."  Sr. Joyanne is shown in the photo to the right in Confirmation colors!

Instruction via Facetime?  Sr. M. Frances Wahl, a religion teacher at Notre Dame Academy, has journeyed with St. Paul the Apostle Church catechumen Rama Bauer during the last 6 months, most recently through Facetime.  Their last in-person gathering was the Rite of Election at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral on March 1.  Rama chose July 22 as his baptismal day, and how fitting that the Gospel reading was the resurrection story!  Also shown in the picture is Fr. Gerard Tully, C.S.P., St. Paul's Associate Pastor.

...helping deepen your connections with God, self and others

SND Associate Jenny Ocegueda-Reynosa, a bilingual facilitator for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in the Diaconate Formation Program since 2006, is pleased to announce a new website which outlines spiritual development programs she offers.  Vida en Abundancia (Abundant Life) is a two-year program in Spanish or English for human and spiritual formation.  It consists of modules on different topics that foster self-understanding and self-acceptance, personal freedom, healing from past emotional wounds and inner peace. 

Information on the website includes a complete outline of the program and registration information.  Jenny looks forward to "the opportunity to earn your trust and to provide you with a program of growth, personal fulfillment and to achieve more freedom, peace and self-acceptance."    For further information, visit the website or email Jenny directly.
...cherishing a bright spot in a very difficult summer  

"I registered my son for La Reina's online summer school because I knew he would get an incredibly high-quality course. He would not have access to this quality of coursework at his current school in Tennessee. As a La Reina alum, I knew I could trust the content he would be receiving, and I hope La Reina continues to offer distance learning options. He looks forward to an opportunity to visit the campus in the future and meet Mrs. Robin Privat and Mrs. Dana Coppa in person because he had such a positive experience."
Courtney Pelant Herda, LRHS '02, Knoxville, Tennessee

"My son participated in La Reina's summer program because nothing gave me greater joy than knowing he could be a part of the LRHS tradition, even in a small way. The 7th grade study skills class was a real challenge for me as I started La Reina. I know that my English classes and that study skills class forever changed me as a student. I wanted those same experiences for my son. Having access to it virtually was a bright spot in a very difficult summer."                                   Melissa McCabe Navaroli, LRHS '02, Temecula, California
...catching up on on the reruns

Just in case you missed them...not exactly your usual "summer reruns."  Enjoy!

An engaging, bite-sized update on the Uganda Mission.  Learn more about the history, as well as the urgent need for a deep water well that serves the entire community. Together we can facilitate access to clean water for 20,000 students, staff, and villagers around the St. Julie Mission. 

Interview with Sr. Colette Theobald, head-teacher at St. Julie's Mission in Buseesa, Uganda

From the formation of a groundbreaking Model Primary School to offering a complete academic path serving preschool through A-level (junior college), we celebrate 25 years of missionary service to Uganda, Africa. Find out how the educational and spiritual traditions of the Sisters of Notre Dame are making a lasting difference in this recorded Mission Advancement Update featuring Sr. Colette Theobald, a current member of the East Africa Delegation leadership team.

Congratulations to Sr. Anncarla Costello, Chancellor for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles

On completion of her term as California Provincial Superior, Sr. Anncarla Costello assumed the role of Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, which houses 4.7 million Catholics. Sr. Anncarla continues a nearly 100-year tradition of SND service in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Congratulations to Sr. Rebekah Kennedy, Member of the Province Leadership Team for SND USA

California native, Sr. Rebekah Kennedy was installed as a member of the first SND-USA Provincial Leadership Team. In this video you can learn more about Sr. Rebekah and the launch of SND-USA.