Mission Advancement Egram | December 21, 2017
blessed with protection and concern

Last Sunday, we were touched by the procession which traveled through Thousand Oaks, honoring Cory Iverson, the firefighter who lost his life fighting the Thomas Fire.  Several sisters showed our corporate respect and gratitude for our civic first-responders by joining the crowds on a freeway overpass as the procession passed by.  Follow this link for additional photos of this memorable moment.  

Although the fires have not come near our Notre Dame Center, we know students and their families, colleagues, friends and Associates who have suffered through evacuations and property loss.  For decades, we have prayed each day "for divine protection on all of our houses, Sisters, Associates, students and families," and we also offer our gratitude to all of our first-responders and to all who have contacted us, expressing their concern for our safety.   
PLANTING HOPE,  SEPH partners touching lives!

Surrounded by books and instructional materials, the smiles of Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski (program director), Sr. Anncarla Costello and Sr. Antoinette Marie Moon show their excitement at a SEPH blessing ceremony.

As SEPH (Sembrando Esperanza/Planting Hope) has opened its doors to the children of La Colonia in Oxnard, the Sisters of Notre Dame wish to thank our volunteers and partners whose generosity is making this free service possible.

Children's Mentors
Margi Cosgrove
Sr. Shawn Marie Doyle, SND
Annabelle Gordon
Liz Loll
Margaret Rogers

Advising Organizations
Guadalupe Community Center, Canoga Park - Skip Wrightson
Many Mansions, Thousand Oaks - Coreen Ellrott
Notre Dame Urban Education Center, Covington, Kentucky - Sr. Reinette Kroeger, SND

Organizations for very generous donations-in-kind
Loaves & Fishes - St. Jude the Apostle Parish, Westlake Village | Snacks
St. Mary Magdalen School & Families, Camarillo | Instructional materials & supplies
Santa Clara Elementary School, Oxnard | Instructional materials & supplies
Sisters of Notre Dame - Covington, Kentucky | Handmade aprons

Click here for additional individuals who have helped launch SEPH.

For information about volunteering, email Sr. Cristina at .  Cash d onations may be made  online , indicating the Life & Ministry Fund and SEPH in the comment field, or mailed to the SND Mission Advancement Office, indicating SEPH in the memo line of the check.  Follow this link for the current SEPH Wish List .   

run with purpose & passion 

Saturday, February 3, 2018 - just 6 weeks away!

Introducing the Nun Run Fair-Trade Marketplace

The Sisters of Notre Dame maintain a commitment to wor king toward justice, peace and integrity of creation all year round, in everything they do.  In keeping with this mission, we are pleased to announce a Fair-Trade Marketplace at the Nun Run. Our vendors support sustainable environmental practices, just treatment of workers, long-term solutions to systemic poverty, and empowerment of women and girls.  These vendors will join the Community Service Fair and we welcome them to this great event!

Quality, unique handmade gifts support cooperatives in Bangladesh, Central America, and Mexico

Featuring a variety of fair trade vendors and advocacy information

products made from UPCYCLED rice bags by people recovering from or at great risk of being trafficked as modern-day slaves

The fourth annual Nun Run will support the SND outreach to more than 10,000 people each year through education, health care, faith formation, spiritual development and social ministries.  

Start building your Nun Run Team!  And  congratulations to the top 5 teams as of today:

First place:  Horan Sisters & Friends
Tied for Second place:  The Hanson Family and the Italian Catholic Federation
Tied for Third place:  St. Catherine of Siena School and SND Associates

Do you know a business that might be interested in sponsorship or a non-profit organization interested in participating in the community service fair???   Please email that information to Jen Coito or call her at 805-917-3730.  Also contact her if you have registered and now want to join a team.
recognized for service above self

Patty Tudman recently received the Howard B. Stroud Community Service Award from the Foundation for Excellence in Public Education, Clarke County, Georgia.  This award recognizes a school district staff member who places the good of the students and the district above the advancement of self.  Patty attributes this recognition to the example of the SNDs, "I would never have received this award without the lessons I learned from the SND's at La Reina or from my church family at United Methodist Church of Westlake Village."   
Read more.
The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.   We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at .  
CHRISTMAS, a time of joy and peace

Dear Friends,

The contents of this egram reflect so many moments that we have experienced in the last month, moments that invited us to trust God's provident care, to celebrate new beginnings and to rejoice in the dedication of our partners.  On behalf of more than 1,900 Sisters of Notre Dame around the world, we offer our profound gratitude to each of you.  Thank you for including us in your prayer intentions and for your generous financial support.  We ask that God will bless you with abundant joy and peace during this time of Christmas and New Year's celebrations!      

Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services 
Quick Links  
SND Mission Advancement Egram   April, 2017 | May, 2017 |
June, 2017 | July, 2017 |  August, 2017 | September, 2017 | October, 2017 |
November, 2017

Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:  Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, Jen Coito, Sarah Marcuse, Nancy Moravec and Lisa Stupar