Mission Advancement Egram | November 30, 2017
SEPH opens to La Colonia children

The first participants of SEPH (Sembrando Esperanza, Planting Hope) found an inviting environment and caring volunteers when this new outreach ministry welcomed its first children on Tuesday, November 28.

In the top photo, SND Associate Annabelle Gordon reads to Gerry, while Edgar (below) pauses from his studies.

According to Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, SEPH Director, parents, children, teachers, volunteers and civic agencies such as the Oxnard Police Department have welcomed this new venture to the La Colonia area of Oxnard.   She noted, "we are so grateful to be able to provide these children with free opportunities, guidance and the motivation that they might not have otherwise."

Thank you to our generous donors who have already invested in these children, truly making a difference in their lives!   For information about volunteering, email Sr. Cristina at Donations may be made  online , indicating the Life & Ministry Fund and SEPH in the comment field, or mailed to the SND Mission Advancement Office, indicating SEPH in the memo line of the check.  Follow this link for the current SEPH Wish List .   

caring for those who have cared for us

December traditionally brings the collection for the National Religious Retirement Fund to parishes throughout the United States.   The SNDs are deeply grateful for this support and for all of our donors making direct donations to our retirement fund for our senior members.  This year, we are proud to have Sr. Mary Ann Hanson  from the California province featured on the publicity poster for this collection-- shown in the foreground on the right.

Why is this appeal so  important?  The average annual Social Security benefit for a religious is $6,116, while the average U.S. beneficiary receives $16,321.  Donations help to bridge this gap and provide essential services, including dental, vision and hearing care.   Be assured of the prayerful good wishes of the senior SNDs.
run with purpose & passion

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The fourth annual Nun Run will support the SND outreach to more than 10,000 people each year through education, health care, faith formation, spiritual development and social ministries.  

Start building your Nun Run Team!  And  congratulations to the top 5 teams as of today:

First place:  Horan Sisters & Friends
Tied for Second place:  The Hanson Family and the Italian Catholic Federation
Tied for Third place:  Da Fam Bam and St. Catherine of Siena School

And a special welcome to our newest teams:

SND Associates
Notre Dame Learning Center Preschool
Notre Dame Schools of Los Angeles
The Rocking Eagles

Do you know a business that might be interested in sponsorship or a non-profit organization interested in participating in the community service fair???   Please email that information to Jen Coito or call her at 805-917-3730.

servant of the people of God

In his current assignment at St. Mel's Parish in Woodland Hills, Deacon Brian Conroy spends his time tending to parishioners' pastoral needs...."my roots in the diaconate go back to my association with the Sisters of Notre Dame at St. Rose of Lima in Simi Valley.  I fondly remember Sr. Teresita Keliher who was the Director of Religious Education at the time."

The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.   We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at .  
and our hearts are full of gratitude!

Dear Friends,

The month of November comes to a close with many reasons for us to thank God and to thank you, our donors and friends.   Your prayerful support and generosity enable us to 
  • provide spiritual guidance and opportunities for those seeking a more meaningful relationship with God, through Kindred Hearts Ministry, the SND Associates, and vocation discernment activities
  • establish new outreach ventures such as SEPH 
  • look forward to the 20th anniversary of the opening of St. Julie's School in Buseesa, Uganda (this coming February)
  • provide pleasant and comfortable surroundings for our retired sisters
In particular, we wish to thank several donors who have recently made contributions through their required minimum IRA distribution.  For further information, please consult a financial adviser; this link summarizes some of the technical information.  The SND IRS tax identification number is 95-2005867.

Thank you again and know that the Sisters of Notre
Dame will carry each of you in special prayer during the coming days of Advent.

Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services 
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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:  Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, Jen Coito, Sarah Marcuse, and Lisa Stupar.