Mission Advancement Egram | December 15, 2016
JOLLY PHONICS:  opening the door to literacy


The Sisters of Notre Dame gratefully acknowledge a grant from the FSC Foundation for "Jolly Phonics" Starter Kits.  These materials will be used to promote students' language skills in 5 poor schools in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.  Sr. Colette Theobald, education coordinator, observed that the national teachers are unfamiliar with phonics, yet this skill is vital for English literacy and crucial for future studies.  The governments of these countries require phonics in the school curricula, yet this subject is not taught in teacher-training programs in colleges or universities.  

The 1,280 pupils in these schools come from families whose income is approximately $3 per day.   The SNDs are also grateful to the FSC Foundation for their previous support for the SND Uganda mission:

In 1997 - for materials for English language development

In 2003 - for water tanks for Notre Dame Academy Secondary School

In 2006 - for science lab materials for Notre Dame Academy Secondary School  

NDA ALUMS:  young women making a difference

Sue Morgan, NDA Alumnae Director, congratulates Tina Tankalakis.
Two inspiring alumnae of Notre Dame Academy were honored on Saturday, December 10 at the Alumnae Christmas Open House. 
Jenny Girard Malley '87 received the Sr. Mary Aloysia Service in Education Award.    She currently serves as the Co-Director of Campus Ministry at Holy Names University in Oakland, striving to connect justice with faith in all that she does.

Tina Tankalakis '98, founder of Della, received the Alumnae Leadership in Service Award.
  Della, a fashion line handcrafted in Ghana, is driven by awareness of the need for a global market that provides socially-responsible, quality products.

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The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.   We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email  
SC LAMP:  spiffing up!  

Several SNDs and Associates (Bruce Kelly on the left and Kevin McNamara on the right) helped at LAMP's Beautification Day on December 3.  Raking, painting, scrubbing, weeding, planting--amidst the laughter and just a few muscle aches!   SC LAMP (South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project) works to empower families through education--enhancing parenting skills, improving English literacy and preparing pre-schoolers for school and later success in life.   Follow this link to learn more.
Message to our readers:  mustard seeds for reflection

Dear Friends,
Amidst the Christmas hustle and bustle, as we invite Jesus to be born again in our hearts, we also know that ordinary time will roll around.  We need to know that our gift-giving has long-term benefits.   Experience tells us that gift-giving warms the hearts of the giver.  In the words of St. Francis, it is in giving that we receive.
Through these Egrams, we hope that you have seen the long-term benefits of your support for the Sisters of Notre Dame.   "Gifts that keep on giving" summarizes the ripple effect of your kindness as you become our partners in mission.

Tribute Gifts are just that--gifts that keep on giving!   A gift to our Tribute Fund (this Christmas or for any special occasion) will enhance the life-giving services that the Sisters of Notre Dame provide, such as aid for
* Those seeking spiritual guidance and fulfillment
* Those suffering from spiritual, emotional or physical poverty--such as trafficking victims, immigrants, prisoners, the grieving
* Pre-school, elementary and high school students in Uganda, who will benefit from quality education in values and faith formation, academics and leadership

A seasonal card will be sent to your honoree, indicating your name and the designated use of your gift.  Follow this link to get started, and select Tribute Gift.  And thank you for choosing to be a partner with the Sisters of Notre Dame.  On behalf of all of us and those we are privileged to serve, we offer our heartfelt gratitude and we wish you abundant Advent and Christmas graces.

Blessings always,
Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D. 
Director of Mission Advancement Services
Click here & start running with purpose!
Register * Sponsor * Volunteer
Third Annual Nun Run
Saturday, February 4, 2017

The third annual Nun Run will support the SND Life & Ministry Fund and the SND outreach to more than 10,000 people each year--through education, health care, faith formation, spiritual development and social ministries. 

NEW THIS YEAR is the Community Service Fair--non-profit organizations will host booths to share information about their respective missions, programs and volunteer opportunities.   We are pleased to announce these groups that have already confirmed their participation:

South Central LAMP | St. Jude Loaves and Fishes | Third Ministries

And special thanks to our recent Nun Run volunteers:  Carol Brookhart, Terri Bond, Sandy Elias, Maryellen Emma, Mary Ann Furlong, Mary Anne Hedrick, Richard Interrante, Lisa Shafran and Christiana Thomas.  Questions/ideas?  Contact Anne Interrante, Associate Director of Mission Advancement by email or at 805-917-3730.  See you on February 4th!     
                                     Thank you for partnering with the Sisters of Notre Dame!
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